c# Programming Glossary: tablename
How to use Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel on a machine without installed MS Office? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11448197/how-to-use-microsoft-office-interop-excel-on-a-machine-without-installed-ms-offi project again. Code sample public bool DeleteSheet string tableName Excel.Application app null Excel.Workbooks wbks null Excel._Workbook.. _iSheet Excel._Worksheet shs.get_Item i if _iSheet.Name tableName _iSheet.Delete found true Marshal.ReleaseComObject _iSheet.. throw new Exception string.Format Table 0 was't found tableName _wbk.SaveAs connect _wbk.FileFormat Missing.Value Missing.Value..
Soft Delete Entity Framework Code First http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12698793/soft-delete-entity-framework-code-first DbEntityEntry entry var e entry.Entity as ModelBase string tableName GetTableName e.GetType Database.ExecuteSqlCommand String.Format.. String.Format UPDATE 0 SET IsDeleted 1 WHERE ID @id tableName new SqlParameter id e.ID Marking it Unchanged prevents the..
How do I protect this function from SQL injection? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1862036/how-do-i-protect-this-function-from-sql-injection public static bool TruncateTable string dbAlias string tableName string sqlStatement string.Format TRUNCATE TABLE 0 tableName.. string sqlStatement string.Format TRUNCATE TABLE 0 tableName return ExecuteNonQuery dbAlias sqlStatement 0 c# sql sql injection.. WHERE table_type 'BASE TABLE' AND table_name @tableName Now you can pass your input variable to this query as an SQL..
Get table-data from table-name in LINQ DataContext http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1919632/get-table-data-from-table-name-in-linq-datacontext db.Authors I need to do something like this. string tableName Authors var results db tableName It could be any table name.. like this. string tableName Authors var results db tableName It could be any table name that is available in DataContext... this question Given DataContext context and string tableName you can just say var table ITable context.GetType .GetProperty..
Get an IDataReader from a typed List http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2258310/get-an-idatareader-from-a-typed-list as follows private string FastInsertCollection string tableName DataTable tableData string sqlConn ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings.. SqlBulkCopyOptions.TableLock s.DestinationTableName tableName s.BatchSize 5000 s.WriteToServer tableData s.BulkCopyTimeout..
Is it better to execute many sql commands with one connection, or reconnect everytime? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5981376/is-it-better-to-execute-many-sql-commands-with-one-connection-or-reconnect-ever TimingTest numIts 1000 commandTxt select colNames from tableName OneConnection ManyConnections OneConnection private void ManyConnections..
Import XML to SQL using C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/772946/import-xml-to-sql-using-c-sharp IDbConnection connection XmlNode tableNode string tableName tableNode.Attributes name .Value IDbCommand command connection.CreateCommand.. StringBuilder commandBuilder.AppendFormat INSERT INTO 0 tableName string columnNames String.Join fieldNames string paramNames.. @ fieldNames command.CommandText String.Concat INSERT INTO tableName columnNames VALUES @ paramNames return command private string..
Changing column default values in EF5 Code First http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11974439/changing-column-default-values-in-ef5-code-first shorter but the usage is the same. DropDefaultConstraint TableName DefaultTaxPerDollar q Sql q The Guid is used to make a unique..
Why DataGridColumn not getting removed from DataGridView http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18359031/why-datagridcolumn-not-getting-removed-from-datagridview select Colm1 Colm2 Colm3 from TableName Data Source Binding with DataGridView this.DataSource _table..
OracleParameter and IN Clause http://stackoverflow.com/questions/541466/oracleparameter-and-in-clause For example string query SELECT FROM TableName WHERE UserName IN Pram OracleCommand command new OracleCommand.. Sam Bind the parameter to the following query SELECT FROM TableName WHERE UserName IN TABLE CAST param AS t_varchar2 share improve..
Filtering DataGridView without changing datasource http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5843537/filtering-datagridview-without-changing-datasource datagridview.DataSource dataSource datagridview.DataMember TableName it doesn't work It happens when you design a table using designer.. dataSource and datagridview.DataMember TableName . Code below pretends these operations DataSet ds new DataSet.. dt dataGridView1.DataSource ds dataGridView1.DataMember dt.TableName private void textBox1_TextChanged object sender EventArgs e..
MySqlParameter as TableName http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6041496/mysqlparameter-as-tablename as TableName I want to use MySqlParameter to pass tableName into query to.. select from @table cn cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue @table TableName But this is not working. How can I pass tableName as parameter..
Entity Framework - Get Table name from the Entity http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6106842/entity-framework-get-table-name-from-the-entity in tables EntityType itemType EntityType item String TableName itemType.Name Note if your pluralizing the context you will..
Which ORM is the best when using Stored Procedures http://stackoverflow.com/questions/687762/which-orm-is-the-best-when-using-stored-procedures long as your sproc returns the same schema as SELECT FROM TableName would it will work with your SubSonic entities. As far as generating..
Writing large number of records (bulk insert) to Access in .NET/C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7070011/writing-large-number-of-records-bulk-insert-to-access-in-net-c TransferType ACCESS.AcTextTransferType.acImportDelim TableName TEMP FileName Properties.Settings.Default.TEMPPathLocation HasFieldNames..
Specify an SQL username other than dbo in Code First Entity Framework ( C# ASP.NET MVC 3 ) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7184577/specify-an-sql-username-other-than-dbo-in-code-first-entity-framework-c-sharp SELECT statement looks like so SELECT ... FROM dbo . TableName which throws the error Invalid object name but works fine when.. but works fine when I do SELECT ... FROM mySQLUserName . TableName How do I specify a username other than dbo e.g. mySQLUserName..
Load very big CSV-Files into s SQL-Server database http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7791563/load-very-big-csv-files-into-s-sql-server-database using var bcp new SqlBulkCopy connection bcp.DestinationTableName TableName bcp.WriteToServer csv This uses the bulk copy API.. bcp new SqlBulkCopy connection bcp.DestinationTableName TableName bcp.WriteToServer csv This uses the bulk copy API to do the..
How To Change DataType of a DataColumn in a DataTable? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9028029/how-to-change-datatype-of-a-datacolumn-in-a-datatable 120 SqlDataAdapter adapter new SqlDataAdapter Select from TableName Connection adapter.FillSchema Table SchemaType.Source adapter.Fill..