

c# Programming Glossary: exc

Insert bytes into middle of a file (in windows filesystem) without reading entire file (using File Allocation Table)?


objectToSerialize strHTML writer.ToString catch Exception exc Debug.Assert false Investigate why exc var shower new Thread.. catch Exception exc Debug.Assert false Investigate why exc var shower new Thread var dumpWin new Window var browser..

how to print datagridview data on winforms?


true else e.HasMorePages false catch Exception exc MessageBox.Show exc.Message Error MessageBoxButtons.OK MessageBoxIcon.Error.. false catch Exception exc MessageBox.Show exc.Message Error MessageBoxButtons.OK MessageBoxIcon.Error private..

Elegant Log Window in WinForms C#


rtbLog.ScrollToCaret rtbLog.Update catch Exception exc exception handling private void TrimLog try Extra lines as.. rtbLog.ScrollToCaret rtbLog.Update catch Exception exc exception handling private void TrimLog try Extra lines as buffer.. iLineOffset rtbLog.Lines sNew catch Exception exc exception handling The problem with this approach is that whenever..

Need help with creating PDF from HTML using itextsharp


IElement item document.Close catch Exception exc Console.Error.WriteLine exc.Message I couldn't find any documentation.. catch Exception exc Console.Error.WriteLine exc.Message I couldn't find any documentation on which HTML constructs.. document YourHtmlDocument.html catch Exception exc Console.Error.WriteLine exc.Message The one major for me problem..



occurred 0 ce.Message Console.WriteLine catch Exception exc Console.WriteLine An unforseen error occurred 0 exc.Message.. exc Console.WriteLine An unforseen error occurred 0 exc.Message Console.ReadLine ServiceContract public interface.. occurred 0 ce.Message Console.WriteLine catch Exception exc Console.WriteLine An unforseen error occurred 0 exc.Message..

C# arrow key input for a console app


new KeyEventHandler Form1_KeyUp catch Exception exc ... void Form1_KeyDown object sender KeyEventArgs e switch..

Resolve assembly references from another folder


the loaded assembly. return MyAssembly catch Exception exc logger.Error exc return null c# .net clr assembly resolution.. return MyAssembly catch Exception exc logger.Error exc return null c# .net clr assembly resolution share improve..

C# Using Activator.CreateInstance


to worry about. It is very important to create your own exceptions that give clear information about reflection mistakes... must be wrapped in a try catch. Catch only specific exceptions as always I mean never catch Exception itself . Focus.. exist TargetInvocationException method exists but rose an exc. when invoked TargetParameterCountException MethodAccessException..

asp.net web service using office 2010 COM


ConversionResult.ErrorUnableToOpenOfficeFile exc.Message exc if wordDocument null wordDocument.SaveAs pExportFilePath.. ConversionResult.ErrorUnableToOpenOfficeFile exc.Message exc if wordDocument null wordDocument.SaveAs pExportFilePath WdSaveFormat.wdFormatXPS.. ConversionResult.OK pExportFilePath However I got exception when I try to call by the web method System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException..

Serialize object to XmlDocument


serialisedNode UPDATE 2 Given John Saunders excellent answer I've now started using the following private static.. XmlDocument var detailElement detailDocument.CreateElement exc SoapException.DetailElementName.Name SoapException.DetailElementName.Namespace..

How to catch ALL exceptions/crashes in a .NET app [duplicate]


to catch ALL exceptions crashes in a .NET app duplicate Possible Duplicate .NET.. .NET What ™s the best way to implement a œcatch all exceptions handler a I have a .NET console app app that is crashing.. displayed. In a Win32 app you can capture all possible exceptions crashes by installing various exception handlers C exc..