android Programming Glossary: svn
HTML5 video doesnt play with android share improve this question try the code given at svn link at http p html5webview source checkout..
Javamail api in android using XOauth example here http google mail xoauth svn trunk java com google code samples xoauth
Calling hidden API in android to turn screen off screen off. check out my other source over on my project svn http p mylockforandroid source checkout How..
Effective Android Programming Techniques [closed] and show different coding style solutions. Grab it using svn co http apps for svn trunk apps for android.. Grab it using svn co http apps for svn trunk apps for android read only Download the source You need..
Android+Eclipse project sharing via SVN? of how they successfully do this java android eclipse svn share improve this question You should be able to do it..
Attaching Java Source to Android projects in Eclipse add the following location http adt svn trunk source This will..
android: running a background task using AlarmManager complete example http android in svn trunk ch02 DealDroidWithService The pattern this example uses.. another receiver http android in svn trunk ch02 DealDroidWithService src com manning aip dealdroid.. an IntentService http android in svn trunk ch02 DealDroidWithService src com manning aip dealdroid..
Anyone doing C2DM on Android http p chrometophone source checkout or svn it svn checkout http svn trunk.. p chrometophone source checkout or svn it svn checkout http svn trunk chrometophone.. or svn it svn checkout http svn trunk chrometophone read only Basic things you should understand...
Swipe/Fling tab-changing in conjunction with ScrollView? to have solved this problem http svn trunk src com google android apps iosched ui
get SMS number at outgoing time by contentObserver take a look to this code http svn history r46 trunk MobileSpy src org ddth android monitor observer..
how to count step using accelerometer in android following code from the link http svn trunk src name bagi levente pedometer my code..
OpenCV on Android Using Eclipse much searching I came across this trunk https svn opencv trunk opencv and was able to import it into my workspace..
R.Java not generated find what is the exact problem. android eclipse tortoisesvn file svn client share improve this question In general.. exact problem. android eclipse tortoisesvn file svn client share improve this question In general to make it..
Android TTS Male Female Voice Change the third party app from http eyes svn trunk tts Then in my app's MainActivity i do the below editText..
How to set different values for Legend and Labels in piechart While I am using Chart Engine in android were not displaying. I have just fixed this issue in SVN. You can checkout the code according to this page and run an..
Is achartengine ready for realtime graphing? the onDraw method. I fixed that and checked in the code in SVN. I have also added a synchronized block inside the onDraw method.. the dataset during repaints. Please checkout the code from SVN and do an ant dist in order to build new AChartEngine jar file..
Eclipse / Android : “Errors running builder 'Android Pre Compiler' on project…” starting a whole new workspace installing this 'Subversive SVN JDT Ignore Extensions' upgrading everything making sure I don't.. version site Expand 'Collaboration' Choose 'Subversive SVN JDT Ignore Extensions' and 'Subversive SVN Team Provider' but.. 'Subversive SVN JDT Ignore Extensions' and 'Subversive SVN Team Provider' but this didn't work for me I'm on Indigo perhaps..
What's a good, free source control system for eclipse android development? control eclipse plugin share improve this question SVN Subversion is very good and there is support for an Eclipse..
Android+Eclipse project sharing via SVN? Eclipse project sharing via SVN I am very new to Eclipse Galileo Eclipse IDE for Java Developers.. and working on my first Android app but have used SVN on many other kinds of projects and development. Last night.. any problems. Here is what I do to open a project from SVN if the source is already on the machine Open eclipse Click on..
How to convert an Eclipse Android project to use Ant for build? into C Users Jason Documents Programming Android Android SVN trunk GPSAlarm BusSnooze bin classes. dex... apply apply UNEXPECTED..
Create an Android GPS tracking application is available here . You can checkout the code using SVN client application or via Git svn checkout http open
Creating an Android JUnit Test project in Eclipse project. This worked for me. EDIT If you upload to SVN in Eclipse by syncing the MyAndroidApp project not the MyAndroidAppTest..
