android Programming Glossary: surfaceview
Draw text in OpenGL ES (Android) you with the following options. Place a TextView over your SurfaceView. This is slow and bad but the most direct approach. Render common..
How can I capture a video recording on Android? MediaRecorder initRecorder setContentView R.layout.main SurfaceView cameraView SurfaceView findViewById holder cameraView.getHolder.. setContentView R.layout.main SurfaceView cameraView SurfaceView findViewById holder cameraView.getHolder holder.addCallback..
How to draw an overlay on a SurfaceView used by Camera on Android? to draw an overlay on a SurfaceView used by Camera on Android I have a simple program that draws.. simple program that draws the preview of the Camera into a SurfaceView . What I'm trying to do is using the onPreviewFrame method which.. which is invoked each time a new frame is drawn into the SurfaceView in order to execute the invalidate method which is supposed..
Android and MJPEG import android.view.SurfaceHolder import android.view.SurfaceView public class MjpegView extends SurfaceView implements SurfaceHolder.Callback.. android.view.SurfaceView public class MjpegView extends SurfaceView implements SurfaceHolder.Callback public final static int POSITION_UPPER_LEFT..
How can I use the animation framework inside the canvas? import android.view.SurfaceHolder import android.view.SurfaceView public class SurfaceViewActivity extends Activity BallBounces.. import android.view.SurfaceView public class SurfaceViewActivity extends Activity BallBounces ball @Override public void.. this setContentView ball class BallBounces extends SurfaceView implements SurfaceHolder.Callback GameThread thread int screenW..
how to make surfaceview transparent surfaceview share improve this question Try this SurfaceView sfvTrack SurfaceView findViewById sfvTrack.setZOrderOnTop.. improve this question Try this SurfaceView sfvTrack SurfaceView findViewById sfvTrack.setZOrderOnTop true necessary..
Image in Canvas with touch events ImageView but I was not able to use canvas. I have tried SurfaceView and was able to show image in canvas on screen but I have problems..
How turn on camera flash light programmatically in Android? link is now broken Update6 You could also try to add a SurfaceView as described in this answer LED flashlight on Galaxy Nexus controllable..
Android SurfaceView scrolling proceed this would be much appreciated. android scrolling surfaceview share improve this question Once you start using a SurfaceView..
Moving MapFragment (SurfaceView) causes black background flickering lower versions we still have to use workarounds. android surfaceview android maps android maps v2 mapfragment share improve this..
Out of Memory error with Bitmap Bitmap During Runtime I am trying to put an image in the surfaceview. When I tried using the image from the Drawable folder I got..
Android Camera without Preview needs preview to setup exposure and focus. I've created a surfaceview and listener but the onSurfaceCreated event never gets fired...
How to draw an overlay on a SurfaceView used by Camera on Android? canvas.getWidth 2 canvas.getHeight 2 p android camera surfaceview share improve this question SurfaceView probably does not..
Overlay images onto Camera preview SurfaceView to make a SurfaceView transparent android graphics camera surfaceview share improve this question Well here's how I did it .....
Android: Error inflating class tell me why I get this error Thanks android xml class surfaceview share improve this question I think I figured out why this..
How to set Android camera orientation properly? camera.startPreview android camera orientation surfaceview share improve this question From other member and my problem..
android camera surfaceview orientation camera surfaceview orientation Ok so I have a class that extends SurfaceView and..
how to make surfaceview transparent to make surfaceview transparent Hello all i want to make my DrawingSurface view.. layout_weight 10 LinearLayout RelativeLayout android surfaceview share improve this question Try this SurfaceView sfvTrack..
Android, canvas: How do I clear (delete contents of) a canvas (= bitmaps), living in a surfaceView? c android android canvas surfaceview share improve this question How do I clear or redraw the..
Android Camera will not work. startPreview fails super context Create an OpenGL ES 2.0 context. Debug.out Mysurfaceview welcome setEGLContextClientVersion 2 Set the Renderer for drawing.. GL10.GL_LINEAR Thank you for any help. java android surfaceview android camera surfaceholder share improve this question ..
Custom camera android surfaceView SurfaceView findViewById surfaceHolder surfaceView.getHolder surfaceHolder.addCallback.. layout_height fill_parent SurfaceView android id @ id surfaceview android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height fill_parent.. why preview of camera is not displaying android camera surfaceview android camera share improve this question Use this code..
