c# Programming Glossary: they'd
Arrays, heap and stack and value types http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1113819/arrays-heap-and-stack-and-value-types int's inside the array. As they are value types I'd guess they'd have to be boxed as I can for example pass myIntegers to other.. they were left on it all the time. Or am I wrong I'd guess they'd just be boxed and would live on the heap for as long the array..
Is there a workaround for generic type constraint of “special class” Enum in C# 3.0? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1404077/is-there-a-workaround-for-generic-type-constraint-of-special-class-enum-in-c-s . Members of the C# team have previously said they'd like to be able to support where T Enum and where T Delegate..
Overhead of a .NET array? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1589669/overhead-of-a-net-array 0. Other arrays will have a different layout for one thing they'd need the lower bound stored... So far this has been experimentation..
C# - Set Custom Path to Referenced DLL's? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1892492/c-sharp-set-custom-path-to-referenced-dlls way would be to set some sort of reference binary path so they'd all be auto copied to this subdir when I build and then be referenced..
Using lock statement within a loop in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2113261/using-lock-statement-within-a-loop-in-c-sharp would happen is you'd start up a bunch of worker threads they'd all throw exceptions and you'd end up with a running application..
Why IEnumerator of T inherts from IDisposable, but non-generic IEnumerator does NOT? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/232558/why-ienumerator-of-t-inherts-from-idisposable-but-non-generic-ienumerator-does have broken everyone's implementation of IEnumerator . If they'd worked out that it's useful for foreach to dispose of iterators..
Using Process.Start() to start a process as a different user from within a Windows Service http://stackoverflow.com/questions/362419/using-process-start-to-start-a-process-as-a-different-user-from-within-a-windo
Should we select VB.NET or C# when upgrading our legacy applications? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/507291/should-we-select-vb-net-or-c-sharp-when-upgrading-our-legacy-applications more familiar with Visual Basic classic . In either case they'd have to learn .NET. Teaching is not my issue. I've done it before..
How do you prevent IDisposable from spreading to all your classes? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/661815/how-do-you-prevent-idisposable-from-spreading-to-all-your-classes null No unmanaged resources to release otherwise they'd go here. disposed true Or as pointed out by commenters since..