android Programming Glossary: surprisingly
What Android tools and methods work best to find memory/resource leaks? only 16mb of heap on the Android and its apparently surprisingly easy to leak in an Android app. I've been looking around and..
Setting Android Theme background color default background theme color which should be easy but surprisingly I can't get it working. Please note that I want the change to..
Nexus 7 not visible over usb via “adb devices” from Windows 7 x64 is adb devices shows no devices and Eclipse also not surprisingly also does not offer the Nexus 7 as a hardware device to run..
How to make a dynamic layout that is larger than screen? layout share improve this question The solution is surprisingly simple. In the activity layout a RelativeLayout node the one..
A strange behavior of Android Activities,Fragments and Intent the device once I do that it starts behaving normally and surprisingly when I start the activity B from fragment a3 it returns immediately..
Does anyone have benchmarks (code & results) comparing performance of Android apps written in Xamarin C# and Java? time 5 runs 6906 ms with file reading total 7070 ms Now surprisingly C# is slightly faster than Java on ARM processor as well. Big..
Is Android layout really exponentially hard? of Google's apps. They are very complex and often times surprisingly deep but they still get good performance. Don't be stupid with..
Prevent ProgressDialog from being dismissed when I click the search button (Android) false so I can't close it using the back button but surprisingly the Search hardware button dismisses the dialog More exactly..
Android Webkit: Absolutely positioned elements don't respect z-index this either regardless of bleedthrough . The solution is surprisingly simple you write your script to add the disabled attribute to..
Effective Android Programming Techniques [closed] . Use fill_parent with a top level RelativeLayout A surprisingly common and hard to find problem is putting a wrap_content in..
How to set text color of TextView in code? project open anyway and yes it's nice and red D This is a surprisingly popular question so lets make this answer as complete as possible..
Android: how to check if a View inside of ScrollView is visible? the ScrollView . I would expect the below code to do this surprisingly it does not Rect bounds new Rect view.getDrawingRect bounds..
Is this the right way to clean-up Fragment back stack when leaving a deeply nested stack? this link should give you all the best solutions and not surprisingly is from Dianne Hackborn http group android..
Removing unused strings during ProGuard optimisation the optimization step still leaves some fluff behind. It's surprisingly tricky to simplify this without some deeper knowledge about..
Android: Question about Bitmaps, memory usage, and scaling by createBitmapTrialAndError . This is actually surprisingly effective and not terribly slow. However it is very undesirable..
Android preload a url into WebView while splashscreen is showing Copying the WebView webview2 webview1 doesn't work not surprisingly. Suggestions android activity webview share improve this..
Can you launch the native Camera App from an Html 5 Web App? capture camera It also points to a test site that not surprisingly does not do much on my Froyo phone. Anybody with a tablet tried..
Android - horizontal scrolling of multiple viewable items viewpager share improve this question This one has surprisingly easy answer I'm not even sure why it wasn't posted right away...
Android Facebook style slide offset the menu will show through and still be clickable surprisingly . When the app starts up we scroll the HSV to the offset of..
What Android tools and methods work best to find memory/resource leaks? have to be some memory and resource leaks in there and there's only 16mb of heap on the Android and its apparently surprisingly easy to leak in an Android app. I've been looking around and so far have only been able to dig up info on 'hprof' and 'traceview'..
Setting Android Theme background color Android Theme background color I'm trying to modify the default background theme color which should be easy but surprisingly I can't get it working. Please note that I want the change to be across the entire app not just for a single activity. Here..
Nexus 7 not visible over usb via “adb devices” from Windows 7 x64 shows up in Windows under Portable Devices Nexus 7 . The problem is adb devices shows no devices and Eclipse also not surprisingly also does not offer the Nexus 7 as a hardware device to run an app on. I have rebooted both devices without effect. The..
How to make a dynamic layout that is larger than screen? the layout working beyond the screen edges android android layout share improve this question The solution is surprisingly simple. In the activity layout a RelativeLayout node the one with content ID should use the custom layout class that overrides..