LED flashlight on Galaxy Nexus controllable by what API? SurfaceHolder holder mCamera.stopPreview mHolder null The surfaceview has to be visible android visibility invisible or a height and..
How to play multiple video files simultaneously in one layout side by side in different view in Android IN w 128 h 96 format 48 android android ndk surfaceview videoview android mediaplayer share improve this question.. private static final int SURFACE_RES_IDS private MediaPlayer.. int SURFACE_RES_IDS private MediaPlayer mMediaPlayers new..
camera app not working? mSurfaceView SurfaceView findViewById mHolder mSurfaceView.getHolder mHolder.addCallback this mHolder.setType.. layout_height fill_parent SurfaceView android id @ id surfaceView android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height fill_parent..
really confused with setPreviewCallback in Android, need advice the camera process them and then display the frame on a surfaceView as well as drawing on the SurfaceView via the canvas and drawbitmap..
Is Opengl Development GPU Dependant? to draw multiple lines and circles by touch event in GL surfaceView. As opengl depends on GPU Currently it works fine in Google.. Request an OpenGL ES 2.0 compatible context. myGlsurfaceView.setEGLContextClientVersion 2 final DisplayMetrics displayMetrics.. renderer defined below. myRenderer new MyRenderer this myGlsurfaceView myGlsurfaceView.setRenderer myRenderer displayMetrics.density..
Rotating phone quickly 180 degrees, camera preview turns upside down SurfaceHolder.Callback Camera camera SurfaceView surfaceView SurfaceHolder surfaceHolder boolean previewing false LayoutInflater.. getWindow .setFormat PixelFormat.UNKNOWN surfaceView SurfaceView findViewById surfaceHolder surfaceView.getHolder.. SurfaceView findViewById surfaceHolder surfaceView.getHolder surfaceHolder.addCallback this surfaceHolder.setType..
Extended SurfaceView's onDraw() method never called handle the callbacks of the SurfaceView CameraPreviewView surfaceView CameraPreviewView findViewById holder surfaceView.getHolder.. CameraPreviewView findViewById holder surfaceView.getHolder holder.addCallback this holder.setType SurfaceHolder.SURFACE_TYPE_PUSH_BUFFERS..
how to pause and resume a surfaceView thread to pause and resume a surfaceView thread I have a surfaceView setup and running but when i resume.. to pause and resume a surfaceView thread I have a surfaceView setup and running but when i resume it i get an error that the.. to get the app to come back without crashing...but the surfaceView doesnt draw anthing anymore. My code @Override public void surfaceCreated..
How can I use the animation framework inside the canvas? This is just a simple illustration but I would use surfaceView and drive frames from another thread which is a bit more complicated..
Android, canvas: How do I clear (delete contents of) a canvas (= bitmaps), living in a surfaceView? do I clear delete contents of a canvas bitmaps living in a surfaceView I try to make a simple game. I found and put to use a template..
Android:How to add a button in surface view surfaceview share improve this question Enclose your surfaceView with a FrameLayout in your xml Layout. Then add your buttons.. layout_height match_parent SurfaceView android id @ id surfaceView1 android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content..
Android:Crash: Binary XML file line : Error inflating class (using SurfaceView) surfaceHolder com.androidsurfaceview.test.MySurfaceView surfaceView myThreadSurfaceHolder surfaceHolder myThreadSurfaceView surfaceView.. myThreadSurfaceHolder surfaceHolder myThreadSurfaceView surfaceView public void setRunning boolean b myThreadRun b @Override public..
Apply custom filters to camera output Is there an easier way Else how would this openGL surfaceView mapping work android opengl es filter camera share improve..
Pass variables between renderer and another class with queueEvent() true mGLView.setRenderer myRenderer set the surfaceView to use the renderer gameLoop new MyAsyncTask gameLoop.execute..
Custom camera android the activity is first created. Camera camera SurfaceView surfaceView SurfaceHolder surfaceHolder @Override public void onCreate Bundle.. R.layout.main getWindow .setFormat PixelFormat.UNKNOWN surfaceView SurfaceView findViewById surfaceHolder surfaceView.getHolder.. SurfaceView findViewById surfaceHolder surfaceView.getHolder surfaceHolder.addCallback this surfaceHolder.setType..
