android Programming Glossary: super.onwindowfocuschanged
Resizing ImageView to fit to aspect ratio up 0. public void onWindowFocusChanged boolean hasFocus super.onWindowFocusChanged hasFocus Abstracting out the process where you get the image..
How to disable the Recent Tasks/Apps button in Android public void onWindowFocusChanged boolean hasFocus super.onWindowFocusChanged hasFocus if hasFocus windowCloseHandler.postDelayed windowCloserRunnable..
Is there a way to make ellipsize=“marquee” always scroll? void onWindowFocusChanged boolean focused if focused super.onWindowFocusChanged focused @Override public boolean isFocused return true share..
Button states with Background as AnimationDrawable in Android public void onWindowFocusChanged boolean hasFocus super.onWindowFocusChanged hasFocus btn Button findViewById btnAnimation AnimationDrawable.. public void onWindowFocusChanged boolean hasFocus super.onWindowFocusChanged hasFocus btn Button findViewById StateListDrawable..
How to check if a TextView String has been trimmed (marquee)? boolean hasFocus TODO Auto generated method stub super.onWindowFocusChanged hasFocus System.out.println ...111Height... mainLayout.getMeasuredHeight..
Android custom animation like airport schedule board public void onWindowFocusChanged boolean hasFocus super.onWindowFocusChanged hasFocus animation.start Now How to place vertically animated..
How to enable the (two finger) zoom in/out feature for an image in android [duplicate] public void onWindowFocusChanged boolean hasFocus super.onWindowFocusChanged hasFocus if hasFocus init private void init maxZoom 4 minZoom..
How to get height and width of Button public void onWindowFocusChanged boolean hasFocus super.onWindowFocusChanged hasFocus Call here getWidth and getHeight share improve this..
Animation Drawable causing OutOfMemoryError on second run in Android public void onWindowFocusChanged boolean hasFocus super.onWindowFocusChanged hasFocus ad.start The error log 01 31 16 13 11.320 E AndroidRuntime..
Resizing ImageView to fit to aspect ratio that the ImageView is fully loaded or the dimensions will end up 0. public void onWindowFocusChanged boolean hasFocus super.onWindowFocusChanged hasFocus Abstracting out the process where you get the image from the internet Bitmap loadedImage getImageFromInternet url..
How to disable the Recent Tasks/Apps button in Android the RecentActivity dialog. Put it in your activity class. @Override public void onWindowFocusChanged boolean hasFocus super.onWindowFocusChanged hasFocus if hasFocus windowCloseHandler.postDelayed windowCloserRunnable 250 private void toggleRecents Intent closeRecents..
Is there a way to make ellipsize=“marquee” always scroll?
Button states with Background as AnimationDrawable in Android I get the button background and start the animation @Override public void onWindowFocusChanged boolean hasFocus super.onWindowFocusChanged hasFocus btn Button findViewById btnAnimation AnimationDrawable btnAnim.getBackground btnAnimation.start Here.. not AnimationDrawable . I'd rather do something like @Override public void onWindowFocusChanged boolean hasFocus super.onWindowFocusChanged hasFocus btn Button findViewById StateListDrawable background StateListDrawable btn.getBackground Drawable..
How to check if a TextView String has been trimmed (marquee)? use the following code. @Override public void onWindowFocusChanged boolean hasFocus TODO Auto generated method stub super.onWindowFocusChanged hasFocus System.out.println ...111Height... mainLayout.getMeasuredHeight isMarqueed I am fine here. How r u textView.getWidth..
Android custom animation like airport schedule board animation AnimationDrawable refresh.getBackground @Override public void onWindowFocusChanged boolean hasFocus super.onWindowFocusChanged hasFocus animation.start Now How to place vertically animated text on this images so it looks like the animation I wanted..
How to enable the (two finger) zoom in/out feature for an image in android [duplicate] width private RectF viewRect touch events functions @Override public void onWindowFocusChanged boolean hasFocus super.onWindowFocusChanged hasFocus if hasFocus init private void init maxZoom 4 minZoom 0.25f height myimage.getDrawable .getIntrinsicHeight 20 width..
How to get height and width of Button
Animation Drawable causing OutOfMemoryError on second run in Android ad AnimationDrawable rabbitMenu.getDrawable public void onWindowFocusChanged boolean hasFocus super.onWindowFocusChanged hasFocus ad.start The error log 01 31 16 13 11.320 E AndroidRuntime 19550 FATAL EXCEPTION main 01 31 16 13 11.320 E AndroidRuntime..