

c# Programming Glossary: exam

.NET Asynchronous stream read/write


I have been trying to solve this Concurrent Programming exam exercise in C# Knowing that Stream class contains int Read byte..

Disabling mouse movement and clicks altogether in c#


At the end of the course i'll make them pass a sort of exam. So i'm building a little wizard based app in which i present.. wizard based app in which i present some simili real life examples of forms to fill in but i want to disable their mouse programatically..

Deserializing JSON using C#


sessions. Assignments. Homework · Reading. Exams. Final exam ... htmlSnippet Apr 7 2010 u003cb u003e... u003c b u003e Course.. u003e Assignments. Homework · Reading. Exams. Final exam u003cb u003e... u003c b u003e cacheid TxVqFzFZLOsJ C# Snippet..

What is better way to validate business rules in ASP.NET MVC application with 3 layer architecture?


follow there is domain class Learner and learners can take exams taking an exam produce an order Order class after that the.. domain class Learner and learners can take exams taking an exam produce an order Order class after that the learner take an.. an order Order class after that the learner take an exam we need to release results of exam for each learner this mean..