c# Programming Glossary: exception
Cross-thread operation not valid: Control accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on http://stackoverflow.com/questions/142003/cross-thread-operation-not-valid-control-accessed-from-a-thread-other-than-the if textbox1.text MyName This gives exception Load data corresponding to MyName . Populate a globale variable.. return if textbox1.text MyName Now it wont give an exception Load data correspondin to MyName Populate a globale variable.. if textbox1.text MyName Now it wont give exception Load data correspondin to MyName Populate a globale variable..
How to stop BackgroundWorker on Form's Closing event? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1731384/how-to-stop-backgroundworker-on-forms-closing-event Any ideas how do I close this app without getting the exception or the deadlock Following are 3 relevant methods of the simple.. share improve this question The only deadlock safe and exception safe way to do this that I know is to actually cancel the FormClosing..
Deserialize JSON into C# dynamic object? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3142495/deserialize-json-into-c-sharp-dynamic-object binder.Name out result return null to avoid exception. caller can check for null this way... result null return.. indexes 0 .ToString out result return null to avoid exception. caller can check for null this way... result null return..
VS2010 does not show unhandled exception message in a WinForms Application on a 64-bit version of Windows http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4933958/vs2010-does-not-show-unhandled-exception-message-in-a-winforms-application-on-a does not show unhandled exception message in a WinForms Application on a 64 bit version of Windows.. a new project I get a strange behaviour for unhandeled exceptions. This is how I can reproduce the problem 1 create a new Windows.. 7 I would expect that VS breaks and shows an unhandled exception message at the second line. However what happens is that the..
Casting vs using the 'as' keyword in the CLR http://stackoverflow.com/questions/496096/casting-vs-using-the-as-keyword-in-the-clr a bug then casting is the right solution. That throws an exception immediately which means that no more work is done under incorrect.. no more work is done under incorrect assumptions and the exception correctly shows the type of bug. This will throw an exception.. correctly shows the type of bug. This will throw an exception if randomObject is non null and refers to an object of an incompatible..
Use of Application.DoEvents() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5181777/use-of-application-doevents that was already completed. If that doesn't bomb with an exception then surely the data is scrambled all to hell. Back to ShowDialog..
What is the best workaround for the WCF client `using` block issue? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/573872/what-is-the-best-workaround-for-the-wcf-client-using-block-issue an error because it's in a faulted state. The original exception is then masked by the second exception. Not good. The suggested.. state. The original exception is then masked by the second exception. Not good. The suggested workaround in the MSDN article is to.. block again without the danger of masking a faulted state exception. So are there any other gotchas I have to look out for using..
Retrieving Property name from lambda expression http://stackoverflow.com/questions/671968/retrieving-property-name-from-lambda-expression the PropertyInfo object for the expression. It throws an exception if the expression is not a property. public PropertyInfo GetPropertyInfo..
Is there a way to check if a file is in use? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/876473/is-there-a-way-to-check-if-a-file-is-in-use all my Googling has only yielded creating checks by using exception handling. This is against my religion so I was wondering if.. any issues with it. Understand your hesitation about using exceptions but you can't avoid them all of the time protected virtual..
ASP.NET MVC Custom Error Handling Application_Error Global.asax? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1171035/asp-net-mvc-custom-error-handling-application-error-global-asax protected void Application_Error object sender EventArgs e Exception exception Server.GetLastError Response.Clear HttpException httpException.. Exception exception Server.GetLastError Response.Clear HttpException httpException exception as HttpException if httpException null.. Server.GetLastError Response.Clear HttpException httpException exception as HttpException if httpException null RouteData..
Cross-thread operation not valid: Control accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on http://stackoverflow.com/questions/142003/cross-thread-operation-not-valid-control-accessed-from-a-thread-other-than-the which will be binded to grid at some later stage. The Exception it gave was Cross thread operation not valid Control accessed..
Simple 2 way encryption for C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/165808/simple-2-way-encryption-for-c-sharp byte StrToByteArray string str if str.Length 0 throw new Exception Invalid string value in StrToByteArray byte val byte byteArr..
What is the proper way to re-throw an exception in C#? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/178456/what-is-the-proper-way-to-re-throw-an-exception-in-c This question already has an answer here Throwing Exceptions best practices 10 answers I have a question for you.. way than I do. Is it better to do this try ... catch Exception ex ... throw or this try ... catch Exception ex ... throw ex.. try ... catch Exception ex ... throw or this try ... catch Exception ex ... throw ex Do they do the same thing Is one better than..
how can you easily check if access is denied for a file in .NET? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/265953/how-can-you-easily-check-if-access-is-denied-for-a-file-in-net permissions or existence are bad in spite of your check. Exception handling code is required whether or not you check for the permissions.. not you check for the permissions of the file in advance. Exception handling code provides all of the functionality of existence..
