c# Programming Glossary: taking
Reducing memory usage of .NET applications? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1343374/reducing-memory-usage-of-net-applications means the user interface stuff can be safely unloaded but taking up 10 MB when it's just sitting in the background seems excessive... memory usage. Even I freak when I see Adobe Updater taking 11 MB of memory and feel soothed by the calming touch of Foobar2000..
How to bind to a PasswordBox in MVVM http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1483892/how-to-bind-to-a-passwordbox-in-mvvm 4. When a server request requiring your password is taking place call your IoC for the IHavePassword implementation and..
Adjusting HttpWebRequest Connection Timeout in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1500955/adjusting-httpwebrequest-connection-timeout-in-c-sharp server is not responding the HttpWebRequest.GetResponse is taking about 20 seconds to time out even though I have specified a.. the servers on a regular interval I want to skip those taking longer than 5 seconds to connect to. So the question is Is there..
Create Excel (.XLS and .XLSX) file from C# [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/151005/create-excel-xls-and-xlsx-file-from-c-sharp Here some example code for ExcelLibrary Here is an example taking data from a database and creating a workbook from it. Note that..
Calculate the number of business days between two dates? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1617049/calculate-the-number-of-business-days-between-two-dates comments below. summary Calculates number of business days taking into account weekends Saturdays and Sundays bank holidays in..
How can you use optional parameters in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/199761/how-can-you-use-optional-parameters-in-c GetFooBar int a int b and the API has a method GetFooBar taking query params like a foo b bar . The classes needs to support..
When to Use Static Classes in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/241339/when-to-use-static-classes-in-c-sharp doing what this static method did we could solve this by taking in the required parameters in the constructor and allowing the..
How do I pronounce “=>” as used in lambda expressions in .Net http://stackoverflow.com/questions/274022/how-do-i-pronounce-as-used-in-lambda-expressions-in-net mentioned 'maps to' in the case of transformations so taking Anders' example x x 2 would read x maps to x times 2. That does..
Panel not getting focus http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3562235/panel-not-getting-focus The Panel class was designed as container it avoids taking the focus so a child control will always get it. You'll need..
DateTime vs DateTimeOffset http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4331189/datetime-vs-datetimeoffset the angle at which your camera came from. If others were taking pictures they could be from different angles. This is what the..
Is BCrypt a good hashing algorithm to use in C#? Where can I find it? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/481160/is-bcrypt-a-good-hashing-algorithm-to-use-in-c-where-can-i-find-it First some terms that are important Hashing The act of taking a string and producing a sequence of characters that cannot.. Usually just referred to as 'encryption' The act of taking a string and producing a sequence of characters that can be..
Protect .NET code from reverse engineering? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/506282/protect-net-code-from-reverse-engineering and these people had the gall to pirate from me They were taking money directly from my pocket I immediately added in a bunch..
Use of Application.DoEvents() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5181777/use-of-application-doevents to keep your UI updated while an asynchronous operation is taking place. Like reading from a file. share improve this answer..
Large Object Heap Fragmentation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/686950/large-object-heap-fragmentation object arrays interleaved with free blocks of memory e.g. taking a random segment from the LOH 0 000 DumpHeap 000000005b5b1000..
C# Events and Thread Safety http://stackoverflow.com/questions/786383/c-sharp-events-and-thread-safety Cult Programming It seems that way a lot of people must be taking this step to protect their code from multiple threads when in.. a multi threaded design. Consequently people who are not taking that additional care might as well ignore this advice it simply..
Quickest way to convert a base 10 number to any base in .NET? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/923771/quickest-way-to-convert-a-base-10-number-to-any-base-in-net 1 x I want to use this to achieve a massively high base taking advantage of numbers all lower case and all upper case letters...
Web app blocked while processing another web app on sharing same session http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9426673/web-app-blocked-while-processing-another-web-app-on-sharing-same-session is trying to upload a bunch of information's and it is taking more time to process the request in server. In mean time i am..
Is there a list of common object that implement IDisposable for the using statement? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1033334/is-there-a-list-of-common-object-that-implement-idisposable-for-the-using-statem the using statement... SQLConnection MemoryStream etc. Taking it one step further it would be great to even show the other..
