

c# Programming Glossary: this.backcolor

Drawing a transparent button


ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw ControlStyles.UserPaint true this.BackColor Color.Transparent protected override void OnPaint PaintEventArgs.. true SetStyle ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw true this.BackColor Color.Transparent protected override void OnPaint PaintEventArgs..

C# vertical label in a winform


this.Width Graphics G Graphics.FromImage img G.Clear this.BackColor SolidBrush brush_text new SolidBrush this.ForeColor G.TextRenderingHint..

How to read the Color of a Screen Pixel


new Point GetCursorPos ref cursor var c GetColorAt cursor this.BackColor c if c.R c.G c.G 64 c.B 128 MessageBox.Show Blue Bitmap..

parallel openmp c#


Graphics g this.CreateGraphics g.Clear this.BackColor Bitmap curBitmap new Bitmap path g.DrawImage curBitmap 200 220.. image gray scale Graphics g this.CreateGraphics g.Clear this.BackColor Create a Bitmap object bm new Bitmap path Draw image with no..

Resize WinForm, with no border?


cGrip cGrip cGrip ControlPaint.DrawSizeGrip e.Graphics this.BackColor rc rc new Rectangle 0 0 this.ClientSize.Width 32 e.Graphics.FillRectangle..

Draw semi transparent overlay image all over the windows form having some controls


class Plexiglass Form public Plexiglass Form tocover this.BackColor Color.DarkGray this.Opacity 0.30 Tweak as desired this.FormBorderStyle..

Sample using MSCHART in C#


LineCurvesChartType this.BackColor System.Drawing.Color.White this.Controls.Add this.label3 this.Controls.Add..

C# Picturebox transparent background doesn't seem to work


1 1 this.SizeMode PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage this.BackColor System.Drawing.Color.Transparent this however just displays..

How to create a transparent control which works when on top of other controls?


SetStyle ControlStyles.SupportsTransparentBackColor true this.BackColor Color.Transparent. Now this works if there are no controls between..

Winforms: Making a control transparent


true SetStyle ControlStyles.Opaque true this.BackColor Color.Transparent public int Opacity get if m_opacity 100.. else bckColor new SolidBrush Color.FromArgb alpha this.BackColor if this.BackColor Color.Transparent drag g.FillRectangle.. new SolidBrush Color.FromArgb alpha this.BackColor if this.BackColor Color.Transparent drag g.FillRectangle bckColor bounds bckColor.Dispose..