c# Programming Glossary: excel.application
c# and excel automation - ending the running instance http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1041266/c-sharp-and-excel-automation-ending-the-running-instance is appreciated. Thanks. This is the barebones of my code Excel.Application xl null Excel._Workbook wBook null Excel._Worksheet wSheet null.. try open the template xl new Excel.Application wBook Excel._Workbook xl.Workbooks.Open excelTemplatePath _report.ExcelTemplate.. I was using C# v2 and could use generics using ComWrapper Excel.Application application new ComWrapper Excel.Application new Excel.Application..
Excel interop: _Worksheet or Worksheet? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1051464/excel-interop-worksheet-or-worksheet class DynamicExcel static void Main var app new Excel.Application Visible true app.Workbooks.Add Can use Excel._Worksheet instead..
Get instance of Excel application with C# by Handle http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1118735/get-instance-of-excel-application-with-c-sharp-by-handle app new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application app.Visible true To get the handle of active excel window i.. code to get the first running instance of Excel oExcelApp Excel.Application System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.GetActiveObject Excel.Application.. System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.GetActiveObject Excel.Application Example public Excel.Application StartExcel Excel.Application..
Kill child process when parent process is killed http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3342941/kill-child-process-when-parent-process-is-killed IntPtr hWnd out uint lpdwProcessId Excel.Application app new Excel.ApplicationClass uint pid 0 Win32.GetWindowThreadProcessId.. hWnd out uint lpdwProcessId Excel.Application app new Excel.ApplicationClass uint pid 0 Win32.GetWindowThreadProcessId new IntPtr app.Hwnd..
Does C# .NET support IDispatch late binding? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/403218/does-c-sharp-net-support-idispatch-late-binding For example 1 Use the version independant ProgID Excel.Application which resolves to clsid 00024500 0000 0000 C000 000000000046.. Object xl Activator.CreateInstance Type.GetTypeFromProgID Excel.Application Get the workbooks collection. books xl.Workbooks Object books..
How to read data of an Excel file using C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/657131/how-to-read-data-of-an-excel-file-using-c email format but I don't know how to do it. FileInfo finfo Excel.ApplicationClass ExcelObj new Excel.ApplicationClass ExcelObj.Visible false.. do it. FileInfo finfo Excel.ApplicationClass ExcelObj new Excel.ApplicationClass ExcelObj.Visible false Excel.Workbook theWorkbook Excel.Worksheet.. you created them. You can't use a Using block because the Excel.Application or Excel.Workbook doesn't implement IDisposable and if you don't..
How to use use late binding to get excel instance? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/779363/how-to-use-use-late-binding-to-get-excel-instance ExcelWindow ptr Finally you must use reflection to get the Excel.Application object from the ExcelWindow object object xlApp ptr.GetType..