A strange behavior of Android Activities,Fragments and Intent until either I navigate to some other fragment or I rotate the device once I do that it starts behaving normally and surprisingly when I start the activity B from fragment a3 it returns immediately and behaves normally. I have tried overriding all the..
Does anyone have benchmarks (code & results) comparing performance of Android apps written in Xamarin C# and Java? 5 runs 7153 ms with file reading total 7459 ms C# Grand total time 5 runs 6906 ms with file reading total 7070 ms Now surprisingly C# is slightly faster than Java on ARM processor as well. Big improvement Edit July 12 2013 We all know that nothing beats..
Is Android layout really exponentially hard? I'd encourage you to use DDMS and do a layout dump of some of Google's apps. They are very complex and often times surprisingly deep but they still get good performance. Don't be stupid with your layouts but if it saves you time adding an extra layout..
Prevent ProgressDialog from being dismissed when I click the search button (Android) from happening . I have made it non cancellable with setCancelable false so I can't close it using the back button but surprisingly the Search hardware button dismisses the dialog More exactly the global search application is displayed and when I come..
Android Webkit: Absolutely positioned elements don't respect z-index be able to focus the input elements. You probably don't want this either regardless of bleedthrough . The solution is surprisingly simple you write your script to add the disabled attribute to all input button etc. elements that are overlayed. A disabled..
Effective Android Programming Techniques [closed] Play around with RelativeLayout. See an example from this question . Use fill_parent with a top level RelativeLayout A surprisingly common and hard to find problem is putting a wrap_content in a top level RelativeLayout and then wondering why unrelated..
How to set text color of TextView in code? Color.RED for a sanity check I just tried it because I had a project open anyway and yes it's nice and red D This is a surprisingly popular question so lets make this answer as complete as possible You can use various functions from the Color class to..
Android: how to check if a View inside of ScrollView is visible? visible if any part of it is currently displayed by the ScrollView . I would expect the below code to do this surprisingly it does not Rect bounds new Rect view.getDrawingRect bounds Rect scrollBounds new Rect scroll.getScrollX scroll.getScrollY..
Is this the right way to clean-up Fragment back stack when leaving a deeply nested stack? ways to go about this depending on the intended behavior but this link should give you all the best solutions and not surprisingly is from Dianne Hackborn http group android developers browse_thread thread d2a5c203dad6ec42 Essentially..
Removing unused strings during ProGuard optimisation is .append answer .toString So the logging is gone but the optimization step still leaves some fluff behind. It's surprisingly tricky to simplify this without some deeper knowledge about the StringBuilder class. As far as ProGuard is concerned it..
Android: Question about Bitmaps, memory usage, and scaling again and repeat this process until successful. This is illustrated by createBitmapTrialAndError . This is actually surprisingly effective and not terribly slow. However it is very undesirable because I use SoftReferences elsewhere in my application..
Android preload a url into WebView while splashscreen is showing and the WebView is resource bound layout to the main activity. Copying the WebView webview2 webview1 doesn't work not surprisingly. Suggestions android activity webview share improve this question Follow these steps.. 1 set splash layout on your..
Can you launch the native Camera App from an Html 5 Web App? shows an example on slide 30 input type file accept image capture camera It also points to a test site that not surprisingly does not do much on my Froyo phone. Anybody with a tablet tried it and can tell us what it does and does not do 4.0 Icecream..
Android - horizontal scrolling of multiple viewable items . For my need I like #3 android horizontal scrolling android viewpager share improve this question This one has surprisingly easy answer I'm not even sure why it wasn't posted right away. All that I needed to do to get the exact effect was to override..
Android Facebook style slide as the first child. This means when the HSV has zero scroll offset the menu will show through and still be clickable surprisingly . When the app starts up we scroll the HSV to the offset of the first visible application View and when we want to show..