android Programming Glossary: surround
Is there a nine-patch loader for iPhone? docs for a description of the concept. The idea is to surround a png image with a 1 pixel border where you can define the stretchable..
How to send variable from php to an android app? some other secured ways to code at php side. Make sure you surround the code at your android side in asynctask in order to run in..
Convert magnetic field X, Y, Z values from device into global reference frame change assuming there are no magnetic interference from surrounding objects actually m should change little if you move around.. a little. Also you may get interference from objects surround you and in this case the magnetic field values are unpredictable... How do you know if there is or isn't any interference from surrounding objects You can do a lot more like complete knowledge of..
HTML in string resource? it android share improve this question You can also surround your html in a CDATA block as well and getString will return..
Android: Launch activity from clickable text This way your TagHandler instance could do something like surround the tagged text with a specific color underline bold and make..
Specifying “strikethrough” on a section of TextView text PageText TextView.BufferType.SPANNABLE So to bold a word surround it with 's for italics surround with _. But for strikethrough.. So to bold a word surround it with 's for italics surround with _. But for strikethrough Html.fromHtml does not support..
NullPointerException while using Android's mediaplayer probably due to a non reentrancy issue. You should try to surround the MediaPlayer creation and usage by a flag that would prevent..
How to connect to a specific wifi network in Android programmatically?
Is there a nine-patch loader for iPhone? of defining stretchable images called a nine patch. See these docs for a description of the concept. The idea is to surround a png image with a 1 pixel border where you can define the stretchable areas and the padding dimensions of the image. This..
How to send variable from php to an android app? and It's not secured. So you can follow some pdo or some other secured ways to code at php side. Make sure you surround the code at your android side in asynctask in order to run in separate thread wherever you need. Hope this helps. share..
Convert magnetic field X, Y, Z values from device into global reference frame stand still and rotate your device theoretically m does not change assuming there are no magnetic interference from surrounding objects actually m should change little if you move around since the magnetic field of the earth should change little.. not stand still if you keep it in your hand and your hand shakes a little. Also you may get interference from objects surround you and in this case the magnetic field values are unpredictable. I once test my compass app sitting near a stone table.. any other knowledge how do you fitler magnetic values How do you know if there is or isn't any interference from surrounding objects You can do a lot more like complete knowledge of your device spatial position etc with the understanding of rotation..
HTML in string resource? tags and everything How is the Contacts application doing it android share improve this question You can also surround your html in a CDATA block as well and getString will return your actual HTML. Like such string name foo CDATA Foo Bar a..
Android: Launch activity from clickable text supply your own tag handler to the Html.fromSource method. This way your TagHandler instance could do something like surround the tagged text with a specific color underline bold and make it clickable. However I would only recommend the TagHandler..
Specifying “strikethrough” on a section of TextView text _ a zA Z0 9 _ u 1 u txtPage.setText Html.fromHtml PageText TextView.BufferType.SPANNABLE So to bold a word surround it with 's for italics surround with _. But for strikethrough Html.fromHtml does not support the strike tag so it can't.. txtPage.setText Html.fromHtml PageText TextView.BufferType.SPANNABLE So to bold a word surround it with 's for italics surround with _. But for strikethrough Html.fromHtml does not support the strike tag so it can't be done this same way. I've seen..
NullPointerException while using Android's mediaplayer on the button that leads this method to be called. This is probably due to a non reentrancy issue. You should try to surround the MediaPlayer creation and usage by a flag that would prevent reentrancy public void falseAnswerPoints if mPlayingSound..
How to connect to a specific wifi network in Android programmatically?