Java vs C#: Are there any studies that compare their execution speed? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1049004/java-vs-c-are-there-any-studies-that-compare-their-execution-speed Are there any studies that compare their execution speed Taking out all of the obvious caveats related to benchmarks and benchmark..
LINQ: How to perform .Max() on a property of all objects in a collection and return the object with maximum value http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1101841/linq-how-to-perform-max-on-a-property-of-all-objects-in-a-collection-and-ret making it O n^2 The ordering solution is O n log n Taking the Max value and then finding the first element with that value..
When should I define a (explicit or implicit) conversion operator in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12126907/when-should-i-define-a-explicit-or-implicit-conversion-operator-in-c Degrees classes we're currently using and here they are. Taking a look at them now after so long I want to clean them up especially..
Code-First Entity Framework w/ Stored Procedure returning results from complex Full-text Searches http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14243946/code-first-entity-framework-w-stored-procedure-returning-results-from-complex-f directly without an additional look up required UPDATE Taking some of the posters advice below among others here is what I..
Does this code really cause an “access to modified closure” problem? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2242371/does-this-code-really-cause-an-access-to-modified-closure-problem cause an &ldquo access to modified closure&rdquo problem Taking the following code Resharper tells me that voicesSoFar and voicesNeededMaximum..
Taking screenshot of a webpage programmatically [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2316564/taking-screenshot-of-a-webpage-programmatically screenshot of a webpage programmatically closed How do take..
Why does this floating-point calculation give different results on different machines? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2342396/why-does-this-floating-point-calculation-give-different-results-on-different-mac of the measurable effects thanks to that call to Ceiling. Taking the ceiling of a floating point number as others have noted..
Detect silent install in .NET Custom Action http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2388530/detect-silent-install-in-net-custom-action c# msi windows installer share improve this question Taking the hint from nobugz I did the following On the Custom Actions..
Sorting XML nodes based on DateTime attribute C#, XPath http://stackoverflow.com/questions/344737/sorting-xml-nodes-based-on-datetime-attribute-c-xpath would be. Thanks. Solution Here's what I ended up using. Taking the selected answer and the IComparable class this is how I..
Taking input from a joystick with C# .NET http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3929764/taking-input-from-a-joystick-with-c-sharp-net input from a joystick with C# .NET I searched around on Google..
Print html document from Windows Service in C# without print dialog http://stackoverflow.com/questions/416314/print-html-document-from-windows-service-in-c-sharp-without-print-dialog share improve this question Here's the Holy Grail. Taking advantage of StaTaskScheduler taken from Parallel Extension..
C# - Can someone tell me why and where I should use delegates? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/491374/c-sharp-can-someone-tell-me-why-and-where-i-should-use-delegates the caller to customize the behavior of the function. Taking Select as an example again the function itself guarantees that..
C#: How to make a form remember its Bounds and WindowState (Taking dual monitor setups into account) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/495380/c-how-to-make-a-form-remember-its-bounds-and-windowstate-taking-dual-monitor How to make a form remember its Bounds and WindowState Taking dual monitor setups into account I have made a class which..
Taking ownership of files with 'broken' permissions http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5241718/taking-ownership-of-files-with-broken-permissions ownership of files with 'broken' permissions I'm trying to..
Best algorithm for evaluating a mathematical expression? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/572796/best-algorithm-for-evaluating-a-mathematical-expression double dispatch for opcodes so they usually end up slower. Taking the same approach as JclExprEval in parsing but written in C#..
How do I display a popup from a WebBrowser in another window I created? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6470842/how-do-i-display-a-popup-from-a-webbrowser-in-another-window-i-created that instance will then be used to display the popup. Taking advantage of this requires some work. For starters use Project..
Large Object Heap Fragmentation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/686950/large-object-heap-fragmentation Size 0x54b79c 5552028 GC Heap Size 0x54b79c 5552028 Taking a dump of the LOH segment reveals the pattern I saw in the leaking..
How to get all classes within namespace? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/949246/how-to-get-all-classes-within-namespace to get all classes within namespace Possible Duplicates Taking out all classes of a specific namespace Getting all types in..
Entity Framework 4.3 - TPH mapping and migration error http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9499702/entity-framework-4-3-tph-mapping-and-migration-error Foo .Map Foo ... modelBuilder.Entity Bar .Map Bar ... Taking your case specifically this should work protected override void..