How to resolve the ANR error while invoking the Camera? setContentView R.layout.surface_screen SurfaceView surfaceView SurfaceView findViewById surfaceHolder surfaceView.getHolder.. SurfaceView findViewById surfaceHolder surfaceView.getHolder surfaceHolder.addCallback this surfaceHolder.setType..
Android Reduce Size Of Camera Picture SurfaceHolder.Callback Camera camera SurfaceView surfaceView SurfaceHolder surfaceHolder boolean previewing false LayoutInflater.. getWindow .setFormat PixelFormat.UNKNOWN surfaceView SurfaceView findViewById surfaceHolder surfaceView.getHolder.. SurfaceView findViewById surfaceHolder surfaceView.getHolder surfaceHolder.addCallback this surfaceHolder.setType..
Draw text in OpenGL ES (Android) with any easy way to draw text on OpenGL views. Leaving you with the following options. Place a TextView over your SurfaceView. This is slow and bad but the most direct approach. Render common strings to textures and simply draw those textures. This..
How can I capture a video recording on Android? ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE recorder new MediaRecorder initRecorder setContentView R.layout.main SurfaceView cameraView SurfaceView findViewById holder cameraView.getHolder holder.addCallback this holder.setType SurfaceHolder.SURFACE_TYPE_PUSH_BUFFERS.. recorder new MediaRecorder initRecorder setContentView R.layout.main SurfaceView cameraView SurfaceView findViewById holder cameraView.getHolder holder.addCallback this holder.setType SurfaceHolder.SURFACE_TYPE_PUSH_BUFFERS..
How to draw an overlay on a SurfaceView used by Camera on Android? to draw an overlay on a SurfaceView used by Camera on Android I have a simple program that draws the preview of the Camera into a SurfaceView . What I'm trying.. on a SurfaceView used by Camera on Android I have a simple program that draws the preview of the Camera into a SurfaceView . What I'm trying to do is using the onPreviewFrame method which is invoked each time a new frame is drawn into the SurfaceView.. . What I'm trying to do is using the onPreviewFrame method which is invoked each time a new frame is drawn into the SurfaceView in order to execute the invalidate method which is supposed to invoke the onDraw method. In fact the onDraw method is being..
Android and MJPEG import android.util.AttributeSet import android.view.SurfaceHolder import android.view.SurfaceView public class MjpegView extends SurfaceView implements SurfaceHolder.Callback public final static int POSITION_UPPER_LEFT.. import android.view.SurfaceHolder import android.view.SurfaceView public class MjpegView extends SurfaceView implements SurfaceHolder.Callback public final static int POSITION_UPPER_LEFT 9 public final static int POSITION_UPPER_RIGHT..
How can I use the animation framework inside the canvas? import android.os.Bundle import android.view.MotionEvent import android.view.SurfaceHolder import android.view.SurfaceView public class SurfaceViewActivity extends Activity BallBounces ball @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState.. import android.view.MotionEvent import android.view.SurfaceHolder import android.view.SurfaceView public class SurfaceViewActivity extends Activity BallBounces ball @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState.. super.onCreate savedInstanceState ball new BallBounces this setContentView ball class BallBounces extends SurfaceView implements SurfaceHolder.Callback GameThread thread int screenW Device's screen width. int screenH Devices's screen height...
how to make surfaceview transparent android layout_weight 10 LinearLayout RelativeLayout android surfaceview share improve this question Try this SurfaceView sfvTrack SurfaceView findViewById sfvTrack.setZOrderOnTop true necessary SurfaceHolder sfhTrackHolder sfvTrack.getHolder.. 10 LinearLayout RelativeLayout android surfaceview share improve this question Try this SurfaceView sfvTrack SurfaceView findViewById sfvTrack.setZOrderOnTop true necessary SurfaceHolder sfhTrackHolder sfvTrack.getHolder sfhTrackHolder.setFormat..
Image in Canvas with touch events with image on screen including onTouch events. I have tried ImageView but I was not able to use canvas. I have tried SurfaceView and was able to show image in canvas on screen but I have problems with motion onTouch events zoom pan . I need canvas because..