Why are annotations under Android such a performance issue (slow)? a generic solution but here's the Java code from ORMLite SVN repository . For a generic solution see yanchenko's answer below..
R.Java not generated people mentioned that it is sometimes caused by the SVN client software but none of them mentioned any solution for..
Erros in trying to synchronize Eclipse workspace files across a Windows machine and an Ubuntu machine; which files must or must not be included? If you work within a team and use source control like SVN these are the only required folders files that need checked.. the only required folders files that need checked in to SVN all others .project .classpath .settings bin target and etc...
HTML5 video doesnt play with android
Javamail api in android using XOauth oauth2 tools wiki JavaSampleCode and on this java Xoauth example here http google mail xoauth svn trunk java com google code samples xoauth There's no working SASL implementation in JavaMail for..
Calling hidden API in android to turn screen off system setting doesn't work like this and won't get the screen off. check out my other source over on my project svn http p mylockforandroid source checkout How hard do you think it is to ask the android team to add support..
Effective Android Programming Techniques [closed] It can supplement the sample applications nicely and show different coding style solutions. Grab it using svn co http apps for svn trunk apps for android read only Download the source You need the Android source.. nicely and show different coding style solutions. Grab it using svn co http apps for svn trunk apps for android read only Download the source You need the Android source to solve some problems or more likely get..
Android+Eclipse project sharing via SVN? with my home Eclipse install Can someone give me an overview of how they successfully do this java android eclipse svn share improve this question You should be able to do it like you tried. Make sure you have the Android Development Tools..
Attaching Java Source to Android projects in Eclipse directly from Eclipse Help Install New Software... Then add the following location http adt svn trunk source This will let you browse the source for the following Android versions..
android: running a background task using AlarmManager alarmmanager share improve this question Here is one complete example http android in svn trunk ch02 DealDroidWithService The pattern this example uses and one that I've found that seems to work well is to use.. is not booted and have the AlarmManager send an Intent for another receiver http android in svn trunk ch02 DealDroidWithService src com manning aip dealdroid And then from the AlarmReceiver start.. And then from the AlarmReceiver start an IntentService http android in svn trunk ch02 DealDroidWithService src com manning aip dealdroid From your IntentService then make your..
Anyone doing C2DM on Android implementing the server side of the App. Download it from http p chrometophone source checkout or svn it svn checkout http svn trunk chrometophone read only Basic things you should understand... the server side of the App. Download it from http p chrometophone source checkout or svn it svn checkout http svn trunk chrometophone read only Basic things you should understand. In the.. it from http p chrometophone source checkout or svn it svn checkout http svn trunk chrometophone read only Basic things you should understand. In the C2DMBaseReciever class you have @Override public..
Swipe/Fling tab-changing in conjunction with ScrollView? code as their FlingableTabHost implementation would appear to have solved this problem http svn trunk src com google android apps iosched ui I think the key is in extending TabHost and overriding..
get SMS number at outgoing time by contentObserver android contentobserver share improve this question Please take a look to this code http svn history r46 trunk MobileSpy src org ddth android monitor observer It creates a ContentObserver listens..
how to count step using accelerometer in android is by the x y z how to count steps while walking i get the following code from the link http svn trunk src name bagi levente pedometer my code import import android.content.Context..
OpenCV on Android Using Eclipse recognize the existing projects in the directory. So after much searching I came across this trunk https svn opencv trunk opencv and was able to import it into my workspace in Eclipse. Eclipse now recognizes the sample projects but..
R.Java not generated be very thankful to you guys if you download it yourself and find what is the exact problem. android eclipse tortoisesvn file svn client share improve this question In general to make it work import project into eclipse File Import.. to you guys if you download it yourself and find what is the exact problem. android eclipse tortoisesvn file svn client share improve this question In general to make it work import project into eclipse File Import General Existing..
