

c# Programming Glossary: excel

Create Excel (.XLS and .XLSX) file from C# [closed]


Excel .XLS and .XLSX file from C# closed How can I create an Excel.. .XLS and .XLSX file from C# closed How can I create an Excel Spreadsheet with C# Ideally I would like open source so I don't.. dependencies to my code and I would like to avoid using Excel directly to create the file using OLE Automation. The .CSV file..

How to properly clean up Excel interop objects


to properly clean up Excel interop objects I'm using the Excel interop in C# ApplicationClass.. to properly clean up Excel interop objects I'm using the Excel interop in C# ApplicationClass and have placed the following.. Although this kind of works the Excel.exe process is still in the background even after I close Excel...

Excel “External table is not in the expected format.”


open it first Thanks string sql SELECT FROM Sheet1 string excelConnection Provider Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 Data Source pathname.. 1 using OleDbDataAdapter adaptor new OleDbDataAdapter sql excelConnection DataSet ds new DataSet adaptor.Fill ds c# excel.. DataSet ds new DataSet adaptor.Fill ds c# excel excel 2007 xlsx share improve this question External table..

Create Excel (.XLS and .XLSX) file from C# [closed]


The PEAR Excel Writer is here PEAR Excel Writer c# .net excel share improve this question You can use a library called..

How to properly clean up Excel interop objects


System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject excelSheet 0 excelSheet null GC.Collect GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers.. excelSheet 0 excelSheet null GC.Collect GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers Although this.. to ensure interop objects are properly disposed of. c# excel interop com interop share improve this question Excel does..

How to convert a column number (eg. 127) into an excel column (eg. AA)


to convert a column number eg. 127 into an excel column eg. AA How do you convert a numerical number to an Excel.. it supports. The resulting values should be in the form of excel column names e.g. A AA AAA etc. c# excel excel 2007 share.. in the form of excel column names e.g. A AA AAA etc. c# excel excel 2007 share improve this question Here's how I do it..

How to detect if Console.In (stdin) has been redirected?


Import and Export Excel - What is the best library? [closed]


need is a fast XLSX CSV conversion routine. c# asp.net excel export to excel import from excel share improve this question.. XLSX CSV conversion routine. c# asp.net excel export to excel import from excel share improve this question I'm going.. routine. c# asp.net excel export to excel import from excel share improve this question I'm going to throw my hand in..

Write Array to Excel Range


this is therefore very time consuming. Many thanks Jon c# excel interop share improve this question This is an excerpt from..

How to read data of an Excel file using C#?


false worksheet.UsedRange.Cells.Select c# excel share improve this question OK One of the more difficult.. TestSheet.xls Console.WriteLine file Excel.Application excel null Excel.Workbook wkb null try excel new Excel.Application.. Excel.Application excel null Excel.Workbook wkb null try excel new Excel.Application wkb ExcelTools.OfficeUtil.OpenBook excel..