android Programming Glossary: super.setcontentview
How can I put titles in ViewPager using fragments? savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState super.setContentView R.layout.lcmeter layout que contiene el ViewPager initialisePaging..
how to create circular viewpager? [duplicate] Window.FEATURE_NO_TITLE super.onCreate savedInstanceState super.setContentView R.layout.viewpager_layout initialisePaging Initialize the fragments..
ProgressBar under Action Bar params init .addView view params private ViewGroup init super.setContentView R.layout.progress mProgressBar ProgressBar findViewById
Android update activity UI from service savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState super.setContentView R.layout.copa receiver new BroadcastReceiver @Override public..
Android ListView with delete button savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState super.setContentView R.layout.detailed_results_list ListView mDetailsListView ListView..
Display AlertDialog as system overlay window from Service translucent background. Such activity does not have line super.setContentView in onCreate . More important to ensure transparency @android..
sliding drawer appear in all activities content of layout your provided to the act_content frame super.setContentView fullLayout here you can get your drawer buttons and define how..
Add an array of buttons to a GridView in an Android application this tr.addView b 30 30 for layout.addView tr for super.setContentView layout public void onClick View view Button view .setText..
Starting Activity from Fragment causes NullPointerException savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState super.setContentView R.layout.viewpager ViewPager pager ViewPager super.findViewById..
How can I put titles in ViewPager using fragments? APP 1 APP 2 @Override protected void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState super.setContentView R.layout.lcmeter layout que contiene el ViewPager initialisePaging inicializo las paginas private void initialisePaging..
how to create circular viewpager? [duplicate] void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState requestWindowFeature Window.FEATURE_NO_TITLE super.onCreate savedInstanceState super.setContentView R.layout.viewpager_layout initialisePaging Initialize the fragments to be paged List Fragment fragments new Vector Fragment..
ProgressBar under Action Bar public void setContentView View view ViewGroup.LayoutParams params init .addView view params private ViewGroup init super.setContentView R.layout.progress mProgressBar ProgressBar findViewById return ViewGroup findViewById
Android update activity UI from service create a listener on onCreate public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState super.setContentView R.layout.copa receiver new BroadcastReceiver @Override public void onReceive Context context Intent intent String s intent.getStringExtra..
Android ListView with delete button int mSelectedPosition @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState super.setContentView R.layout.detailed_results_list ListView mDetailsListView ListView findViewById ImageView mSelectedPuzzleIcon..
Display AlertDialog as system overlay window from Service created and started from Service. However it is activity with translucent background. Such activity does not have line super.setContentView in onCreate . More important to ensure transparency @android style Theme.Translucent is entered under Theme tag for this..
sliding drawer appear in all activities .inflate layoutResID actContent true Setting the content of layout your provided to the act_content frame super.setContentView fullLayout here you can get your drawer buttons and define how they should behave and what must they do so you won't be..
Add an array of buttons to a GridView in an Android application b.setTextColor Color.rgb 100 200 200 b.setOnClickListener this tr.addView b 30 30 for layout.addView tr for super.setContentView layout public void onClick View view Button view .setText Button view .setEnabled false class share improve this answer..
Starting Activity from Fragment causes NullPointerException extends FragmentActivity @Override protected void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState super.setContentView R.layout.viewpager ViewPager pager ViewPager super.findViewById pager.setAdapter initialisePaging private..