

c# Programming Glossary: executescalar

How can I determine whether a column exists in a SQL Server CE table with C#?


cmd.CommandText tblQuery object objvalid cmd.ExecuteScalar retVal null objvalid catch retVal false return retVal ...but.. sure how to implement this in C# .NET 1.1 Do I need to use ExecuteScalar and cast the returned value to a bool Or something else UPDATE.. cmd.CommandText tblQuery object objvalid cmd.ExecuteScalar retVal Convert.ToBoolean objvalid catch retVal false return..

Handling ExecuteScalar() when no results are returned


ExecuteScalar when no results are returned I am using the following SQL query.. are returned I am using the following SQL query and the ExecuteScalar method to fetch data from an Oracle database sql select username.. from usermst where userid 2 string getusername command.ExecuteScalar It is showing me this error message System.NullReferenceException..

How to insert a record and return the newly created ID using a single SqlCommand?


text so that I get the newly created ID when I use the ExecuteScalar method c# sql sql server share improve this question INSERT..

c# isn't a Int64 equal to a long?


based statements 'SELECT COUNT FROM X' and have been using ExecuteScalar to read these single valued results. However I ran into a issue.. a Long long recordCount 0 recordCount long selectCommand.ExecuteScalar Error is Specified cast is not valid. Update I can read BingInt..

SQL: Update a row and returning a column value with 1 query


Name column with 1 plan access only I'm using C# ADO.NET ExecuteScalar or ExecuteReader methods. c# sql server tsql ado.net share..

SCOPE_IDENTITY() always returning 0


DbType.Int32 cmd.Parameters.Add param execute int id cmd.ExecuteScalar .ToInt return id if cn.State ConnectionState.Open cn.Close catch.. share improve this question It looks like you are using ExecuteScalar and not looking at the output parameter to get the identity... your query. Here's a quick example which should work with ExecuteScalar CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.QuickExample @Name VARCHAR 50 AS INSERT..

Unable to cast object of type 'System.DBNull' to type 'System.String`


Guid id string accountNumber string DBSqlHelperFactory.ExecuteScalar connectionStringSplendidmyApp CommandType.StoredProcedure .. Guid id object accountNumber object DBSqlHelperFactory.ExecuteScalar connectionStringSplendidCRM CommandType.StoredProcedure .. accountNumber.ToString EDIT Haven't paid attention to ExecuteScalar. It does really return null if the field is absent in the return..

C#: Pass a user-defined type to a Oracle stored procedure


... .ConnectionString #endregion public static object ExecuteScalar string query object result using OracleConnection conn new.. conn command.CommandType CommandType.Text result command.ExecuteScalar command.Dispose conn.Close return result public static object.. conn.Close return result public static object ExecuteScalar string query params object parameters object result using OracleConnection..