

c# Programming Glossary: exclusively

WCF: using streaming with Message Contracts


must be a carried in message headers. The message body is exclusively reserved for the stream content. MessageContract public class..

How to lock file


framework share improve this question Simply open it exclusively using FileStream fs File.Open MyFile.txt FileMode.Open FileAccess.Read..

Can I simply 'read' a file that is in use?


an 'allowed list' of applications that can access exclusively opened and locked files. Only programs in this list are allowed..

Create thread just like if it were a separated application in C#


the thread that created it perhaps even the main UI thread exclusively . Otherwise you will get a bunch of access related exceptions...

Changing color of scroll bar in ListView in WinForms


There's a reason a Google search on this subject almost exclusively uncovers unanswered questions. For what it's worth this is way..

Call C# Code from Ribbon JScript CRM Online 2011


found of doing this is to Set up a entity that exists exclusively to run custom code on the server. Give it attributes called..

what is MVP-Passive View and MVP-Supervising controller


in the model. The interaction with the model is handled exclusively by the presenter the view is not aware of changes in the model...

C# mySQL There is already an open DataReader associated with this Connection which must be closed first


that while a DataReader is open the Connection is in use exclusively by that DataReader. You cannot execute any commands for the..

Implementing Box-Mueller random number generator in C#


Your mistake is thinking that it should return values exclusively within 0 1 . The standard normal distribution is a distribution..

High performance TCP server in C#


An application can use the enhanced asynchronous pattern exclusively or only in targeted hot areas for example when receiving large..

Which is preferred: Nullable<>.HasValue or Nullable<> == null?


else's existing code base where they used b Nullable null exclusively instead. Is there a reason to use one over the other or is it..

Why must we define both == and != in C#?


classes like Dictionary and methods like .Contains depend exclusively on the aforementioned interfaces and do not use the operators..

How to (de)construct data frames in WebSockets hybi 08+?


'start' inclusively else if length_code 127 and 'end' exclusively as arguments masks bytes.slice 10 14 Passing no 'end' makes..