c# Programming Glossary: tablecell
Dynamically Created Controls losing data after postback http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17589268/dynamically-created-controls-losing-data-after-postback 0 i 5 i TableRow row new TableRow for int j 0 j 5 j TableCell cell new TableCell TextBox tb new TextBox tb.ID TextBoxRow_.. row new TableRow for int j 0 j 5 j TableCell cell new TableCell TextBox tb new TextBox tb.ID TextBoxRow_ i Col_ j cell.Controls.Add..
How to dynamic adding rows into asp.net table? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3003912/how-to-dynamic-adding-rows-into-asp-net-table e num_row TableId.Rows .Count TableRow r new TableRow TableCell c1 new TableCell TableCell c2 new TableCell TextBox t new TextBox.. .Count TableRow r new TableRow TableCell c1 new TableCell TableCell c2 new TableCell TextBox t new TextBox t.ID textID.. .Count TableRow r new TableRow TableCell c1 new TableCell TableCell c2 new TableCell TextBox t new TextBox t.ID textID num_row t.EnableViewState..
How to implement conditional formatting in a GridView http://stackoverflow.com/questions/661670/how-to-implement-conditional-formatting-in-a-gridview 0f if Double.TryParse ob.ToString out dVal if dVal 3f TableCell cell e.Row.Cells 1 cell.CssClass heavyrow cell.BackColor System.Drawing.Color.Orange..
Making an entire row clickable in a gridview http://stackoverflow.com/questions/686240/making-an-entire-row-clickable-in-a-gridview postBackOptions foreach TableCell cell in row.Cells foreach Control control in cell.Controls..
Filter is getting lost in WebGrid + Paging + Sorting + Filtering in .NET 4.0 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10051794/filter-is-getting-lost-in-webgrid-paging-sorting-filtering-in-net-4-0 select div div class table div class tableRow div class tableCell Order Number div div class tableCell Person div div class.. tableRow div class tableCell Order Number div div class tableCell Person div div class tableCell Product div div div class tableRow.. Order Number div div class tableCell Person div div class tableCell Product div div div class tableRow div class tableCell input..