c# Programming Glossary: table.rows.add
Convert IEnumerable to DataTable http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1253725/convert-ienumerable-to-datatable i 0 i props.Length i values i props i .GetValue item null table.Rows.Add values return table c# datatable ienumerable share improve..
OpenXML takes much longer than OLEDB to read rows from Excel sheet http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12796764/openxml-takes-much-longer-than-oledb-to-read-rows-from-excel-sheet string row in totalRows while row.Count maxCol row.Add table.Rows.Add row.ToArray return table Is there an efficient way to change..
How to convert c# generic list to json using json.net? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3482261/how-to-convert-c-sharp-generic-list-to-json-using-json-net userid table.Columns.Add phone table.Columns.Add email table.Rows.Add new 1 9999999 test@test.com table.Rows.Add new 2 1234567 foo@test.com.. email table.Rows.Add new 1 9999999 test@test.com table.Rows.Add new 2 1234567 foo@test.com table.Rows.Add new 3 7654321 bar@test.com.. test@test.com table.Rows.Add new 2 1234567 foo@test.com table.Rows.Add new 3 7654321 bar@test.com var query from row in table.AsEnumerable..
Convert generic List/Enumerable to DataTable? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/564366/convert-generic-list-enumerable-to-datatable i 0 i values.Length i values i props i .GetValue item table.Rows.Add values return table Now with one line you can make this many..
DataView.Sort - more than just asc/desc (need custom sort) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/582374/dataview-sort-more-than-just-asc-desc-need-custom-sort IntValue typeof int table.Columns.Add StringValue table.Rows.Add 11 Eleven table.Rows.Add 14 Fourteen table.Rows.Add 10 Ten table.Rows.Add.. int table.Columns.Add StringValue table.Rows.Add 11 Eleven table.Rows.Add 14 Fourteen table.Rows.Add 10 Ten table.Rows.Add 12 Twelve table.Rows.Add.. table.Rows.Add 11 Eleven table.Rows.Add 14 Fourteen table.Rows.Add 10 Ten table.Rows.Add 12 Twelve table.Rows.Add 13 Thirteen Sort..
.NET - Convert Generic Collection to DataTable http://stackoverflow.com/questions/701223/net-convert-generic-collection-to-datatable prop in properties row prop.Name prop.GetValue item table.Rows.Add row return table public static DataTable CreateTable T Type..
Convert DataTable to CSV stream http://stackoverflow.com/questions/888181/convert-datatable-to-csv-stream new DataTable table.Columns.Add Name table.Columns.Add Age table.Rows.Add John Doe 45 table.Rows.Add Jane Doe 35 table.Rows.Add Jack Doe.. Name table.Columns.Add Age table.Rows.Add John Doe 45 table.Rows.Add Jane Doe 35 table.Rows.Add Jack Doe 27 var bytes Encoding.GetEncoding.. Age table.Rows.Add John Doe 45 table.Rows.Add Jane Doe 35 table.Rows.Add Jack Doe 27 var bytes Encoding.GetEncoding iso 8859 1 .GetBytes..