android Programming Glossary: surfacechanged
camera app not working? SurfaceHolder holder shutdown @Override public void surfaceChanged SurfaceHolder holder int format int width int height private..
Android ICS and MJPEG using AsyncTask attrs super context attrs init context public void surfaceChanged SurfaceHolder holder int f int w int h thread.setSurfaceSize..
Full screen videoview without stretching the video string Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show finish public void surfaceChanged SurfaceHolder holder int format int width int height TODO Auto..
How can I capture a video recording on Android? SurfaceHolder holder prepareRecorder public void surfaceChanged SurfaceHolder holder int format int width int height public..
How to draw an overlay on a SurfaceView used by Camera on Android? IOException e public void invalidar invalidate public void surfaceChanged SurfaceHolder holder int format int w int h Camera.Parameters..
Android and MJPEG attrs super context attrs init context public void surfaceChanged SurfaceHolder holder int f int w int h thread.setSurfaceSize..
Overlay images onto Camera preview SurfaceView camera.takePicture shutter raw jpeg @Override public void surfaceChanged SurfaceHolder arg0 int arg1 int arg2 int arg3 TODO Auto generated..
Android - Camera preview is sideways in API 8. So this is how I implement it public void surfaceChanged SurfaceHolder holder int format int width int height if isPreviewRunning..
Touch and drag image in android y 25 if y 405 y 405 return true @Override public void surfaceChanged SurfaceHolder holder int format int width int height TODO Auto..
How to set Android camera orientation properly? targetHeight return optimalSize @Override public void surfaceChanged SurfaceHolder holder int format int width int height Camera.Parameters..
How can I use the animation framework inside the canvas? framesCount framesCount 0 @Override public void surfaceChanged SurfaceHolder holder int format int width int height @Override..
Screen blinking when using a webview with flash context getHolder .addCallback this @Override public void surfaceChanged SurfaceHolder holder int format int width int height Canvas..
android camera surfaceview orientation so I have a class that extends SurfaceView and overrides surfaceChanged just calls startPreview surfaceCreated opens camera edits params..
Android crash when app is closed and reopened canvas.drawColor Color.WHITE @Override public void surfaceChanged SurfaceHolder holder int format int width int height resize..
How can I manipulate the camera preview? Log.w this.getClass .getName On Draw Called public void surfaceChanged SurfaceHolder holder int format int width int height public..
Android Camera will not work. startPreview fails e Debug.out Camera release failure. public void surfaceChanged SurfaceHolder holder int format int w int h Camera.Parameters.. if mCamera null mCamera.stopPreview @Override public void surfaceChanged SurfaceHolder holder int format int width int height Now that..
Custom camera android e Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show @Override public void surfaceChanged SurfaceHolder holder int format int width int height TODO Auto.. t.getMessage Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show public void surfaceChanged SurfaceHolder holder int format int width int height Camera.Parameters..
LED flashlight on Galaxy Nexus controllable by what API? needs to implement SurfaceHolder.Callback public void surfaceChanged SurfaceHolder holder int format int width int height public..
camera app not working? e e.printStackTrace @Override public void surfaceDestroyed SurfaceHolder holder shutdown @Override public void surfaceChanged SurfaceHolder holder int format int width int height private void shutdown Release MediaRecorder and especially the Camera..
Android ICS and MJPEG using AsyncTask in stopPlayback e public MjpegView Context context AttributeSet attrs super context attrs init context public void surfaceChanged SurfaceHolder holder int f int w int h thread.setSurfaceSize w h public void surfaceDestroyed SurfaceHolder holder surfaceDone..
Full screen videoview without stretching the video new Runnable public void run Toast.makeText VideoPlayer.this string Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show finish public void surfaceChanged SurfaceHolder holder int format int width int height TODO Auto generated method stub public void surfaceCreated SurfaceHolder..
How can I capture a video recording on Android? else recording true recorder.start public void surfaceCreated SurfaceHolder holder prepareRecorder public void surfaceChanged SurfaceHolder holder int format int width int height public void surfaceDestroyed SurfaceHolder holder if recording recorder.stop..
