

c# Programming Glossary: this.creategraphics

parallel openmp c#


DialogResult.OK path openFileDialog1.FileName Graphics g this.CreateGraphics g.Clear this.BackColor Bitmap curBitmap new Bitmap path g.DrawImage.. e if path openimage mack image gray scale Graphics g this.CreateGraphics g.Clear this.BackColor Create a Bitmap object bm new Bitmap..

Draw a rectangle using Winforms


object sender MouseEventArgs e Graphics g this.CreateGraphics Pen pen new Pen Color.Black 2 g.DrawRectangle pen 100 100 100..

C# graphics flickering


object sender EventArgs e bmG Graphics.FromImage bm xG this.CreateGraphics bmG.Clear Color.White private void Form1_MouseDown object..

How do I determine the true pixel size of my Monitor in .NET?


of Graphics PointF dpi PointF.Empty using Graphics g this.CreateGraphics dpi.X g.DpiX dpi.Y g.DpiY Oh wait You wanted actual hold a ruler..

convert windows form to pdf file


filename System.IO.Path.GetTempFileName Graphics g1 this.CreateGraphics Image MyImage new Bitmap this.ClientRectangle.Width this.ClientRectangle.Height..

How to get Windows Display settings?


inch. Read it like so float dpiX dpiY Graphics graphics this.CreateGraphics dpiX graphics.DpiX dpiY graphics.DpiY I don't think it's possible..