android Programming Glossary: surely
Am I getting the steps right for verifying a user's Android in-app subscription? Console. Save the private key that is given to me where surely not in my code on the device as this sample code suggests Use..
Android Custom Shape Button
How to set android lock screen image adding widgets or bits of applications is not possible but surely there must be a way to set the image programmatically Cheers..
How to handle Alarm notification in Android? if it is the alarm clock is activated your activity will surely go in background. So i guess u can override the OnPause and..
Android color xml resource file android xml share improve this question You have surely made your own by now but for the benefit of others please find..
Android: softkeyboard control on HTC desire be because of HTC sense having it's own ime but there must surely be a way to make this work on HTC phones Anyone else managed..
Android AdMob SDK - requesting a new Advert returns same Advert the activity. This isn't the way its supposed to behave surely I'm not in test mode nor am I using a registered test device...
How to speed up unzipping time in Java / Android? on Android is slow but copying byte for byte in a loop is surely slowing it down even more. Try using BufferedInputStream and..
malayalam font in android? the font for textview. I have't try'd it bt i think u will surely find it helpful. Typeface typeFace Typeface.createFromAsset..
Invoke native date picker from web-app on iOS/Android or maybe my web view's CSS styling has some effect and surely this might be different on a real device please comment or edit..
Create an Android GPS tracking application
What's the difference in GCC between -std=gnu++0x and -std=c++0x and which one should be used? it shall deļ¬ne the corresponding typedef names But hang on surely on Android with std c 0x GCC does provide a 64 bit unsigned..
In the onDraw() method, why does the supplied Canvas already have scale? but I can't understand why it has such scaling when surely the Canvas' dimensions perfectly match the area of the screen..
IllegalStateException when replacing a Fragment newRightFrag ft.commit You will surely have seen what my mistake is. Anyway let's give a little more..
How to start a Service when .apk is Installed for the first time the answer was that its not possible but I guess it is surely possible. Just have a look at PlanB Application on the Android..
Android unable to implement facebook comment in a webview due to default browser all the action on a webview and if anything comes I will surely post. Thanks in advance Update I could only implement facebook..
Using Activities from Library projects open the picker Activity correctly. Is this required Surely not This further makes me wonder if there is a problem with..
Android Creating a memory resident input file that can be attached to an email that do not want to move sensitive data around too much. Surely if the data does not reach the sdcard and goes directly to a..
What's the best way to iterate an Android Cursor? to me with several different calls to Cursor methods. Surely there must be a neater way android cursor share improve this..
reorder pages in FragmentStatePagerAdapter using getItemPosition(Object object) than debugging and rebuilding the support library myself Surely somebody must have overridden getItemPosition Object object..
Using a rounded corners drawable can create a new scaled bitmap but it's just a workaround. Surely there is a better way which will also not use more memory than..
Add support library to Android Studio project are just two clicks. I googled for it but found nothing. Surely it is too new. android android support library android studio..
Android: How to interface with Google Calendar? at a particular time the notifcation event would occur. Surely someone must have determined a way to interface with Google..
Problems trying to build PocketSphinx for Android using NDK yelling at me for header files missing in other locations. Surely I'm missing something simple. Isn't there somewhere I can set..
Why is it impossible to use the Speech Recorder on the Android emulator? never worked for the emulator for anyone why put it there Surely this has worked for someone. Is there a way to make Speech Recorder..
Sending email with attachment through GMailSender? is the output on the logcat when I try to execute this. Surely I am missing something pretty simple. Could someone point it..
Is there a working public mirror of with _ and it doesn't appear to have all of them anyway. Surely there's a better way Thanks android share improve this question..
Android: Increase call stack size
Android clipboard code that works on all API levels the other needs import android.content.ClipboardManager Surely there is a way write some code that will work on both sides..
Am I getting the steps right for verifying a user's Android in-app subscription? questions in them Create a Service Account in the Google APIs Console. Save the private key that is given to me where surely not in my code on the device as this sample code suggests Use Google APIs Client Library for Java to create and sign a JWT..
Android Custom Shape Button
How to set android lock screen image various posts saying that customising the lock screen by adding widgets or bits of applications is not possible but surely there must be a way to set the image programmatically Cheers Robin java android image wallpaper share improve this question..
How to handle Alarm notification in Android? me on this but AFAIK whenever any other application even if it is the alarm clock is activated your activity will surely go in background. So i guess u can override the OnPause and OnResume functions to put your bit of code. As far as snooze..
Android color xml resource file color xml resource file containing all the X11 w3c color codes android xml share improve this question You have surely made your own by now but for the benefit of others please find w3c and x11 below. My first contribution after having only..
Android: softkeyboard control on HTC desire for testing and it doesn't work at all. I'm sure it must be because of HTC sense having it's own ime but there must surely be a way to make this work on HTC phones Anyone else managed to get around this issue keyboard htcsense android share..
