c# Programming Glossary: table_name
create sql table programmatically http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10033758/create-sql-table-programmatically improve this question The simple answer is CREATE TABLE table_name column_name1 data_type column_name2 data_type column_name3 data_type..
How do I protect this function from SQL injection? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1862036/how-do-i-protect-this-function-from-sql-injection of valid table names from the INFORMATION_SCHEMA SELECT table_name FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.Tables WHERE table_type 'BASE TABLE'.. WHERE table_type 'BASE TABLE' AND table_name @tableName Now you can pass your input variable to this query..
I got error “The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3776269/i-got-error-the-delete-statement-conflicted-with-the-reference-constraint that I found the solution by using delete DELETE FROM table_name DBCC CHECKIDENT table_name RESEED 0 By I still got an error.. by using delete DELETE FROM table_name DBCC CHECKIDENT table_name RESEED 0 By I still got an error message The DELETE statement.. Studio and execute the previous query DELETE FROM table_name DBCC CHECKIDENT table_name RESEED 0 it didn't give an error..
How do I read a Foxpro 8.0 database from c#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4049891/how-do-i-read-a-foxpro-8-0-database-from-c rowTables in tables.Rows Console.Out.WriteLine rowTables table_name .ToString DataTable columns connection.GetSchema System.Data.OleDb.OleDbMetaDataCollectionNames.Columns.. new String null null rowTables table_name .ToString null foreach System.Data.DataRow rowColumns in columns.Rows.. in columns.Rows Console.Out.WriteLine rowTables table_name .ToString . rowColumns column_name .ToString rowColumns data_type..
Check if a SQL table exists http://stackoverflow.com/questions/464474/check-if-a-sql-table-exists when exists select from information_schema.tables where table_name ' tableName ' then 1 else 0 end exists int cmd.ExecuteScalar..
MySqlParameter as TableName http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6041496/mysqlparameter-as-tablename if that table exists before query anything from it SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema 'databasename'.. WHERE table_schema 'databasename' AND table_name 'tablename' You can perfectly parametrize this query so SQL..
Using Excel OleDb to get sheet names IN SHEET ORDER http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1164698/using-excel-oledb-to-get-sheet-names-in-sheet-order array. foreach DataRow row in dt.Rows excelSheets i row TABLE_NAME .ToString i Loop through all of the sheets if you want too.....
Best /Fastest way to read an Excel Sheet into a DataTable? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14261655/best-fastest-way-to-read-an-excel-sheet-into-a-datatable 0 Then sSheetName dtTablesList.Rows 0 TABLE_NAME .ToString End If dtTablesList.Clear dtTablesList.Dispose If..
How can I determine whether a column exists in a SQL Server CE table with C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15693639/how-can-i-determine-whether-a-column-exists-in-a-sql-server-ce-table-with-c SELECT COUNT FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_NAME @tableName AND COLUMN_NAME @columnName checkConnection try.. tblQuery SELECT 1 FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_NAME @tableName AND COLUMN_NAME @columnName SqlCeCommand cmd objCon.CreateCommand..
Why am I getting an Out of Memory Error doing ASP .NET Excel Interop? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1662982/why-am-i-getting-an-out-of-memory-error-doing-asp-net-excel-interop null firstSheetName dbSchema.Rows 0 TABLE_NAME .ToString strSQL SELECT FROM firstSheetName da new OleDbDataAdapter..
ADO.Net : Get table definition from SQL server tables http://stackoverflow.com/questions/457485/ado-net-get-table-definition-from-sql-server-tables reader.HasRows while reader.Read tablesList.Add reader TABLE_NAME .ToString reader.Close command.CommandText exec sp_columns..
How to read an excel file in C# without using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel libraries http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9155642/how-to-read-an-excel-file-in-c-sharp-without-using-microsoft-office-interop-exce cmd.CommandText SELECT FROM sheets.Rows 0 TABLE_NAME .ToString var adapter new OleDbDataAdapter cmd var ds new DataSet..