c# Programming Glossary: exceldatareader
How to force ADO.Net to use only the System.String DataType in the readers TableSchema http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2567673/how-to-force-ado-net-to-use-only-the-system-string-datatype-in-the-readers-table to read from an Excel file you might consider trying the ExcelDataReader . It reads all columns as strings but will let you use dataReader.Getxxx..
Get Data From An Uploaded Excel File Without Saving to File System http://stackoverflow.com/questions/262341/get-data-from-an-uploaded-excel-file-without-saving-to-file-system open source API on Codeplex for doing this called ExcelDataReader. It can transform an input stream of an excel file into a System.Data.DataSet.. using BIFF specs . Here's the link http www.codeplex.com ExcelDataReader Here's a code sample ASP.NET Declarative asp FileUpload ID FileUpload1.. protected void Button1_Click object sender EventArgs e the ExcelDataReader takes a System.IO.Stream object var excelReader new ExcelDataReader..
Read excel file from a stream http://stackoverflow.com/questions/560435/read-excel-file-from-a-stream a soultion to the problem myself. http www.codeplex.com ExcelDataReader This library seems to work nicely and it takes a stream to read.. work nicely and it takes a stream to read the excel file. ExcelDataReader reader new ExcelDataReader ExcelFileUpload.PostedFile.InputStream.. stream to read the excel file. ExcelDataReader reader new ExcelDataReader ExcelFileUpload.PostedFile.InputStream share improve this..