android Programming Glossary: supplying
NullPointerException at openFileOutput in Activity you need to supply SO with a stack trace rather than just supplying exception names. An exception on a line is different than an..
ListView or TableLayout? result could be achieved from using a GridView again by supplying data through a suitable Adapter . Now the first key difference..
Further understanding setRetainInstance(true) the fragment from the activity using add Fragment String supplying a unique string tag for the fragment rather than a view ID ...
Anyone Have MediaRecorder Working with ParcelFileDescriptor and createPipe()? the first so that code is presumably correct. However I am supplying the output via recorder.setOutputFile getStreamFd Where getStreamFd..
View image in ACTION_VIEW intent? know the bitmap is downloaded ok use the same routine for supplying it my ImageView instances elsewhere in my app I think it wrote..
Acclerometer Sensor in Separate Thread Create a HandlerThread get its Looper create a Handler supplying the looper. This will let you receive the callbacks on the background..
Trying to draw textured triangles on device fails, but the emulator works. Why? GL10.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA Edit I just tried supplying a BitmapOptions to the BitmapFactory.decodeResource call but..
How to get any identifier of the topmost activity? called by an Activity coming to the foreground in onResume supplying a reference to itself its class some arbitrary ID etc. Reference..
Is there a way to use setOnClickListener with an Android Spinner? In the constructor with attributes create the spinner by supplying the layout android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item Do a findViewById..
Android: setting a spinner onClickListener() In the constructor with attributes create the spinner by supplying the layout android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item Do a findViewById..
Simplified and Traditional Chinese vs Regions provide for default locales for Singapore HongKong Macau supplying traditional chinese as default you can do that too and it should..
Problem using VideoView in Android they differ e.g. getCurrentPosition is now 0 call seekTo supplying the value from Step #1. Step #3 In onSaveInstanceState call..
How to update Android ListView with dynamic data in real time? ListView can grow or shrink based on the background thread supplying realtime data . I would certainly appreciate thoughts from others..
How do I make a dotted/dashed line in Android? 10 20 0 you can create all sorts of dotted patterns by supplying more numbers in the int array it specifies the ratios of dash..
getActionBar() returns null the setContentView method in my onCreate method and just supplying it with a layout that contained an empty FrameLayout. I can..
Replace Fragment inside a ViewPager or NextFragment . One way of doing this is supplying a listener when creating FirstPageFragment which will be called..
which constructor to be called for view? called when a view is being constructed from an XML file supplying attributes that were specified in the XML file. This version..
Android Notification to play sound only guide topics ui notifiers notifications.html And supplying the sound like this notification.sound Uri.parse android.resource..
NullPointerException at openFileOutput in Activity inside the implementation of openFileOutput . This is why you need to supply SO with a stack trace rather than just supplying exception names. An exception on a line is different than an exception triggered by a line particularly with NullPointerException..
ListView or TableLayout? you might use a TableLayout inside a ScrollView . Or a similar result could be achieved from using a GridView again by supplying data through a suitable Adapter . Now the first key difference is this Classes like LinearLayout and TableLayout require..
Further understanding setRetainInstance(true) less fragments it states To add a fragment without a UI add the fragment from the activity using add Fragment String supplying a unique string tag for the fragment rather than a view ID . This adds the fragment but because it's not associated with..
Anyone Have MediaRecorder Working with ParcelFileDescriptor and createPipe()? configuration e.g. setOutputFormat it is the same as the first so that code is presumably correct. However I am supplying the output via recorder.setOutputFile getStreamFd Where getStreamFd uses createPipe spawns a background thread to read from..
View image in ACTION_VIEW intent? Uri.fromFile new File path image png startActivity intent I know the bitmap is downloaded ok use the same routine for supplying it my ImageView instances elsewhere in my app I think it wrote to file ok I can see it on disk and the file size is correct...
Acclerometer Sensor in Separate Thread and supply a Handler that is running on a background thread. Create a HandlerThread get its Looper create a Handler supplying the looper. This will let you receive the callbacks on the background thread. When finished ensure you remove the listener..
Trying to draw textured triangles on device fails, but the emulator works. Why? gl.glEnable GL10.GL_BLEND gl.glBlendFunc GL10.GL_SRC_ALPHA GL10.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA Edit I just tried supplying a BitmapOptions to the BitmapFactory.decodeResource call but this doesn't seem to fix the issue despite manually setting..
How to get any identifier of the topmost activity? you could make your Service have a static method that is called by an Activity coming to the foreground in onResume supplying a reference to itself its class some arbitrary ID etc. Reference http reference android app Activity.html..
Is there a way to use setOnClickListener with an Android Spinner? of the spinner. To do so Create a custom Spinner In the constructor with attributes create the spinner by supplying the layout android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item Do a findViewById to get the TextView Now set the onClickListener..
Android: setting a spinner onClickListener() of the spinner. To do so Create a custom Spinner In the constructor with attributes create the spinner by supplying the layout android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item Do a findViewById to get the TextView Now set the onClickListener..
Simplified and Traditional Chinese vs Regions settings app only have zh rCN and zh rTW but if you want to provide for default locales for Singapore HongKong Macau supplying traditional chinese as default you can do that too and it should work. I have however no evidence that such a configuration..
Problem using VideoView in Android on the VideoView and compare it to the value from Step #1. If they differ e.g. getCurrentPosition is now 0 call seekTo supplying the value from Step #1. Step #3 In onSaveInstanceState call getCurrentPosition on the VideoView and store the value in the..
How to update Android ListView with dynamic data in real time? the ListView changing but the total number of cells in the ListView can grow or shrink based on the background thread supplying realtime data . I would certainly appreciate thoughts from others who have implemented this scenario and how they optimized..
How do I make a dotted/dashed line in Android? fgPaintSel.setPathEffect new DashPathEffect new float 10 20 0 you can create all sorts of dotted patterns by supplying more numbers in the int array it specifies the ratios of dash and gap. This is a simple equally dashed line. share improve..
getActionBar() returns null setContentView in the onCreate method. So I fixed it by using the setContentView method in my onCreate method and just supplying it with a layout that contained an empty FrameLayout. I can still use the fragmentTransaction.add mFragment..
Replace Fragment inside a ViewPager of which fragment that should be displayed in position 0 FirstPageFragment or NextFragment . One way of doing this is supplying a listener when creating FirstPageFragment which will be called when it is time to switch fragments. I think this is a good..
which constructor to be called for view? that is called when inflating a view from XML. This is called when a view is being constructed from an XML file supplying attributes that were specified in the XML file. This version uses a default style of 0 so the only attribute values applied..
Android Notification to play sound only as other notifications. I'm using this http guide topics ui notifiers notifications.html And supplying the sound like this notification.sound Uri.parse android.resource getPackageName R.raw.notifysnd android audio notifications..