How turn on camera flash light programmatically in Android? #quick settings src com bwx bequick flashlight Note This link is now broken Update6 You could also try to add a SurfaceView as described in this answer LED flashlight on Galaxy Nexus controllable by what API This seems to be solution that works..
Android SurfaceView scrolling that doesn't work. If anyone has any pointers about how to proceed this would be much appreciated. android scrolling surfaceview share improve this question Once you start using a SurfaceView you are moving yourself into a world where you have a..
Moving MapFragment (SurfaceView) causes black background flickering resolved on devices 4.1 . They just used TextureView. but on lower versions we still have to use workarounds. android surfaceview android maps android maps v2 mapfragment share improve this question Of course the proper solution will be for Google..
Out of Memory error with Bitmap of Memory error with Bitmap During Runtime I am trying to put an image in the surfaceview. When I tried using the image from the Drawable folder I got Out of memory error. After a quick search in the stackoverflow..
Android Camera without Preview a preview the image will be black since android camera needs preview to setup exposure and focus. I've created a surfaceview and listener but the onSurfaceCreated event never gets fired. I guess the reason is the surface is not being created visually...
How to draw an overlay on a SurfaceView used by Camera on Android? gets drawn Paint p new Paint Color.RED canvas.drawText PREVIEW canvas.getWidth 2 canvas.getHeight 2 p android camera surfaceview share improve this question SurfaceView probably does not work like a regular View in this regard. Instead do the following..
Overlay images onto Camera preview SurfaceView managing the camera and drawing images Is it possible to make a SurfaceView transparent android graphics camera surfaceview share improve this question Well here's how I did it ... I hope somebody finds it useful though the Qualcomm AR stuff..
Android: Error inflating class class com.alpenglow.androcap.GhostSurfaceCameraView Can anyone tell me why I get this error Thanks android xml class surfaceview share improve this question I think I figured out why this wasn't working. I was only providing a constructor for the..
How to set Android camera orientation properly? width height camera.setParameters parameters camera.startPreview android camera orientation surfaceview share improve this question From other member and my problem Camera Rotation issue depend on different Devices and certain..
android camera surfaceview orientation camera surfaceview orientation Ok so I have a class that extends SurfaceView and overrides surfaceChanged just calls startPreview surfaceCreated..
how to make surfaceview transparent to make surfaceview transparent Hello all i want to make my DrawingSurface view transparent. i tried many thing but it's not working. Here.. R android onClick onClick android id @ id redoBtn android layout_weight 10 LinearLayout RelativeLayout android surfaceview share improve this question Try this SurfaceView sfvTrack SurfaceView findViewById sfvTrack.setZOrderOnTop..
Android, canvas: How do I clear (delete contents of) a canvas (= bitmaps), living in a surfaceView? STATE_RUNNING updateGame doDraw c finally if c null mSurfaceHolder.unlockCanvasAndPost c android android canvas surfaceview share improve this question How do I clear or redraw the WHOLE canvas for a new layout try at the game Just call Canvas.drawColor..
Android Camera will not work. startPreview fails GLSurfaceView public MySurfaceView NightCamActivity context super context Create an OpenGL ES 2.0 context. Debug.out Mysurfaceview welcome setEGLContextClientVersion 2 Set the Renderer for drawing on the GLSurfaceView MyRenderer renderer new MyRenderer.. GL10.GL_TEXTURE_2D GL10.GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER GL10.GL_LINEAR Thank you for any help. java android surfaceview android camera surfaceholder share improve this question I took your code and got the same error as you however on debugging..
Custom camera android setContentView R.layout.main getWindow .setFormat PixelFormat.UNKNOWN surfaceView SurfaceView findViewById surfaceHolder surfaceView.getHolder surfaceHolder.addCallback this surfaceHolder.setType SurfaceHolder.SURFACE_TYPE_PUSH_BUFFERS.. orientation vertical android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height fill_parent SurfaceView android id @ id surfaceview android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height fill_parent LinearLayout Dont know why preview of camera is not displaying.. android layout_height fill_parent LinearLayout Dont know why preview of camera is not displaying android camera surfaceview android camera share improve this question Use this code public class PreviewDemo extends Activity..