Android AdMob SDK - requesting a new Advert returns same Advert time. The only way to get a new different advert is to restart the activity. This isn't the way its supposed to behave surely I'm not in test mode nor am I using a registered test device. Thanks android admob share improve this question It is..
How to speed up unzipping time in Java / Android? share improve this question I don't know if unzipping on Android is slow but copying byte for byte in a loop is surely slowing it down even more. Try using BufferedInputStream and BufferedOutputStream it might be a bit more complicated but..
malayalam font in android? your project then with the help of setTypeface function set the font for textview. I have't try'd it bt i think u will surely find it helpful. Typeface typeFace Typeface.createFromAsset getAsset malyalam.fnt and then add it to your textview like..
Invoke native date picker from web-app on iOS/Android render its native date picker nicely on top of a web view or maybe my web view's CSS styling has some effect and surely this might be different on a real device please comment or edit Though the Android date picker plugin tries to use the same..
Create an Android GPS tracking application
What's the difference in GCC between -std=gnu++0x and -std=c++0x and which one should be used? signed types that have a two's complement representation it shall deļ¬ne the corresponding typedef names But hang on surely on Android with std c 0x GCC does provide a 64 bit unsigned type with no padding bits unsigned long long . So cstdint is..
In the onDraw() method, why does the supplied Canvas already have scale? already applied is possibly a big clue to solving this problem but I can't understand why it has such scaling when surely the Canvas' dimensions perfectly match the area of the screen it's ultimately painting to. Thanks Trev android share..
IllegalStateException when replacing a Fragment android.R.anim.fade_out ft.replace newRightFrag ft.commit You will surely have seen what my mistake is. Anyway let's give a little more explaination about what the application should do Landscape..
How to start a Service when .apk is Installed for the first time gets installed on the Device. I saw many links from which the answer was that its not possible but I guess it is surely possible. Just have a look at PlanB Application on the Android Market that does fulfil my requirement. Below is my Manifest..
Android unable to implement facebook comment in a webview due to default browser be very glad. I am still trying to understand on how to make all the action on a webview and if anything comes I will surely post. Thanks in advance Update I could only implement facebook login but couldn't implement AOL Hotmail and Yahoo login...
Using Activities from Library projects project activity to the dependent project makes the project open the picker Activity correctly. Is this required Surely not This further makes me wonder if there is a problem with merging referencing the integer id's from in the Library..
Android Creating a memory resident input file that can be attached to an email kind of applications. Namely security banking applications that do not want to move sensitive data around too much. Surely if the data does not reach the sdcard and goes directly to a mail attachment it is harder to sniff than within the application..
What's the best way to iterate an Android Cursor? while cursor.moveToNext These all seem excessively long winded to me with several different calls to Cursor methods. Surely there must be a neater way android cursor share improve this question The simplest way is this while cursor.moveToNext..
reorder pages in FragmentStatePagerAdapter using getItemPosition(Object object) wrong. If they are bugs can anyone suggest a workaround other than debugging and rebuilding the support library myself Surely somebody must have overridden getItemPosition Object object successfully apart from setting everything to POSITION_NONE..
Using a rounded corners drawable the image only tiling it in some way. As a workaround I can create a new scaled bitmap but it's just a workaround. Surely there is a better way which will also not use more memory than it should. How do I fix those issues and use this great code..
Add support library to Android Studio project for Android. Where is the option for that In Eclipse that are just two clicks. I googled for it but found nothing. Surely it is too new. android android support library android studio share improve this question Although android studio is..
Android: How to interface with Google Calendar? need to have an active internet connection at all times. Then at a particular time the notifcation event would occur. Surely someone must have determined a way to interface with Google Calendar I'm sure there must be numerous apps and solutions..
Problems trying to build PocketSphinx for Android using NDK the jni folder I get farther but then the compiler starts yelling at me for header files missing in other locations. Surely I'm missing something simple. Isn't there somewhere I can set a Look in these locations for header files before blowing..
Why is it impossible to use the Speech Recorder on the Android emulator? sections of the host's audio device. Also if Speech Recorder never worked for the emulator for anyone why put it there Surely this has worked for someone. Is there a way to make Speech Recorder work for me too I am using Windows XP 32 bit and my..
Sending email with attachment through GMailSender? out being the part I had hoped would add the image. Below that is the output on the logcat when I try to execute this. Surely I am missing something pretty simple. Could someone point it out to me please Thanks in advance. public synchronized void..
Is there a working public mirror of android but the manifest file needs to edited to e.g. replace with _ and it doesn't appear to have all of them anyway. Surely there's a better way Thanks android share improve this question https gitweb quic la Source Access..
Android: Increase call stack size
Android clipboard code that works on all API levels One needs import android.text.ClipboardManager while the other needs import android.content.ClipboardManager Surely there is a way write some code that will work on both sides of API level 11. I just can't figure it out. Edited Since I..