c# Programming Glossary: this.font
C# vertical label in a winform http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1371943/c-sharp-vertical-label-in-a-winform G.DrawString this.Name this.Font brush_text new Rectangle 0 0 img.Width img.Height format brush_text.Dispose..
WinForms Different DPI Layouts http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1850915/winforms-different-dpi-layouts rescaling logic protected override void OnLoad EventArgs e this.Font new Font this.Font.FontFamily this.Font.Size 120 96 base.OnLoad.. override void OnLoad EventArgs e this.Font new Font this.Font.FontFamily this.Font.Size 120 96 base.OnLoad e share improve..
C# WinForms - Smart TextBox Control to auto-Format Path length based on Textbox width http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2397860/c-sharp-winforms-smart-textbox-control-to-auto-format-path-length-based-on-tex TextRenderer.DrawText e.Graphics this.Text this.Font this.ClientRectangle this.ForeColor flags share improve this..
Recursive TreeView in ASP.NET http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2572721/recursive-treeview-in-asp-net
indicate truncation in ToolTipStatusLabel automatically http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2903172/indicate-truncation-in-tooltipstatuslabel-automatically TextRenderer.DrawText e.Graphics this.Text this.Font bounds this.ForeColor flags You'll need to do more work if..
How do I rotate a label in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/416897/how-do-i-rotate-a-label-in-c are going to write float width graphics.MeasureString text this.Font .Width float height graphics.MeasureString text this.Font .Height.. this.Font .Width float height graphics.MeasureString text this.Font .Height The radius is set to 0.9 of the width or height b'cos.. i float Math.PI graphics.DrawString text i .ToString this.Font textBrush 0 0 graphics.ResetTransform else for int i 0 i text.Length..
How to rotate Text in GDI+? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4421381/how-to-rotate-text-in-gdi 45 sz e.Graphics.MeasureString theString this.Font Offset the Drawstring method so that the center of the string.. string matches the center. e.Graphics.DrawString theString this.Font Brushes.Black sz.Width 2 sz.Height 2 Reset the graphics object..
c#, Rotated text align http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4460258/c-rotated-text-align onPaint method float width graphics.MeasureString Text this.Font .Width float height graphics.MeasureString Text this.Font .Height.. this.Font .Width float height graphics.MeasureString Text this.Font .Height double angle _rotationAngle 180 Math.PI graphics.TranslateTransform.. 2 graphics.RotateTransform 270f graphics.DrawString Text this.Font textBrush new PointF 0 0 stringFormat graphics.ResetTransform..
C# Can I display images in a list box? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/472897/c-sharp-can-i-display-images-in-a-list-box SizeF stringSize e.Graphics.MeasureString text this.Font e.Graphics.DrawString text this.Font new SolidBrush Color.White.. text this.Font e.Graphics.DrawString text this.Font new SolidBrush Color.White new PointF 5 e.Bounds.Y e.Bounds.Height..
Sample using MSCHART in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/509555/sample-using-mschart-in-c-sharp this.labelSampleComment this.Controls.Add this.chart1 this.Font new System.Drawing.Font Verdana 9F System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular..
Drawing text in .NET http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7268238/drawing-text-in-net