c# Programming Glossary: excelapp
C# Excel automation causes Excel memory leak http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13483523/c-sharp-excel-automation-causes-excel-memory-leak code using Excel Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel ... excelApp new Excel.Application excelApp.Visible true excelApp.Workbooks.Open.. ... excelApp new Excel.Application excelApp.Visible true excelApp.Workbooks.Open filename misValue misValue.. ... excelApp new Excel.Application excelApp.Visible true excelApp.Workbooks.Open filename misValue misValue misValue misValue..
Trying to do Office Automation with Excel 2007, but keeps using Excel 2003 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2239472/trying-to-do-office-automation-with-excel-2007-but-keeps-using-excel-2003 when you create a new Excel instance via Excel.Application excelApp new Application The Excel application loaded is set according.. will be run by default when you call Excel.Application excelApp new Application . The actual recommended practice is not to..
How do I auto size columns through the Excel interop objects? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2884356/how-do-i-auto-size-columns-through-the-excel-interop-objects class ExportReport public void Export Excel.Application excelApp new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application Excel.Workbook.. string data string errorMessage string.Empty try if excelApp null throw new Exception EXCEL could not be started. Create.. not be started. Create the workbook and worksheet. wb excelApp.Workbooks.Add Office.Excel.XlWBATemplate.xlWBATWorksheet ws..