android Programming Glossary: supportedsizes
Android Listview with spinner and a checkbox
Android: “Camera.takePicture failed” Exception http resources samples ApiDemos src com example android apis graphics CameraPreview.html @param supportedSizes A list of Size objects representing all the known preview sizes supported by this hardware. @param w The surface width... dimensions for an optimal preview size for the current hardware. public static Size getOptimalPreviewSize List Size supportedSizes int w int h final double ASPECT_TOLERANCE 0.05 double targetRatio double w h if supportedSizes null return null Size optimalSize.. List Size supportedSizes int w int h final double ASPECT_TOLERANCE 0.05 double targetRatio double w h if supportedSizes null return null Size optimalSize null double minDiff Double.MAX_VALUE int targetHeight h Try to find an size match aspect..