

c# Programming Glossary: this.clientsize

Fade a panel- Windows forms


startFade 1 private void createBitmaps bmpBack new Bitmap this.ClientSize.Width this.ClientSize.Height using var gr Graphics.FromImage.. createBitmaps bmpBack new Bitmap this.ClientSize.Width this.ClientSize.Height using var gr Graphics.FromImage bmpBack gr.Clear this.Parent.BackColor.. override void OnResize EventArgs eventargs pbox.Size this.ClientSize base.OnResize eventargs protected override void Dispose bool..

BUG: Cant choose dates on a DatePicker that fall outside a floating VSTO Add-In


FormStartPosition.Manual monthCalendar1.Resize delegate this.ClientSize monthCalendar1.Size monthCalendar1.DateSelected monthCalendar1_DateSelected..

Parent form is bringing to front when the menu strip of a child form is clicked


6F 13F this.AutoScaleMode AutoScaleMode.Font this.ClientSize new System.Drawing.Size 284 262 this.Controls.Add this.menuStrip1..

TreeView child node populating problem


new TreeViewEventHandler TreeView_AfterExpand this.ClientSize new System.Drawing.Size 224 424 this.Controls.Add this._treeView..

Draw semi transparent overlay image all over the windows form having some controls


this.Location tocover.PointToScreen Point.Empty this.ClientSize tocover.ClientSize tocover.LocationChanged Cover_LocationChanged.. EventArgs e Ensure the plexiglass keeps the owner covered this.ClientSize this.Owner.ClientSize protected override void OnFormClosing..

Adding Text to DataGridView Row Header


this.AutoScaleMode System.Windows.Forms.AutoScaleMode.Font this.ClientSize new System.Drawing.Size 745 532 this.Controls.Add this.dataGridView1..