android Programming Glossary: surrounding
How to intercept incoming calls android 2.3.x 15031 issue and 15872 issue Google changed the framework surrounding the permissions for the telephony much to the annoyance of developers...
Does GPS require Internet? for periods of time to download the map information in the surrounding area. While it requires a significant amount of effort you can..
In-App Purchase remove ads out your XML without the adview and in your code use if surrounding all of your setContentView R.layout.example Here's an example..
Change brightness according to surrounding light in android [closed] brightness according to surrounding light in android closed I want to change brightness of screen.. the power widget But I want to change brightness as per surrounding light .. In short I want to do same as auto brightness works.... to do same as auto brightness works.. How Can I detect surrounding light OR Can I trigger auto brightness functionality brightness..
How to capture raw image from android camera the RGB value of a pixel requires interpreting the surrounding pixels. Format 2 has pixel order 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 G R G R G R 1..
Convert magnetic field X, Y, Z values from device into global reference frame change assuming there are no magnetic interference from surrounding objects actually m should change little if you move around since.. How do you know if there is or isn't any interference from surrounding objects You can do a lot more like complete knowledge of your..
How to get RelativeLayout working with merge and include? include will not align to bottom of parent without the surrounding LinearLayout.. I wouldn't call this expected behavior. Additionally..
Fast Scroll display problem with ListAdapter and SectionIndexer names starting with.. It will compute the scroll space of surrounding empty sections and interpolate the currently visible letter's..
What exactly is a Context in Java? [duplicate] this question In programming terms it's the larger surrounding part which can have any influence on the behaviour of the current..
How to Animate Addition or Removal of Android ListView Rows youtube video showing the default animation. Note how the surrounding rows collapse onto the deleted row. This animation helps users.. mAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged 100 However the rows surrounding the animated row don't move position until they jump to their..
Grid of images inside ScrollView no scroll functionality other that the one provided by the surrounding ScrollView. An image will best illustrate my question ScrollView..
Bluetooth SPP between Android and other device, UUID and PIN questions SPP . It starts an inquiry procedure to discover up to 10 surrounding access points with matched COD Filter and Service Name. Then..
Compile with Proguard gives SimException UNEXPECTED TOP-LEVEL EXCEPTION made sure it was being used and added a condition tag surrounding the dex calls echo Converting compiled files and external libraries..
Get list of places surrounding user's current location list of places surrounding user's current location So I've seen many questions about this..
How to intercept incoming calls android 2.3.x The reason it does not work in Gingerbread 2.3.x is this 15031 issue and 15872 issue Google changed the framework surrounding the permissions for the telephony much to the annoyance of developers. Although it is not guaranteed some phone makers leave..
Does GPS require Internet? locally but it would still require an internet connection for periods of time to download the map information in the surrounding area. While it requires a significant amount of effort you can write your own tool to do the reverse geocoding but you still..
In-App Purchase remove ads If you did it via XML then the best way to do it is to copy out your XML without the adview and in your code use if surrounding all of your setContentView R.layout.example Here's an example of what I mean if adsDisabled true setContentView R.layout.mainNoAds..
Change brightness according to surrounding light in android [closed] brightness according to surrounding light in android closed I want to change brightness of screen according to light.. I found links for getting brightness.. in android Changing screen brightness programmatically as with the power widget But I want to change brightness as per surrounding light .. In short I want to do same as auto brightness works.. How Can I detect surrounding light OR Can I trigger auto.. change brightness as per surrounding light .. In short I want to do same as auto brightness works.. How Can I detect surrounding light OR Can I trigger auto brightness functionality brightness is having value range between 0 to 255. I want to set brightness..
How to capture raw image from android camera the next row has blue green blue green blue green. To determine the RGB value of a pixel requires interpreting the surrounding pixels. Format 2 has pixel order 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 G R G R G R 1 B G B G B G 2 G R G R G R 3 B G B G B G format 3 has the pixel..
Convert magnetic field X, Y, Z values from device into global reference frame stand still and rotate your device theoretically m does not change assuming there are no magnetic interference from surrounding objects actually m should change little if you move around since the magnetic field of the earth should change little in.. any other knowledge how do you fitler magnetic values How do you know if there is or isn't any interference from surrounding objects You can do a lot more like complete knowledge of your device spatial position etc with the understanding of rotation..
How to get RelativeLayout working with merge and include? layout_alignParentBottom true RelativeLayout The bare footer include will not align to bottom of parent without the surrounding LinearLayout.. I wouldn't call this expected behavior. Additionally the WebView appears to attach itself nicely to the header..
Fast Scroll display problem with ListAdapter and SectionIndexer following code will try to account for missing sections no names starting with.. It will compute the scroll space of surrounding empty sections and interpolate the currently visible letter's range across the available space so that there is always..
What exactly is a Context in Java? [duplicate] what a Context is in plain English java android share improve this question In programming terms it's the larger surrounding part which can have any influence on the behaviour of the current unit of work. E.g. the running environment used the environment..
How to Animate Addition or Removal of Android ListView Rows and removal of UITableView rows here's a clip from a youtube video showing the default animation. Note how the surrounding rows collapse onto the deleted row. This animation helps users keep track of what changed in a list and where in the list.. new Runnable public void run mStringList.remove position mAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged 100 However the rows surrounding the animated row don't move position until they jump to their new positions when notifyDataSetChanged is called. It appears..
Grid of images inside ScrollView laid out like a grid as shown below but I want them to have no scroll functionality other that the one provided by the surrounding ScrollView. An image will best illustrate my question ScrollView LinearLayout ImageView TextView GridView TextView LinearLayout..
Bluetooth SPP between Android and other device, UUID and PIN questions using Service Discovery Protocol SDP and Serial Port Profile SPP . It starts an inquiry procedure to discover up to 10 surrounding access points with matched COD Filter and Service Name. Then it sequentially establishes a connection using Page Procedure..
Compile with Proguard gives SimException UNEXPECTED TOP-LEVEL EXCEPTION do in the provided ant template. I copied the dex helper macro made sure it was being used and added a condition tag surrounding the dex calls echo Converting compiled files and external libraries into intermediate.dex.file ... echo if condition debug..
Get list of places surrounding user's current location list of places surrounding user's current location So I've seen many questions about this here on SO and in other forums but no definite answer. It..