c# Programming Glossary: t0
LINQ to SQL: Updating without Refresh when ?œUpdateCheck = Never??/a> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11189688/linq-to-sql-updating-without-refresh-when-updatecheck-never
using statement vs try finally http://stackoverflow.com/questions/278902/using-statement-vs-try-finally
Understanding .AsEnumerable() in LINQ to SQL http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3311244/understanding-asenumerable-in-linq-to-sql select i The interpreted SQL statement is SELECT t0 . id AS Id .... FROM Imports AS t0 WHERE t0 . isActive 1 Say.. SQL statement is SELECT t0 . id AS Id .... FROM Imports AS t0 WHERE t0 . isActive 1 Say I wanted to perform some action in.. is SELECT t0 . id AS Id .... FROM Imports AS t0 WHERE t0 . isActive 1 Say I wanted to perform some action in the select..
LINQ to SQL using GROUP BY and COUNT(DISTINCT) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/448203/linq-to-sql-using-group-by-and-countdistinct t3 . answer_nbr AND t3 . poll_nbr @p0 AS votes FROM SELECT t0 . answer_nbr FROM TPOLL_ANSWER AS t0 WHERE t0 . poll_nbr @p0.. AS votes FROM SELECT t0 . answer_nbr FROM TPOLL_ANSWER AS t0 WHERE t0 . poll_nbr @p0 GROUP BY t0 . answer_nbr AS t1 @p0 Input.. FROM SELECT t0 . answer_nbr FROM TPOLL_ANSWER AS t0 WHERE t0 . poll_nbr @p0 GROUP BY t0 . answer_nbr AS t1 @p0 Input Int..
LINQ Expression to return Property value? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/567963/linq-expression-to-return-property-value r.Id .ToArray Results in this SQL code SELECT t0 . Id ... t0 . Version FROM Refill AS t0 WHERE t0 . Id IN @p0.. r.Id .ToArray Results in this SQL code SELECT t0 . Id ... t0 . Version FROM Refill AS t0 WHERE t0 . Id IN @p0 @p1 @p2 @p3.. SQL code SELECT t0 . Id ... t0 . Version FROM Refill AS t0 WHERE t0 . Id IN @p0 @p1 @p2 @p3 @p4 ... That query 4 more times..
C# compiler bug? Why doesn't this implicit user-defined conversion compile? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1208796/c-sharp-compiler-bug-why-doesnt-this-implicit-user-defined-conversion-compile and target type T if S or T are nullable types let S0 and T0 refer to their underlying types otherwise S0 and T0 are equal.. S0 and T0 refer to their underlying types otherwise S0 and T0 are equal to S and T respectively. A class or struct is permitted.. target type T only if all of the following are true S0 and T0 are different types. Either S0 or T0 is the class or struct..
Curve fitting points in 3D space http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4362498/curve-fitting-points-in-3d-space for position and velocity you get Eqs 2 a 6 Tf^2 V0 2 T0 Tf Vf Tf^2 Vf 2 T0 X0 2 Tf X0 2 T0 Xf 2 Tf Xf Tf^2 3 T0^2 4.. velocity you get Eqs 2 a 6 Tf^2 V0 2 T0 Tf Vf Tf^2 Vf 2 T0 X0 2 Tf X0 2 T0 Xf 2 Tf Xf Tf^2 3 T0^2 4 T0 Tf Tf^2 b 2 2 Tf^3.. get Eqs 2 a 6 Tf^2 V0 2 T0 Tf Vf Tf^2 Vf 2 T0 X0 2 Tf X0 2 T0 Xf 2 Tf Xf Tf^2 3 T0^2 4 T0 Tf Tf^2 b 2 2 Tf^3 V0 3 T0^2 Tf..
asp.net web service using office 2010 COM http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7382704/asp-net-web-service-using-office-2010-com Object at System.Dynamic.UpdateDelegates.UpdateAndExecute2 T0 T1 TRet CallSite site T0 arg0 T1 arg1 at CallSite.Target Closure.. T0 T1 TRet CallSite site T0 arg0 T1 arg1 at CallSite.Target Closure CallSite Object Object.. Object at System.Dynamic.UpdateDelegates.UpdateAndExecute2 T0 T1 TRet CallSite site T0 arg0 T1 arg1 at DocProcessService.OfficeToXps.ConvertFromWord..