How to draw an overlay on a SurfaceView used by Camera on Android? void onPreviewFrame byte data Camera arg1 invalidar catch IOException e public void invalidar invalidate public void surfaceChanged SurfaceHolder holder int format int w int h Camera.Parameters parameters camera.getParameters parameters.setPreviewSize..
Android and MJPEG e public MjpegView Context context AttributeSet attrs super context attrs init context public void surfaceChanged SurfaceHolder holder int f int w int h thread.setSurfaceSize w h public void surfaceDestroyed SurfaceHolder holder surfaceDone..
Overlay images onto Camera preview SurfaceView private void takePicture TODO Auto generated method stub camera.takePicture shutter raw jpeg @Override public void surfaceChanged SurfaceHolder arg0 int arg1 int arg2 int arg3 TODO Auto generated method stub Camera.Parameters p camera.getParameters p.setPreviewSize..
Android - Camera preview is sideways using the call to mCamera.setDisplayOrientation degrees available in API 8. So this is how I implement it public void surfaceChanged SurfaceHolder holder int format int width int height if isPreviewRunning mCamera.stopPreview Parameters parameters mCamera.getParameters..
Touch and drag image in android y int event.getY if x 25 x 25 if x width x width if y 25 y 25 if y 405 y 405 return true @Override public void surfaceChanged SurfaceHolder holder int format int width int height TODO Auto generated method stub @Override public void surfaceCreated..
How to set Android camera orientation properly? minDiff optimalSize size minDiff Math.abs size.height targetHeight return optimalSize @Override public void surfaceChanged SurfaceHolder holder int format int width int height Camera.Parameters parameters camera.getParameters List Size sizes parameters.getSupportedPreviewSizes..
How can I use the animation framework inside the canvas? framesCount if now framesTimer 1000 framesTimer now framesCountAvg framesCount framesCount 0 @Override public void surfaceChanged SurfaceHolder holder int format int width int height @Override public void surfaceCreated SurfaceHolder holder thread new..
Screen blinking when using a webview with flash public WhiteSurfaceView Context context super context getHolder .addCallback this @Override public void surfaceChanged SurfaceHolder holder int format int width int height Canvas canvas holder.lockCanvas if canvas null canvas.drawColor..
android camera surfaceview orientation camera surfaceview orientation Ok so I have a class that extends SurfaceView and overrides surfaceChanged just calls startPreview surfaceCreated opens camera edits params sets surfaceHolder surfaceDestroyed calls stopPreview release..
Android crash when app is closed and reopened @Override public void onDraw Canvas canvas Clear the background canvas.drawColor Color.WHITE @Override public void surfaceChanged SurfaceHolder holder int format int width int height resize canvas here @Override public void surfaceCreated SurfaceHolder..
How can I manipulate the camera preview? int Math.random 100 int Math.random 100 200 200 rectanglePaint Log.w this.getClass .getName On Draw Called public void surfaceChanged SurfaceHolder holder int format int width int height public void surfaceCreated SurfaceHolder holder synchronized this ..
Android Camera will not work. startPreview fails if camera null camera.stopPreview camera.release catch Exception e Debug.out Camera release failure. public void surfaceChanged SurfaceHolder holder int format int w int h Camera.Parameters parameters camera.getParameters List Camera.Size supportedPreviewSizes.. will be destroyed when we return so stop the preview. if mCamera null mCamera.stopPreview @Override public void surfaceChanged SurfaceHolder holder int format int width int height Now that the size is known set up the camera parameters and begin the..
Custom camera android catch IOException e Toast.makeText this CharSequence e Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show @Override public void surfaceChanged SurfaceHolder holder int format int width int height TODO Auto generated method stub @Override public void surfaceCreated.. Exception in setPreviewDisplay t Toast .makeText PreviewDemo.this t.getMessage Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show public void surfaceChanged SurfaceHolder holder int format int width int height Camera.Parameters parameters camera.getParameters Camera.Size size..
LED flashlight on Galaxy Nexus controllable by what API? params mCamera.stopPreview mCamera.release Your activity needs to implement SurfaceHolder.Callback public void surfaceChanged SurfaceHolder holder int format int width int height public void surfaceCreated SurfaceHolder holder mHolder holder mCamera.setPreviewDisplay..