android Programming Glossary: suppose
Steps to create APK expansion file it will implicitly appended by Google while uploading suppose you all the content in your current directory so just select..
Android: How to monitor WiFi signal strength of results Wi Fi signals change frequently and quickly. I suppose for monitoring a single connection you can also just filter..
Tutorials and libraries for OpenGL-ES games on Android [closed] help full to read iPhone OpenGL ES tutorials as well as I suppose the OpenGL ES functionality is much the same. I have found the..
Android Unable to instantiate activity: Didn't find class on path class android activity share improve this question I suppose you're using Eclipse. Your activity is there alright but Eclipse..
BaseAdapter class wont setAdapter inside Asynctask - Android and numbers. It places them into strings and is then suppose to call a BaseAdapter class create an adapter and set the adapter..
Android: How to detect when a scroll has ended call when the pressure seems to fall to about 0.13. I suppose I could detect this reduction in pressure but this will be far..
What are the best practices for SQLite on Android? AsyncTask's doInBackground Or should I use the UI Thread I suppose that db queries can be heavy and should not use the UI thread..
How can I setup multiple alarms in Android? this question Ok when you set an PendingIntent you're supposed to assign it a unique ID to it incase you want to identify.. context uniqueRQCODE newIntent 0 It has to be an integer i suppose you have a primaryid itemId that can identify Alarm A from Alarm..
How can I make a horizontal ListView in Android? [duplicate] I'll be very skeptical but I'll give it a shot. I suppose I could possibly copy both AbsSpinner and Gallery to get what..
Get Bitmap from an Uri [android] from an Uri android how to get bitmap object from an Uri suppose if i succeed to store it in data data MYFOLDER myimage.png or..
How to use AsyncTask to show a ProgressDialog while doing background work in Android? [duplicate] 25 TimeUnit.SECONDS Well this is it I believe this was suppose to show a progress dialog while the AsyncTask would query the..
Android question: implementing a rich text editor? one . The content becomes editable and as it is HTML I suppose it can meet most of my requirements. But it has several issues..
Understanding the Use of ColorMatrix and ColorMatrixColorFilter to Modify a Drawable's Hue of them and how slow a process it would be. Hmm okay so I suppose another question I would have is whether a matrix can be used..
sqlite example program in android [closed] TextUtils.isEmpty selection AND selection ' ' Note you suppose to define this Provider class in Manifest file like . In another..
Invoke native date picker from web-app on iOS/Android opens the standard soft keyboard on Android and iOS. I suppose that in the future the mobile OS's soft keyboards will include..
3D cube transition in Android [closed] it as correct. android share improve this question I suppose you want a transaction like this Ok let's say you have a viewswitcher..
Spinner onItemSelected() executes when it is not suppose to [duplicate] onItemSelected executes when it is not suppose to duplicate Possible Duplicate Android Spinner OnItemSelected..
MuPdf Reader integrate in project zoomIn zoomOut its takes so much time . so currently i am suppose to use mupdf open source project to integrate in my project..
How to measure height, width and distance of object using camera? [closed] angle is viewportAngle tan ruler_length distance Then suppose your camera is 480px tall cheap webcam and the view angle is..
ProgressDialog not shown when AsyncTask.get() called [duplicate] until I call .get method using AsyncTask instance. I suppose it's blocking UI somehow. Here is my AsyncTask public class..
Android project unable to reference other project in eclipse java android eclipse share improve this question Suppose you use latest Android SDK ADT version and you want to add a..
ASP.NET Web API Authentication it retrieved in the first request. Let's take an example. Suppose that you have 2 API controllers defined in your web application..
Passing data of a non-primitive type between activities in android of a non primitive type between activities in android Suppose you want to start a new activity and pass it some data from..
How to maintain multi layers of ImageViews and keep their aspect ratio based on the largest one? and keep their aspect ratio based on the largest one Suppose I have multiple Images that I need to put one on top of the..
In Android Webview, am I able to modify a webpage's DOM? Android Webview am I able to modify a webpage's DOM Suppose I load a 3rd party URL through webview. public void onCreate..
“Conversion to Dalvik format failed with error 1” on external JAR Another possible reason could be package name conflicts. Suppose you have a package and a class named inside..
Android - Read an XML file with HTTP GET pass username and Password from Android with HTTP GET. OR Suppose i follow This link then where do i pass username and password..
Creating ViewHolders for ListViews with different item layouts myItem.getItemName return the created view return v Suppose I had different types of row layouts I could have a ViewHolder..
Running multiple AsyncTasks at the same time — not possible? doInBackground yet. This is tested confirmed by me on 2.2. Suppose you have a custom AsyncTask that just sleeps a second in doInBackground..
how do you pass images (bitmaps) between android activities using bundles? images bitmaps between android activities using bundles Suppose I have an activity to select an image from the gallery and retrieve..
Semantics of withValueBackReference? operations That is the basic concept so let's apply it. Suppose we have a content provider which handles uris for Foo records..
How to clear specific activity from the stack history? to clear specific activity from the stack history Suppose I have an application containing activities named A B C D. Now..
