c# Programming Glossary: tabpage
Open link in new TAB (WebBrowser Control) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1286746/open-link-in-new-tab-webbrowser-control object sender NewWindow2EventArgs e TabPage NewTabPage new TabPage Text Loading... ExtendedWebBrowser.. object sender NewWindow2EventArgs e TabPage NewTabPage new TabPage Text Loading... ExtendedWebBrowser NewTabBrowser.. sender NewWindow2EventArgs e TabPage NewTabPage new TabPage Text Loading... ExtendedWebBrowser NewTabBrowser new ExtendedWebBrowser..
Getting Cross-thread operation not valid [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1523878/getting-cross-thread-operation-not-valid on public void CheckUnusedTabs string strTabToRemove TabPage tp TaskBarRef.tabControl1.TabPages strTabToRemove tp.Controls.Remove.. string strTabToRemove TabPage tp TaskBarRef.tabControl1.TabPages strTabToRemove tp.Controls.Remove this TaskBarRef.tabControl1.TabPages.Remove.. tp.Controls.Remove this TaskBarRef.tabControl1.TabPages.Remove tp I am trying to close a tab in the tabcontrol of windows..
Hide TabControl buttons to manage stacked Panel controls http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2798215/hide-tabcontrol-buttons-to-manage-stacked-panel-controls be using a TabControl and each panel is contained in a TabPage. But I cannot find any way to hide the TabControl buttons since..
How can I disable a tab inside a TabControl? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/418006/how-can-i-disable-a-tab-inside-a-tabcontrol C#. c# tabcontrol share improve this question The TabPage class doesn't have an Enable property. You can get a similar.. only one page. For example public static void EnableTab TabPage page bool enable foreach Control ctl in page.ctls ctl.Enabled..
Winforms c# - Set focus to first child control of tab page http://stackoverflow.com/questions/48680/winforms-c-sharp-set-focus-to-first-child-control-of-tab-page private void frmMainLoad object sender EventArgs e foreach TabPage tab in this.tabControl1.TabPages this.tabControl1.SelectedTab.. sender EventArgs e foreach TabPage tab in this.tabControl1.TabPages this.tabControl1.SelectedTab tab My question is Is there..
How can I remove the border padding on container controls in WinForms? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4968267/how-can-i-remove-the-border-padding-on-container-controls-in-winforms question There's a comment left in the source code for TabPage by an exasperated Microsoft programmer edited to fit the page..
Custom Class for dealing with embedding in Forms http://stackoverflow.com/questions/543087/custom-class-for-dealing-with-embedding-in-forms public static void ShowXFormInControl Form frm ref XtraTabPage ctl FormBorderStyle style frm.TopLevel false frm.ControlBox.. static void ShowXFormInControl XtraForm Xfrm ref XtraTabPage ctl FormBorderStyle style Xfrm.TopLevel false Xfrm.ControlBox.. public static void ShowFormInControl Form frm ref TabPage ctl FormBorderStyle style frm.TopLevel false frm.ControlBox..
How to hide TabPage from TabControl http://stackoverflow.com/questions/552579/how-to-hide-tabpage-from-tabcontrol to hide TabPage from TabControl How to hide TabPage from TabControl in WinForms.. to hide TabPage from TabControl How to hide TabPage from TabControl in WinForms 2.0 c# winforms tabcontrol tabpage..