c# Programming Glossary: example.com
Create “Hello Wold” WebSocket example http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10200910/create-hello-wold-websocket-example some information. Example GET chat HTTP 1.1 Host server.example.com Upgrade websocket Connection Upgrade Sec WebSocket Key dGhlIHNhbXBsZSBub25jZQ.. Sec WebSocket Key dGhlIHNhbXBsZSBub25jZQ Origin http example.com Sec WebSocket Protocol chat superchat Sec WebSocket Version..
Webbrowser behaviour issues http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18572635/webbrowser-behaviour-issues this.wb.DocumentCompleted handler Navigate to http www.example.com i 1 documentComplete false onloadTcs new TaskCompletionSource.. new TaskCompletionSource bool this.wb.Navigate http www.example.com i 1 await onloadTcs.Task the document has been fully loaded.. this.wb.Document.Url.ToString Navigate to http example.com i 2 could do the click simulation instead documentComplete false..
How to simulate browser HTTP POST request and capture result in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2071321/how-to-simulate-browser-http-post-request-and-capture-result-in-c-sharp value1 param2 value2 var result client.UploadData http example.com POST dataToPost do something with the result Will generate the.. Will generate the following request POST HTTP 1.1 Host example.com Content Length 27 Expect 100 continue Connection Keep Alive..
Upload a folder by FTP http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2252000/upload-a-folder-by-ftp Given a local folder C MyFolder and an FTP destination ftp example.com home MyFolder I'm looking for some solid code to transfer the..
Select only items in a specific DIV using HtmlAgilityPack http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2875347/select-only-items-in-a-specific-div-using-htmlagilitypack HtmlWeb hw new HtmlWeb HtmlDocument doc hw.Load @ http example.com HtmlNode node doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode div @class 'content'..
Get individual query parameters from Uri http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2884551/get-individual-query-parameters-from-uri query parameters from Uri I have a uri string like http example.com file a 1 b 2 c string 20param Is there an existing function..
Top level domain from URL in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4643227/top-level-domain-from-url-in-c-sharp strange requests like these http www.poker.winner4ever.example.com http www.hotgirls.example.com http santaclaus.example.com http.. http www.poker.winner4ever.example.com http www.hotgirls.example.com http santaclaus.example.com http m.example.com http wap.example.com.. http www.hotgirls.example.com http santaclaus.example.com http m.example.com http wap.example.com http iphone.example.com..
WCF Service Client: The content type text/html; charset=utf-8 of the response message does not match the content type of the binding http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5243929/wcf-service-client-the-content-type-text-html-charset-utf-8-of-the-response-me IMetadataExchange host baseAddresses add baseAddress http example.com baseAddresses host service services bindings wsHttpBinding.. endpoint name WSHttpBinding_IScraperService address http example.com ScraperService.svc binding wsHttpBinding bindingConfiguration..
GETting a URL with an url-encoded slash http://stackoverflow.com/questions/781205/getting-a-url-with-an-url-encoded-slash an url encoded slash I want to send a HTTP GET to http example.com 2F . My first guess would be something like this using WebClient.. webClient new WebClient webClient.DownloadData http example.com 2F Unfortunately I can see that what is actually sent on the.. what is actually sent on the wire is GET HTTP 1.1 Host example.com Connection Keep Alive So http example.com 2F gets translated..
WebClient class doesn't exist in Windows 8 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9482402/webclient-class-doesnt-exist-in-windows-8 HttpResponseMessage response await http.GetAsync http www.example.com return await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync Option 2 When.. public async void DownloadXMLDocument Uri uri new Uri http example.com sample.xml XmlDocument xmlDocument await XmlDocument.LoadFromUriAsync..