Android TTS Male Female Voice Change voice in my app it only speaks in male voice. I download the third party app from http eyes svn trunk tts Then in my app's MainActivity i do the below editText EditText findViewById Button speak Button..
How to set different values for Legend and Labels in piechart While I am using Chart Engine in android that was preventing displaying the chart values when the labels were not displaying. I have just fixed this issue in SVN. You can checkout the code according to this page and run an ant dist in order to build an up to date achartengine.jar file..
Is achartengine ready for realtime graphing? right about the huge memory allocation that was done under the onDraw method. I fixed that and checked in the code in SVN. I have also added a synchronized block inside the onDraw method such as it will hopefully not throw ConcurrentModificationException.. ConcurrentModificationException when adding new data to the dataset during repaints. Please checkout the code from SVN and do an ant dist in order to build new AChartEngine jar file and embed it in your application. Please see instructions..
Eclipse / Android : “Errors running builder 'Android Pre Compiler' on project…” Android SDK up to 17 I've already tried a few things like starting a whole new workspace installing this 'Subversive SVN JDT Ignore Extensions' upgrading everything making sure I don't have any files without extensions in my source folder or.. plugins Help Install new Software Work with your Eclipse version site Expand 'Collaboration' Choose 'Subversive SVN JDT Ignore Extensions' and 'Subversive SVN Team Provider' but this didn't work for me I'm on Indigo perhaps on Juno it works.. with your Eclipse version site Expand 'Collaboration' Choose 'Subversive SVN JDT Ignore Extensions' and 'Subversive SVN Team Provider' but this didn't work for me I'm on Indigo perhaps on Juno it works . The solution is to install the 21.1..
What's a good, free source control system for eclipse android development?
Android+Eclipse project sharing via SVN? Eclipse project sharing via SVN I am very new to Eclipse Galileo Eclipse IDE for Java Developers and working on my first Android app but have used SVN.. I am very new to Eclipse Galileo Eclipse IDE for Java Developers and working on my first Android app but have used SVN on many other kinds of projects and development. Last night I took my first crack at pushing the new source into a shared.. sense to me but I do check in the gen folder and don't have any problems. Here is what I do to open a project from SVN if the source is already on the machine Open eclipse Click on File Import Select General Existing Projects into Workspace..
How to convert an Eclipse Android project to use Ant for build? dex echo Converting compiled files and external libraries into C Users Jason Documents Programming Android Android SVN trunk GPSAlarm BusSnooze bin classes. dex... apply apply UNEXPECTED TOP LEVEL EXCEPTION apply
Create an Android GPS tracking application Android mobile application open gpstracker which you appreciated is available here . You can checkout the code using SVN client application or via Git svn checkout http open svn trunk open gpstracker read only git clone..
Creating an Android JUnit Test project in Eclipse Eclipse project in the package explorer. Clean the MyAndroidAppTest project. This worked for me. EDIT If you upload to SVN in Eclipse by syncing the MyAndroidApp project not the MyAndroidAppTest project you need to do a little more I've just done..
Why are annotations under Android such a performance issue (slow)? the invoke which is using the method.equals call. It is not a generic solution but here's the Java code from ORMLite SVN repository . For a generic solution see yanchenko's answer below . java android performance garbage collection annotations..
R.Java not generated project from existing source etc but still facing the problem.Some people mentioned that it is sometimes caused by the SVN client software but none of them mentioned any solution for that.I will be very thankful to you guys if you download it..
Erros in trying to synchronize Eclipse workspace files across a Windows machine and an Ubuntu machine; which files must or must not be included? renamed since r14 proguard.cfg if you use Proguard If you work within a team and use source control like SVN these are the only required folders files that need checked in to SVN all others .project .classpath .settings bin target.. work within a team and use source control like SVN these are the only required folders files that need checked in to SVN all others .project .classpath .settings bin target and etc. are not necessary. thoese are iteratively generated by IDE..