c# Programming Glossary: table.rows
How to select min and max values of a column in a datatable? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2442525/how-to-select-min-and-max-values-of-a-column-in-a-datatable int maxAccountLevel int.MinValue foreach DataRow dr in table.Rows int accountLevel dr.Field int AccountLevel minAccountLevel Math.Min..
Selecting a multi-dimensional array in LINQ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2562817/selecting-a-multi-dimensional-array-in-linq static string ToArray DataTable table var array new string table.Rows.Count table.Columns.Count for int i 0 i table.Rows.Count i for.. string table.Rows.Count table.Columns.Count for int i 0 i table.Rows.Count i for int j 0 j table.Columns.Count j array i j table.Rows.. i for int j 0 j table.Columns.Count j array i j table.Rows i j .ToString return array What I'd really like to do is use..
Why does var evaluate to System.Object in “foreach (var row in table.Rows)”? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2786727/why-does-var-evaluate-to-system-object-in-foreach-var-row-in-table-rows var evaluate to System.Object in &ldquo foreach var row in table.Rows &rdquo When I enter this foreach statement... foreach var row.. When I enter this foreach statement... foreach var row in table.Rows ...the tooltip for var says class System.Object I'm confused.. the type explicitly as in... foreach DataRow row in table.Rows ...it works fine with no errors. Also if I do... var numbers..
How to convert datatable to json string using json.net? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2979922/how-to-convert-datatable-to-json-string-using-json-net 1 1 trim away last StringBuilder sb new StringBuilder table.Rows.Count 5 pre allocate some space sb.Append sb.Append table.TableName.. sb.Append table.TableName sb.Append for int i 0 i table.Rows.Count i string tempStr headStrBuilder.ToString sb.Append .. sb.Append for int j 0 j table.Columns.Count j table.Rows i j table.Rows i j .ToString .Replace ' tempStr tempStr.Replace..
Join collection of objects into comma-separated string http://stackoverflow.com/questions/330493/join-collection-of-objects-into-comma-separated-string string text string separator foreach DataRow row in table.Rows text separator row title separator Is there a better pattern.. getAllTitles DataTable table return concatenate DataRow table.Rows getTitle ' n' example 3 DataTable.Rows without Indexer function..
LINQ to map a datatable into a list<MyObject> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4192968/linq-to-map-a-datatable-into-a-listmyobject .ToList IList T result new List T foreach var row in table.Rows var item CreateItemFromRow T DataRow row properties result.Add..
Best way to check if a Data Table has a null value in it http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4604414/best-way-to-check-if-a-data-table-has-a-null-value-in-it values in whatever way you see fit. foreach DataRow row in table.Rows object value row ColumnName if value DBNull.Value do something.. table foreach DataColumn column in table.Columns if table.Rows.OfType DataRow .Any r r.IsNull column return true return false..
Convert DataTable to generic List? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/545328/convert-datatable-to-generic-list List DataRow rows new List DataRow foreach DataRow row in table.Rows rows.Add row return ConvertTo T rows public static T ConvertItem.. T DataTable table T obj default T if table null table.Rows.Count 0 obj CreateItem T table.Rows 0 return obj public static.. T if table null table.Rows.Count 0 obj CreateItem T table.Rows 0 return obj public static T CreateItem T DataRow row T obj..
DataView.Sort - more than just asc/desc (need custom sort) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/582374/dataview-sort-more-than-just-asc-desc-need-custom-sort List DataRow rows new List DataRow foreach DataRow row in table.Rows rows.Add row rows.Sort comparison foreach DataRow row in rows.. IntValue typeof int table.Columns.Add StringValue table.Rows.Add 11 Eleven table.Rows.Add 14 Fourteen table.Rows.Add 10 Ten.. int table.Columns.Add StringValue table.Rows.Add 11 Eleven table.Rows.Add 14 Fourteen table.Rows.Add 10 Ten table.Rows.Add 12 Twelve..
Convert DataTable to CSV stream http://stackoverflow.com/questions/888181/convert-datatable-to-csv-stream i table.Columns.Count 1 n foreach DataRow row in table.Rows for int i 0 i table.Columns.Count i result.Append row i .ToString.. new DataTable table.Columns.Add Name table.Columns.Add Age table.Rows.Add John Doe 45 table.Rows.Add Jane Doe 35 table.Rows.Add Jack.. Name table.Columns.Add Age table.Rows.Add John Doe 45 table.Rows.Add Jane Doe 35 table.Rows.Add Jack Doe 27 var bytes Encoding.GetEncoding..