LED flashlight on Galaxy Nexus controllable by what API? mHolder public void surfaceDestroyed SurfaceHolder holder mCamera.stopPreview mHolder null The surfaceview has to be visible android visibility invisible or a height and width of 0 won't work. Unfortunately I didn't find a good..
How to play multiple video files simultaneously in one layout side by side in different view in Android retrying 04 10 19 23 38.535 D SEC_Overlay 2689 overlay_createOverlay IN w 128 h 96 format 48 android android ndk surfaceview videoview android mediaplayer share improve this question You are not giving an awful lot of specifics on what exactly.. private static final String TAG MediaPlayer private static final int SURFACE_RES_IDS private MediaPlayer mMediaPlayers new MediaPlayer SURFACE_RES_IDS.length.. static final String TAG MediaPlayer private static final int SURFACE_RES_IDS private MediaPlayer mMediaPlayers new MediaPlayer SURFACE_RES_IDS.length private SurfaceView mSurfaceViews..
camera app not working? setRequestedOrientation ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE mSurfaceView SurfaceView findViewById mHolder mSurfaceView.getHolder mHolder.addCallback this mHolder.setType SurfaceHolder.SURFACE_TYPE_PUSH_BUFFERS mToggleButton.. FrameLayout android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height fill_parent SurfaceView android id @ id surfaceView android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height fill_parent SurfaceView FrameLayout LinearLayout share improve..
really confused with setPreviewCallback in Android, need advice I'm building an application on Android to take frames from the camera process them and then display the frame on a surfaceView as well as drawing on the SurfaceView via the canvas and drawbitmap and all. Just to check is SurfaceView and Bitmaps and..
Is Opengl Development GPU Dependant? android application in opengl ES2.0.In this Application I used to draw multiple lines and circles by touch event in GL surfaceView. As opengl depends on GPU Currently it works fine in Google Nexus 7 ULP GeForce . In Samsung Galaxy Note 2 MALI 400MP I'm.. configurationInfo.reqGlEsVersion supportsEs2 supportsEs2 Request an OpenGL ES 2.0 compatible context. myGlsurfaceView.setEGLContextClientVersion 2 final DisplayMetrics displayMetrics new DisplayMetrics getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay.. .getMetrics displayMetrics Set the renderer to our demo renderer defined below. myRenderer new MyRenderer this myGlsurfaceView myGlsurfaceView.setRenderer myRenderer displayMetrics.density myGlsurfaceView.setRenderMode GLSurfaceView.RENDERMODE_CONTINUOUSLY..
Rotating phone quickly 180 degrees, camera preview turns upside down below public class CustomCameraActivity extends Activity implements SurfaceHolder.Callback Camera camera SurfaceView surfaceView SurfaceHolder surfaceHolder boolean previewing false LayoutInflater controlInflater null private Sensor mOrientaion1 int.. imageView ImageView findViewById getWindow .setFormat PixelFormat.UNKNOWN surfaceView SurfaceView findViewById surfaceHolder surfaceView.getHolder surfaceHolder.addCallback this surfaceHolder.setType.. getWindow .setFormat PixelFormat.UNKNOWN surfaceView SurfaceView findViewById surfaceHolder surfaceView.getHolder surfaceHolder.addCallback this surfaceHolder.setType SurfaceHolder.SURFACE_TYPE_PUSH_BUFFERS controlInflater LayoutInflater.from..
Extended SurfaceView's onDraw() method never called R.layout.camera_preview We register the activity to handle the callbacks of the SurfaceView CameraPreviewView surfaceView CameraPreviewView findViewById holder surfaceView.getHolder holder.addCallback this holder.setType SurfaceHolder.SURFACE_TYPE_PUSH_BUFFERS.. callbacks of the SurfaceView CameraPreviewView surfaceView CameraPreviewView findViewById holder surfaceView.getHolder holder.addCallback this holder.setType SurfaceHolder.SURFACE_TYPE_PUSH_BUFFERS public void surfaceChanged SurfaceHolder..
how to pause and resume a surfaceView thread to pause and resume a surfaceView thread I have a surfaceView setup and running but when i resume it i get an error that the thread has already been started... to pause and resume a surfaceView thread I have a surfaceView setup and running but when i resume it i get an error that the thread has already been started. Whats the proper way to.. and then back to the foreground Ive tinkered around and managed to get the app to come back without crashing...but the surfaceView doesnt draw anthing anymore. My code @Override public void surfaceCreated SurfaceHolder holder Log.e sys surfaceCreated..
