c# Programming Glossary: this.handle
Treeview flickering? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10362988/treeview-flickering override void OnHandleCreated EventArgs e SendMessage this.Handle TVM_SETEXTENDEDSTYLE IntPtr TVS_EX_DOUBLEBUFFER IntPtr TVS_EX_DOUBLEBUFFER..
C# - Capture screenshot of active window http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1163761/c-sharp-capture-screenshot-of-active-window img capture this window and save it sc.CaptureWindowToFile this.Handle C temp2.gif ImageFormat.Gif http www.developerfusion.com code..
Avoiding the woes of Invoke/BeginInvoke in cross-thread WinForm event handling? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1364116/avoiding-the-woes-of-invoke-begininvoke-in-cross-thread-winform-event-handling this.Name if this.IsHandleCreated this.CreateHandle return this.HandleInternal This by itself is not so bad regardless of my opinions.. this.IsHandleCreated throw ... do more stuff PostMessage this.Handle ... The issue here is that from another thread I can successfully..
Topmost form, clicking “through” possible? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1524035/topmost-form-clicking-through-possible OnShown EventArgs e base.OnShown e int wl GetWindowLong this.Handle GWL.ExStyle wl wl 0x80000 0x20 SetWindowLong this.Handle GWL.ExStyle.. this.Handle GWL.ExStyle wl wl 0x80000 0x20 SetWindowLong this.Handle GWL.ExStyle wl SetLayeredWindowAttributes this.Handle 0 128.. this.Handle GWL.ExStyle wl SetLayeredWindowAttributes this.Handle 0 128 LWA.Alpha but it also was copied from somewhere else...
Comparing structs to null [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2022425/comparing-structs-to-null So I figured that I'd just add this line of code if this.Handle null BeginInvokeCode But that didn't solve the problem. So I.. which can't be nullable. This was the fix that worked if this.Handle IntPtr.Zero BeginInvokeCode So then it hit me why did it even..
How to add an extra button to the window's title bar? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2841180/how-to-add-an-extra-button-to-the-windows-title-bar override void OnHandleCreated EventArgs e SetWindowTheme this.Handle base.OnHandleCreated e protected override void WndProc ref..
Global hotkey in console application http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3654787/global-hotkey-in-console-application MessageWindow Form public MessageWindow _wnd this _hwnd this.Handle _windowReadyEvent.Set protected override void WndProc ref Message..
How can I customize the system menu of a Windows Form? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4615940/how-can-i-customize-the-system-menu-of-a-windows-form form's system window menu IntPtr hSysMenu GetSystemMenu this.Handle false Add a separator AppendMenu hSysMenu MF_SEPARATOR 0 string.Empty..
Register more than one hotkey with RegisterHotKey http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4704134/register-more-than-one-hotkey-with-registerhotkey public FormMain InitializeComponent Alt A RegisterHotKey this.Handle this.GetType .GetHashCode 1 int 'A' It works perfectly but my.. share improve this question RegisterHotKey this.Handle this.GetType .GetHashCode 1 int 'A' Don't use GetHashCode here...
Clipboard event C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/621577/clipboard-event-c-sharp viewer using _ClipboardViewerNext SetClipboardViewer this.Handle and then you will recieve the WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD message which..
Moving mouse cursor programmatically http://stackoverflow.com/questions/647236/moving-mouse-cursor-programmatically 2 p.y button1.Top button1.Height 2 Win32.ClientToScreen this.Handle ref p Win32.SetCursorPos p.x p.y This will move the mouse pointer..
How to append text to RichTextBox without scrolling and losing selection? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6547193/how-to-append-text-to-richtextbox-without-scrolling-and-losing-selection _SuspendLength this.SelectionLength SendMessage this.Handle EM_GETSCROLLPOS 0 ref _ScrollPoint SendMessage this.Handle WM_SETREDRAW.. this.Handle EM_GETSCROLLPOS 0 ref _ScrollPoint SendMessage this.Handle WM_SETREDRAW 0 IntPtr.Zero _EventMask SendMessage this.Handle.. WM_SETREDRAW 0 IntPtr.Zero _EventMask SendMessage this.Handle EM_GETEVENTMASK 0 IntPtr.Zero _Painting false public void ResumePainting..