c# Programming Glossary: exceeds
Validating for large files upon Upload http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10445861/validating-for-large-files-upon-upload My problem is that whenever a user selects a file that exceeds a certain amoutn of Mb about 8 I get a page error that says..
Maximum capacity collection in c# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1213317/maximum-capacity-collection-in-c-sharp from the collection thus ensuring the item count never exceeds 100. I ™m using .net 3.5 Thanks in advance c# .net share improve..
Random playlist algorithm http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1816534/random-playlist-algorithm could always programmatically switch to int if the size exceeds ushort.MaxValue . If I personally added more than 65K items..
How Do You Communicate Service Layer Messages/Errors to Higher Layers Using MVP? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/21697/how-do-you-communicate-service-layer-messages-errors-to-higher-layers-using-mvp user entered does not exist failure Password length exceeds datastore allowed length failure Member created successfully..
Is it worthwhile to initialize the collection size of a List<T> if it's size reasonably known? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2247773/is-it-worthwhile-to-initialize-the-collection-size-of-a-listt-if-its-size-rea again to 131 072 bytes. That's a memory allocation that exceeds the threshold for large objects 85 000 bytes . The allocation..
Display custom error page when file upload exceeds allowed size in ASP.NET MVC http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2759193/display-custom-error-page-when-file-upload-exceeds-allowed-size-in-asp-net-mvc custom error page when file upload exceeds allowed size in ASP.NET MVC My main issue is that I want to.. want to display an custom error page when an uploaded file exceeds allowed size maxRequestLength in web.config . When the big file..
DropDown Menu with ScrollBar in .NET http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3171640/dropdown-menu-with-scrollbar-in-net with many sub items I get a very long list that sometimes exceeds the screen size. In the Windows Vista 7 example however there.. appears at the right when the number of sub items exceeds this number 18 . I wanted to know if anyone out there knows..
How to avoid System.IO.PathTooLongException? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/530109/how-to-avoid-system-io-pathtoolongexception directory or UNC share and if the length of the path exceeds 248 if I am not mistaken then it throws PathTooLongException...
Is C# really slower than say C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5326269/is-c-sharp-really-slower-than-say-c how often it's interpreting particular code and when it exceeds a certain threshold figures it's likely to execute enough more..
Fixed size queue which automatically dequeues old values upon new enques http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5852863/fixed-size-queue-which-automatically-dequeues-old-values-upon-new-enques would check the Count and then Dequeue when the count exceeds the limit. public class FixedSizedQueue T ConcurrentQueue T..
Memory limitations in a 64-bit .Net application? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6107322/memory-limitations-in-a-64-bit-net-application .NET you are never allowed to create a single object that exceeds 2 GiB. If you need a bigger object you need to make sure that..
MemoryCache Strangeness http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6895956/memorycache-strangeness of maximum memory size in megabytes. If the cache size exceeds the specified limit the memory cache implementation removes..
Is there an efficient algorithm for segmentation of handwritten text? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8015001/is-there-an-efficient-algorithm-for-segmentation-of-handwritten-text sufficient neighbors. As long as the width right left 1 exceeds some minimum value divide the total count of dark pixels by..
request exceeds the configured maxQueryStringLength when using [Authorize] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8159321/request-exceeds-the-configured-maxquerystringlength-when-using-authorize exceeds the configured maxQueryStringLength when using Authorize I..