How can I use the animation framework inside the canvas? it looks like ball has rotated. Call the next frame. invalidate This is just a simple illustration but I would use surfaceView and drive frames from another thread which is a bit more complicated but a proper way to do when making interactive animations..
Android, canvas: How do I clear (delete contents of) a canvas (= bitmaps), living in a surfaceView? canvas How do I clear delete contents of a canvas bitmaps living in a surfaceView I try to make a simple game. I found and put to use a template that draws a canvas with bitmaps like this private void..
Android:How to add a button in surface view view how do we add these buttons programatically android surfaceview share improve this question Enclose your surfaceView with a FrameLayout in your xml Layout. Then add your buttons to the same FrameLayout. Make sure they are placed below the.. apk res android android layout_width match_parent android layout_height match_parent SurfaceView android id @ id surfaceView1 android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content SurfaceView LinearLayout android id @ id linearLayout1..
Android:Crash: Binary XML file line : Error inflating class (using SurfaceView) boolean myThreadRun false public MySurfaceThread SurfaceHolder surfaceHolder com.androidsurfaceview.test.MySurfaceView surfaceView myThreadSurfaceHolder surfaceHolder myThreadSurfaceView surfaceView public void setRunning boolean b myThreadRun b @Override.. com.androidsurfaceview.test.MySurfaceView surfaceView myThreadSurfaceHolder surfaceHolder myThreadSurfaceView surfaceView public void setRunning boolean b myThreadRun b @Override public void run TODO Auto generated method stub while myThreadRun..
Apply custom filters to camera output you could implement this with openGL. That sounds very complicated. Is there an easier way Else how would this openGL surfaceView mapping work android opengl es filter camera share improve this question OK there are several ways to do this. But..
Pass variables between renderer and another class with queueEvent() GLSurfaceView findViewById mGLView.setEGLConfigChooser true mGLView.setRenderer myRenderer set the surfaceView to use the renderer gameLoop new MyAsyncTask gameLoop.execute start a new non UI thread to do something non UI thread inner..
Custom camera android Activity implements SurfaceHolder.Callback Called when the activity is first created. Camera camera SurfaceView surfaceView SurfaceHolder surfaceHolder @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView.. super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main getWindow .setFormat PixelFormat.UNKNOWN surfaceView SurfaceView findViewById surfaceHolder surfaceView.getHolder surfaceHolder.addCallback this surfaceHolder.setType.. getWindow .setFormat PixelFormat.UNKNOWN surfaceView SurfaceView findViewById surfaceHolder surfaceView.getHolder surfaceHolder.addCallback this surfaceHolder.setType SurfaceHolder.SURFACE_TYPE_PUSH_BUFFERS camera
How to resolve the ANR error while invoking the Camera? WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN setContentView R.layout.surface_screen SurfaceView surfaceView SurfaceView findViewById surfaceHolder surfaceView.getHolder surfaceHolder.addCallback this surfaceHolder.setType.. R.layout.surface_screen SurfaceView surfaceView SurfaceView findViewById surfaceHolder surfaceView.getHolder surfaceHolder.addCallback this surfaceHolder.setType SurfaceHolder.SURFACE_TYPE_PUSH_BUFFERS surfaceHolder.setFixedSize..
Android Reduce Size Of Camera Picture into my code public class AndroidCamera extends Activity implements SurfaceHolder.Callback Camera camera SurfaceView surfaceView SurfaceHolder surfaceHolder boolean previewing false LayoutInflater controlInflater null final int RESULT_SAVEIMAGE 0 Called.. setRequestedOrientation ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT getWindow .setFormat PixelFormat.UNKNOWN surfaceView SurfaceView findViewById surfaceHolder surfaceView.getHolder surfaceHolder.addCallback this surfaceHolder.setType.. getWindow .setFormat PixelFormat.UNKNOWN surfaceView SurfaceView findViewById surfaceHolder surfaceView.getHolder surfaceHolder.addCallback this surfaceHolder.setType SurfaceHolder.SURFACE_TYPE_PUSH_BUFFERS controlInflater LayoutInflater.from..