Why XML-Serializable class need a parameterless constructor http://stackoverflow.com/questions/267724/why-xml-serializable-class-need-a-parameterless-constructor constructor it will throw a exception. Unhandled Exception System.InvalidOperationException CSharpConsole.Foo cannot be.. a exception. Unhandled Exception System.InvalidOperationException CSharpConsole.Foo cannot be serialized because it does not have..
Using AES encryption in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/273452/using-aes-encryption-in-c-sharp Console.WriteLine Round Trip 0 roundtrip catch Exception e Console.WriteLine Error 0 e.Message static byte EncryptStringToBytes.. plainText null plainText.Length 0 throw new ArgumentNullException plainText if Key null Key.Length 0 throw new ArgumentNullException.. plainText if Key null Key.Length 0 throw new ArgumentNullException Key if IV null IV.Length 0 throw new ArgumentNullException..
How do I create a custom membership provider for ASP.NET MVC 2? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2771094/how-do-i-create-a-custom-membership-provider-for-asp-net-mvc-2 new MySqlParameter _userName username .Tables 0 catch Exception ex throw ex string roles new string roleNames.Rows.Count int.. if filterContext null throw new ArgumentNullException filterContext if AuthorizeCore filterContext.HttpContext SetCachePolicy..
Best practices for exception management in Java or C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/409563/best-practices-for-exception-management-in-java-or-c-sharp assume success no exception thrown result true catch Exception Ex don't care about exceptions Ex.printStackTrace return result.. sources on exception management online Best Practices for Exception Handling O'Reilly Media Exception Handling Best Practices in.. Best Practices for Exception Handling O'Reilly Media Exception Handling Best Practices in .NET Best Practices Exception Management..
Developing Internet Explorer Extensions? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5643819/developing-internet-explorer-extensions continue queue.Enqueue eachChild catch Exception ex MessageBox.Show ex.Message #endregion #region Load and.. TextToHighlight form.InputText SaveOptions catch Exception ex MessageBox.Show ex.Message return 0 #endregion #region..
What is the best workaround for the WCF client `using` block issue? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/573872/what-is-the-best-workaround-for-the-wcf-client-using-block-issue like this try ... client.Close catch CommunicationException e ... client.Abort catch TimeoutException e ... client.Abort.. CommunicationException e ... client.Abort catch TimeoutException e ... client.Abort catch Exception e ... client.Abort throw.. catch TimeoutException e ... client.Abort catch Exception e ... client.Abort throw Compared to the using block I think..
ExecuteReader requires an open and available Connection. The connection's current state is Connecting http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9705637/executereader-requires-an-open-and-available-connection-the-connections-curren promotionUrl promoRow.Field String PromotionURL catch Exception ex log this exception or throw it up the StackTrace we do..
an attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbbiden by it's access permissions. why? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10461257/an-attempt-was-made-to-access-a-socket-in-a-way-forbbiden-by-its-access-permiss SocketType.Raw ProtocolType.IP HERE IS RAISED THE EXCEPTION _mSocket.Bind new IPEndPoint IPAddress.Parse ipAddress iPort..
Wrong line number on stack trace http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2493779/wrong-line-number-on-stack-trace line number on stack trace try AN EXCEPTION IS GENERATED HERE catch SqlService.RollbackTransaction throw..
How to pre-load all deployed assemblies for an AppDomain http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3021613/how-to-pre-load-all-deployed-assemblies-for-an-appdomain PreLoadAssembliesFromPath string p S.O. NOTE ELIDED ALL EXCEPTION HANDLING FOR BREVITY get all .dll files from the specified path..
C# Networking : Server hangs after receiving more than 65535 bytes http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4118800/c-sharp-networking-server-hangs-after-receiving-more-than-65535-bytes new byte nbrRead catch Exception e HERE IS WHERE THE EXCEPTION IS CAUGHT System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Log 0 Bla1 e.ToString..
An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4799651/an-attempt-was-made-to-access-a-socket-in-a-way-forbidden-by-its-access-permissi Get the user info from the Graph API dynamic me app.Api me EXCEPTION THROWN HERE ViewData FirstName me.first_name ViewData LastName..
How can I resolve the schemaLocation attribute of an .XSD when all of my .XSD's are stored as resources? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7982275/how-can-i-resolve-the-schemalocation-attribute-of-an-xsd-when-all-of-my-xsds schema catch Exception ex Console.WriteLine EXCEPTION 0 ex.Message private static void SchemaValidationEventHandler..
Performance Counter - System.InvalidOperationException: Category does not exist http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8171865/performance-counter-system-invalidoperationexception-category-does-not-exist null return pcReqsPerSec.NextValue .ToString N2 EXCEPTION else return 0 internal static string RefreshCounters lock..
Padding is invalid and cannot be removed? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8583112/padding-is-invalid-and-cannot-be-removed byte rgbOutput exml.DecryptData edElement alg I GET THE EXCEPTION HERE Replace the encryptedData element with the plaintext XML..