c# Programming Glossary: table.columns.count
How to add items one at a time to to a new line a word document using word interop http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12718044/how-to-add-items-one-at-a-time-to-to-a-new-line-a-word-document-using-word-inter for var r 1 r table.Rows.Count r for var c 1 c table.Columns.Count c table.Cell r c .Range.Text String.Format This is cell 0 in..
Selecting a multi-dimensional array in LINQ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2562817/selecting-a-multi-dimensional-array-in-linq DataTable table var array new string table.Rows.Count table.Columns.Count for int i 0 i table.Rows.Count i for int j 0 j table.Columns.Count.. for int i 0 i table.Rows.Count i for int j 0 j table.Columns.Count j array i j table.Rows i j .ToString return array What I'd really..
How to convert datatable to json string using json.net? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2979922/how-to-convert-datatable-to-json-string-using-json-net table StringBuilder headStrBuilder new StringBuilder table.Columns.Count 5 pre allocate some space default is 16 bytes for int i 0 i.. pre allocate some space default is 16 bytes for int i 0 i table.Columns.Count i headStrBuilder.AppendFormat 0 0 1 ¾ table.Columns i .Caption.. tempStr headStrBuilder.ToString sb.Append for int j 0 j table.Columns.Count j table.Rows i j table.Rows i j .ToString .Replace ' tempStr..
Convert DataTable to CSV stream http://stackoverflow.com/questions/888181/convert-datatable-to-csv-stream table var result new StringBuilder for int i 0 i table.Columns.Count i result.Append table.Columns i .ColumnName result.Append i.. result.Append table.Columns i .ColumnName result.Append i table.Columns.Count 1 n foreach DataRow row in table.Rows for int i 0 i table.Columns.Count.. 1 n foreach DataRow row in table.Rows for int i 0 i table.Columns.Count i result.Append row i .ToString result.Append i table.Columns.Count..