c# Programming Glossary: t.name
ObjectContext.GetObjectType(e.GetType()) not returning the entity type of the POCO entity http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18765294/objectcontext-getobjecttypee-gettype-not-returning-the-entity-type-of-the-po e.GetType string name t.Name Property_6C887DE7274181E6E99D6FCF2C21BDD59E226F99B0064F59954E70062C135331..
How To Test if Type is Primitive http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2442534/how-to-test-if-type-is-primitive where myObj is of type T tagBuilder.Attributes.Add class t.Name foreach PropertyInfo prop in t.GetProperties object propValue..
Recreating a Dictionary from an IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<>> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2636603/recreating-a-dictionary-from-an-ienumerablekeyvaluepair ... yield return new KeyValuePair string ArrayList t.Name controlInformation caller Dictionary string ArrayList actual..
linq to entities case sensitive comparison http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3843060/linq-to-entities-case-sensitive-comparison sensitive comparison in Linq to entities Thingies.First t t.Name ThingamaBob How can I achieve case sensitive comparison with.. string sqlQuery ObjectQuery context.Thingies .Where t t.Name ThingamaBob .ToTraceString When you create a LINQ to Entities.. which doesn't seem to be very elegant Thingies.First t t.Name ThingamaBob .AsEnumerable .FirstOrDefault t t.Name ThingamaBob..
C# Networking : Server hangs after receiving more than 65535 bytes http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4118800/c-sharp-networking-server-hangs-after-receiving-more-than-65535-bytes t new Thread new ThreadStart run t.IsBackground true t.Name TCPInput t.Start public void run bool continueRead true byte..
Find out the control with last focus http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4428100/find-out-the-control-with-last-focus if t is TextBox if t.Focused MessageBox.Show t.Name c# .net winforms share improve this question There's..
POST json dictionary http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4710729/post-json-dictionary Index T a return View public JsonResult A T t if t.Name.IsEmpty t new T t.Name myname t.D new Dictionary string string.. View public JsonResult A T t if t.Name.IsEmpty t new T t.Name myname t.D new Dictionary string string t.D.Add a a t.D.Add..
How can I generate database tables from C# classes? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/47239/how-can-i-generate-database-tables-from-c-sharp-classes value public TableClass Type t this._className t.Name foreach PropertyInfo p in t.GetProperties KeyValuePair String..
Creating dynamic queries with entity framework http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5541234/creating-dynamic-queries-with-entity-framework in the filter if filter.FilterByName query query.Where t t.Name filter.NameFrom t.Name filter.NameTo if filter.FilterByQuantity.. query query.Where t t.Name filter.NameFrom t.Name filter.NameTo if filter.FilterByQuantity query query.Where t..
What is a good way to shutdown Threads blocked on NamedPipeServer#WaitForConnection? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/607872/what-is-a-good-way-to-shutdown-threads-blocked-on-namedpipeserverwaitforconnect pipeStream.Dispose Console.Write Shutting down 0 ... t.Name t.Join Console.WriteLine done Join never returns. An option..
LinqToSql strange behaviour http://stackoverflow.com/questions/658818/linqtosql-strange-behaviour on t2p.TagId equals t.Id select new t2p.Id t.Name IQueryable tag2postsToDelete foreach Tag tag in tags Debug.WriteLine.. in tags Debug.WriteLine tag tagToPosts tagToPosts.Where t t.Name tag.Name IQueryable tagToPostsToDelete from t2p in dataContext.TagToPosts.. tag in tags var x tag.Name tagToPosts tagToPosts.Where t t.Name x The reason behind this is lazy evaluation and variable capturing...
mapping multiple tables to a single entity class in entity framework http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6670580/mapping-multiple-tables-to-a-single-entity-class-in-entity-framework modelBuilder.Entity TestResult .Map m m.Properties t new t.Name t.Text t.Units other props m.ToTable Result .Map m m.Properties..
Getting all types in a namespace via reflection http://stackoverflow.com/questions/79693/getting-all-types-in-a-namespace-via-reflection in Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly .GetTypes where t.IsClass t.Namespace @namespace select t q.ToList .ForEach t Console.WriteLine..
Instantiate a class from its textual name http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9854900/instantiate-a-class-from-its-textual-name var type assembly.GetTypes .First t t.Name className return Activator.CreateInstance type The code above..