Get and Parse CSV file in android share improve this question Try something like this Suppose you have input stream `is` of your csv file then BufferedReader..
How to hide status bar in Android one activity in that I am having some widgets or views. Suppose if the user clicks on Edittext which is in my Activity then..
Animation.setFillAfter/Before - Do they work/What are they for? The reason they exist is for chaining animations. Suppose you had a translate animation followed by a fade out. If you..
How to convert wsdl to java? Create a Java Project File New Other Java Project. Suppose I named it TestWSDL Create a WSDL File File New Other Web Services.. Other Web Services WSDL File Name the file Next finish. Suppose I named it NewWSDLFile.wsdl Modify the WSDL File Open NewWSDLFile.wsdl.. replace all its content by your desired WSDL file.Save it. Suppose I have saved my desired wsdl file at D sampleWSDL.xml which..
Android: How do a display a large animated gif given a url? How do a display a large animated gif given a url Suppose I have the URL for large animated gif and I wanted to make a..
Speeding up the Android build process common android code and manage all of them easily. Suppose you want to build 5 apk distributions from a same Android Project..
Steps to create APK expansion file name This is your unique package name .obb we are not appending it will implicitly appended by Google while uploading suppose you all the content in your current directory so just select all the content and make it a zip named
Android: How to monitor WiFi signal strength just check the current connection but I do know I got plenty of results Wi Fi signals change frequently and quickly. I suppose for monitoring a single connection you can also just filter the scan results and look for the one the device is currently..
Tutorials and libraries for OpenGL-ES games on Android [closed] in OpenGL ES. Since Android is still small I guess it may be help full to read iPhone OpenGL ES tutorials as well as I suppose the OpenGL ES functionality is much the same. I have found the following useful information which I would have liked to..
Android Unable to instantiate activity: Didn't find class on path android label @string skeleton_app application android class android activity share improve this question I suppose you're using Eclipse. Your activity is there alright but Eclipse didn't include the support package in the APK ... If you..
BaseAdapter class wont setAdapter inside Asynctask - Android Android I have asynctask that gathers usernames comments and numbers. It places them into strings and is then suppose to call a BaseAdapter class create an adapter and set the adapter to the class. But my code doesn't work it crashes the..
Android: How to detect when a scroll has ended fairly constant values around 0.25 until the final onScroll call when the pressure seems to fall to about 0.13. I suppose I could detect this reduction in pressure but this will be far from foolproof. There must be a better way can anyone help..
What are the best practices for SQLite on Android? it safe to run inserts deletes and select queries from an AsyncTask's doInBackground Or should I use the UI Thread I suppose that db queries can be heavy and should not use the UI thread as it can lock up the app resulting in an ANR. If I have several..
How can I setup multiple alarms in Android? Thanks in Advance monn3t android alarms share improve this question Ok when you set an PendingIntent you're supposed to assign it a unique ID to it incase you want to identify it later for modifying canceling it static PendingIntent getActivity..
How can I make a horizontal ListView in Android? [duplicate] tell me it's easy to do and that it's easy to roll my own RecycleBin I'll be very skeptical but I'll give it a shot. I suppose I could possibly copy both AbsSpinner and Gallery to get what I want... hopefully those classes aren't using some package..
Get Bitmap from an Uri [android] Bitmap from an Uri android how to get bitmap object from an Uri suppose if i succeed to store it in data data MYFOLDER myimage.png or file data data MYFOLDER myimage.png i used both paths to use..
How to use AsyncTask to show a ProgressDialog while doing background work in Android? [duplicate] and sets time out to be 25seconds sResposta efetuaLogin.get 25 TimeUnit.SECONDS Well this is it I believe this was suppose to show a progress dialog while the AsyncTask would query the server in background but what I get is NO progress bar until..
Android question: implementing a rich text editor? tried using a WebView control to load an HTML fragment with one . The content becomes editable and as it is HTML I suppose it can meet most of my requirements. But it has several issues deadly No text caret. The user will have no idea where his..
Understanding the Use of ColorMatrix and ColorMatrixColorFilter to Modify a Drawable's Hue go about getting each of these in code and modifying all of them and how slow a process it would be. Hmm okay so I suppose another question I would have is whether a matrix can be used to convert RGB to another color space with luminosity information..
sqlite example program in android [closed] String appendRowId String selection long id return _ID id TextUtils.isEmpty selection AND selection ' ' Note you suppose to define this Provider class in Manifest file like . In another class where i can insert and retrieve the data to DB...has..
Invoke native date picker from web-app on iOS/Android platforms using HTML5. Currently an input type date field just opens the standard soft keyboard on Android and iOS. I suppose that in the future the mobile OS's soft keyboards will include date pickers and such just as select invokes the native select..
3D cube transition in Android [closed] below works please comment so on the answer and I'll mark it as correct. android share improve this question I suppose you want a transaction like this Ok let's say you have a viewswitcher with 2 children. You need to access each child separately..
Spinner onItemSelected() executes when it is not suppose to [duplicate] onItemSelected executes when it is not suppose to duplicate Possible Duplicate Android Spinner OnItemSelected Called Erroneously without user action on opening spinner..
