android Programming Glossary: survey
Easy way to hide system bar on Android ICS way to hide system bar on Android ICS I will give my ICS tablets for users to complete a survey so I would like the user to work with my app only. They should not be able to switch to the home screen press back buttons.. at https store apps details id be.ppareit.hidebar . If you want to incorporate it in your own test survey application you can always contact the developer see the links for an email . The code could be explained or an Intent to..
How to track position of an Android device in a building? But that's also not straightforward because of different signal losses through the walls and floors. You'll need to survey the building and make a signal strength map in advance and then based on the signals you receive look up your location on..
Inflating a view multiple times in the same parent when a button is clicked a view multiple times in the same parent when a button is clicked My app is about creating surveys. In order to do so the user should be able to create new fields dynamically. So when creating a new survey an Activity.. creating surveys. In order to do so the user should be able to create new fields dynamically. So when creating a new survey an Activity is shown with only 2 buttons add and delete . When a user clicks the add button a row appears containing a EditText..
Manage Layout Inside a Horizontal Oriented Radiogroup figure out. Here is some example code with a bonus of two text labels and the right and left edges of the screen for a survey app. RadioGroup android id @ id radio_group android orientation horizontal android layout_below @id question android layout_width..
how to retrive Registration id and send message to third-party application in android c2dm0+ 0 notifyintent 0 Notification notif new Notification R.drawable.ic_launcher Please take your Looking 4 Answers daily survey now System.currentTimeMillis notif.setLatestEventInfo getApplicationContext from message contentIntent nm.notify 1 notif..