c# Programming Glossary: tangent
Place watermark image on other images (C#, ASP.Net) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1224653/place-watermark-image-on-other-images-c-asp-net float 40 Color color Color.FromArgb 50 241 235 105 double tangent double img.Height double img.Width double angle Math.Atan tangent.. double img.Height double img.Width double angle Math.Atan tangent 180 Math.PI double halfHypotenuse Math.Sqrt img.Height img.Height..
How to know if a line intersects a plane in C#? - Basic 2D geometry http://stackoverflow.com/questions/30080/how-to-know-if-a-line-intersects-a-plane-in-c-basic-2d-geometry 1 return IntersectionOf polygon 0 line bool tangent false for int index 0 index polygon.Length index int index2.. intersection if intersection Intersection.Tangent tangent true return tangent Intersection.Tangent IntersectionOf line.P1.. intersection Intersection.Tangent tangent true return tangent Intersection.Tangent IntersectionOf line.P1 polygon public static..
Smoothing a hand-drawn curve http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5525665/smoothing-a-hand-drawn-curve FitCurve Point d double error Vector tHat1 tHat2 Unit tangent vectors at endpoints tHat1 ComputeLeftTangent d 0 tHat2 ComputeRightTangent.. 4 Max times to try iterating Vector tHatCenter Unit tangent vector at splitPoint int i iterationError error error nPts last.. 1 and 2 are positioned an alpha distance out on the tangent vectors left and right respectively bezCurve 0 d first bezCurve..
What are some popular OCR algorithms? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/850717/what-are-some-popular-ocr-algorithms first start try hist eq'ing the images then calculate tangent distances and do some clustering then train up a simple pattern..
How to do open generic decorator chaining with unity + UnityAutoRegistration http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9813630/how-to-do-open-generic-decorator-chaining-with-unity-unityautoregistration unity UnityAutoRegistration Went off on an interesting tangent today after reading this article on command handler decoration..