MuPdf Reader integrate in project .i had preferred Android PDF Viewer but when i performed zoomIn zoomOut its takes so much time . so currently i am suppose to use mupdf open source project to integrate in my project its based on JNI and i am not used to with it . I am using cygwin..
How to measure height, width and distance of object using camera? [closed] the distance from the camera and then your total viewport angle is viewportAngle tan ruler_length distance Then suppose your camera is 480px tall cheap webcam and the view angle is 20°. If you have an object onscreen which is 240px tall then..
ProgressDialog not shown when AsyncTask.get() called [duplicate] way out . Everything is fine the ProgressDialog works properly until I call .get method using AsyncTask instance. I suppose it's blocking UI somehow. Here is my AsyncTask public class myAsync extends AsyncTask String String List String message..
Android project unable to reference other project in eclipse wrong and could help me I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks java android eclipse share improve this question Suppose you use latest Android SDK ADT version and you want to add a standard java project B as a dependency in android project..
ASP.NET Web API Authentication action by sending along the forms authentication cookie it retrieved in the first request. Let's take an example. Suppose that you have 2 API controllers defined in your web application The first one responsible for handling authentication public..
Passing data of a non-primitive type between activities in android data of a non primitive type between activities in android Suppose you want to start a new activity and pass it some data from the current activity. If the data is of a primitive type you..
How to maintain multi layers of ImageViews and keep their aspect ratio based on the largest one? to maintain multi layers of ImageViews and keep their aspect ratio based on the largest one Suppose I have multiple Images that I need to put one on top of the other some might have some kind of animation appearing and some..
In Android Webview, am I able to modify a webpage's DOM? Android Webview am I able to modify a webpage's DOM Suppose I load a 3rd party URL through webview. public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState..
“Conversion to Dalvik format failed with error 1” on external JAR it does get counted twice causing the dreaded Dalvik error 1. Another possible reason could be package name conflicts. Suppose you have a package and a class named inside this package and another library project which is added to..
Android - Read an XML file with HTTP GET it. I would like to read XML on my web page Where i have to pass username and Password from Android with HTTP GET. OR Suppose i follow This link then where do i pass username and password Can anybody help me on this. android xml get share improve..
Creating ViewHolders for ListViews with different item layouts null set item text if holder.text null holder.text.setText myItem.getItemName return the created view return v Suppose I had different types of row layouts I could have a ViewHolder for each type of row. But what type would I declare holder..
Running multiple AsyncTasks at the same time — not possible? passed for execution already but have not finished their doInBackground yet. This is tested confirmed by me on 2.2. Suppose you have a custom AsyncTask that just sleeps a second in doInBackground . AsyncTasks use a fixed size queue internally for..
how do you pass images (bitmaps) between android activities using bundles? do you pass images bitmaps between android activities using bundles Suppose I have an activity to select an image from the gallery and retrieve it as a BitMap just like the example here Now I want..
Semantics of withValueBackReference? results this.getContentResolver .applyBatch FooBar.AUTHORITY operations That is the basic concept so let's apply it. Suppose we have a content provider which handles uris for Foo records and some child records called Bar. content com.stackoverflow.foobar..
How to clear specific activity from the stack history? to clear specific activity from the stack history Suppose I have an application containing activities named A B C D. Now consider A has been launched as the root activity and B has..
Get and Parse CSV file in android name stock.setChange change android parsing csv share improve this question Try something like this Suppose you have input stream `is` of your csv file then BufferedReader reader new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader is try String..
How to hide status bar in Android subject send button in that screen. Similarly in my app I have one activity in that I am having some widgets or views. Suppose if the user clicks on Edittext which is in my Activity then keyboard is popping out and i can be able to scroll to see remaining..
Animation.setFillAfter/Before - Do they work/What are they for? only apply to animation properties not View properties. The reason they exist is for chaining animations. Suppose you had a translate animation followed by a fade out. If you did not set setFillAfter true on the translate animation then..
How to convert wsdl to java? and energy. I would like to suggest you one easy way i succeeded. Create a Java Project File New Other Java Project. Suppose I named it TestWSDL Create a WSDL File File New Other Web Services WSDL File Name the file Next finish. Suppose I named.. Suppose I named it TestWSDL Create a WSDL File File New Other Web Services WSDL File Name the file Next finish. Suppose I named it NewWSDLFile.wsdl Modify the WSDL File Open NewWSDLFile.wsdl and replace all its content by your desired WSDL.. Modify the WSDL File Open NewWSDLFile.wsdl and replace all its content by your desired WSDL file.Save it. Suppose I have saved my desired wsdl file at D sampleWSDL.xml which i want to convert. Open this xml file using Notepad copy all..
Android: How do a display a large animated gif given a url? How do a display a large animated gif given a url Suppose I have the URL for large animated gif and I wanted to make a youtube like activity that displays the animation in a streaming..
Speeding up the Android build process support Android Library Project which let you extract centralize common android code and manage all of them easily. Suppose you want to build 5 apk distributions from a same Android Project with different package app name app icon and some resources..