android Programming Glossary: svc
Turn off wifi via adb? adb android wifi share improve this question Using 'svc' binary on your Android device Enable adb shell svc wifi enable.. Using 'svc' binary on your Android device Enable adb shell svc wifi enable Disable adb shell svc wifi disable Using Key Events.. device Enable adb shell svc wifi enable Disable adb shell svc wifi disable Using Key Events through ADB This is a little sketchy..
How to get Boot_Complete intent in HTC when i use 'poweroff' for reboot? ServiceCheck Context cx if ServiceRunning cx false Intent svc new Intent . Servicename cx.startService svc Log.i Service Check.. false Intent svc new Intent . Servicename cx.startService svc Log.i Service Check Service Starting else Log.i Service Check..
Android: Passing a Service a Handler pass ints to my service upon creation int x 0 Intent svc new Intent this MyService.class svc.putExtra x x startService.. int x 0 Intent svc new Intent this MyService.class svc.putExtra x x startService svc However since a Handler isn't.. Intent this MyService.class svc.putExtra x x startService svc However since a Handler isn't serialize able I haven't found..
I have a memory leak using ListActivity in Android super.onCreate savedInstanceState Intent svc new Intent this.getApplicationContext LeakTestService.class.. LeakTestService.class startService svc the problem happens with both SimpleAdapter and ArrayAdapter..
Android RuntimeException: Unable to instantiate the service Activity Button click public void onclick View view Intent svc new Intent this MyService.class startService svc android android.. Intent svc new Intent this MyService.class startService svc android android service share improve this question In..
How can I keep my Android service running when the screen is turned off? mSharedPrefs.getBoolean prefAutoUpdatesMain false Intent svc new Intent this MyService.class startService svc How can I can.. Intent svc new Intent this MyService.class startService svc How can I can avoid the service pause What I have to do in MyService..
How do you create a loadable kernel module for Android? CtsPerformance4TestCases libdbus tools common libsqlite svc CtsPerformance5TestCases libdex libsqlite3_android swing worker..
Android background music service about doing it with services using mediaplayer Intent svc new Intent this BackgroundSoundService.class startService svc.. new Intent this BackgroundSoundService.class startService svc public class BackgroundSoundService extends Service private..
Turn off wifi via adb? false Im just not sure how to put it together android shell adb android wifi share improve this question Using 'svc' binary on your Android device Enable adb shell svc wifi enable Disable adb shell svc wifi disable Using Key Events through.. shell adb android wifi share improve this question Using 'svc' binary on your Android device Enable adb shell svc wifi enable Disable adb shell svc wifi disable Using Key Events through ADB This is a little sketchy however you can use.. improve this question Using 'svc' binary on your Android device Enable adb shell svc wifi enable Disable adb shell svc wifi disable Using Key Events through ADB This is a little sketchy however you can use keyevents adb shell am start a android.intent.action.MAIN..
How to get Boot_Complete intent in HTC when i use 'poweroff' for reboot? false And if it isn't just start it public static void ServiceCheck Context cx if ServiceRunning cx false Intent svc new Intent . Servicename cx.startService svc Log.i Service Check Service Starting else Log.i Service Check Service Existing..
Android: Passing a Service a Handler object in the Service's starting Intent. E.g. I can easily pass ints to my service upon creation int x 0 Intent svc new Intent this MyService.class svc.putExtra x x startService svc However since a Handler isn't serialize able I haven't.. Intent. E.g. I can easily pass ints to my service upon creation int x 0 Intent svc new Intent this MyService.class svc.putExtra x x startService svc However since a Handler isn't serialize able I haven't found a way to pass it to the service.. pass ints to my service upon creation int x 0 Intent svc new Intent this MyService.class svc.putExtra x x startService svc However since a Handler isn't serialize able I haven't found a way to pass it to the service without a simple static member..
I have a memory leak using ListActivity in Android is first created. @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState Intent svc new Intent this.getApplicationContext LeakTestService.class startService svc the problem happens with both SimpleAdapter.. super.onCreate savedInstanceState Intent svc new Intent this.getApplicationContext LeakTestService.class startService svc the problem happens with both SimpleAdapter and ArrayAdapter _Adapter new SimpleAdapter this.getApplicationContext _Data..
Android RuntimeException: Unable to instantiate the service catch block e.printStackTrace Service Consumption in an Activity Button click public void onclick View view Intent svc new Intent this MyService.class startService svc android android service share improve this question In your concrete.. in an Activity Button click public void onclick View view Intent svc new Intent this MyService.class startService svc android android service share improve this question In your concrete implementation you have to declare a default..
How can I keep my Android service running when the screen is turned off? is paused. I start my service with the following code if mSharedPrefs.getBoolean prefAutoUpdatesMain false Intent svc new Intent this MyService.class startService svc How can I can avoid the service pause What I have to do in MyService is.. code if mSharedPrefs.getBoolean prefAutoUpdatesMain false Intent svc new Intent this MyService.class startService svc How can I can avoid the service pause What I have to do in MyService is to download some data from Internet. If I have understand..
How do you create a loadable kernel module for Android? su CtsPerformance3TestCases libdbus libspeex surfaceflinger CtsPerformance4TestCases libdbus tools common libsqlite svc CtsPerformance5TestCases libdex libsqlite3_android swing worker 1.1 CtsPerformanceTestCases libdl libsqlite3_phone_number_utils_test..
Android background music service 307 light racer 20 days 61 64 completion If you are so serious about doing it with services using mediaplayer Intent svc new Intent this BackgroundSoundService.class startService svc public class BackgroundSoundService extends Service private.. about doing it with services using mediaplayer Intent svc new Intent this BackgroundSoundService.class startService svc public class BackgroundSoundService extends Service private static final String TAG null MediaPlayer player public IBinder..