android Programming Glossary: solved
SimpleCursorTreeAdapter and CursorLoader for ExpandableListView So it seems that the getChildrenCursor issues may now be resolved. But now it looks to be an issue of how the CursorLoaders are.. that I needed to map loaderids to groupPositions and this solved my issue Here is my Fragment class which implements the CursorLoader..
How ListView's recycling mechanism works 14 49 36.776 I System.out 13871 getview 4 null But now its solved I know im not that good at explaning but as i put my whole day..
ViewPager with Google Maps API v2: mysterious black view a black view overlaps the adjacent fragments. Someone has solved Edit screenshot public static class PagerAdapter extends FragmentPagerAdapter..
handle textview link click in my android app almost a year later there's a different manner in which I solved my particular problem. Since I wanted the link to be handled..
ListView item background via custom selector question I've been frustrated by this myself and finally solved it. As Romain Guy hinted to there's another state android state_selected..
How to prevent Android bluetooth RFCOMM connection from dying immediately after .connect()? dying immediately after .connect This problem has been solved Thanks a lot to Brad Denis and junkie You're the heroes This..
How do I make links in a TextView clickable? layout_marginTop 20dp android text @string txtCredits That solved it. Pretty difficult to uncover and fix. share improve this..
Change the background color of the options menu instead of Options Menus. Finally some developers have solved this problem by totally suppressing the Android Options Menu..
Determining the size of an Android view at runtime are lots of SO questions regarding this though none which solved my problem obviously. So perhaps I am missing something obvious...
Android: how to make a clickable map image with each country producing a different action? image share improve this question Here is how I solved a similar problem. First duplicate the image that you want to..
Any good graphing packages for Android? [closed] ORIGINAL It looks like the creator of this question solved this problem and posted some interesting stuff about it to the..
Android WebView “tel:” links show web page not found android webview share improve this question OK so I solved the issue I think. I just needed to separate the URL overrides..
Android Eclipse - Could not find *.apk [closed] in my workspace. I did experience this issue before and solved it once by removing the project form my workspace and re importing.. form my workspace and re importing it and another time I solved it by removing Java Builder from my java build path. None seem..
Android: CursorAdapter, ListView and CheckBox I had the same problem with my CustorArrayAdapter. I solved that problem using SparseBooleanArray to keep checkboxes states...
Android: install .apk programmatically [duplicate] english android install share improve this question I solved the problem. I made mistake in setdata and settype. Intent intent..
An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine share improve this question These problem can be simply solved by closing Eclipse and restarting it again. Eclipse sometimes..
How can I use speech recognition without the annoying dialog in android phones is a good reference for me I've totally got this problem solved. I googled a usable sample code from this China website Here's..
getting exception “IllegalStateException: Can not perform this action after onSaveInstanceState” lifecycle in the call to saveInstance but I here is how I solved this @Override protected void onSaveInstanceState Bundle outState..
Need help to convert a Pdf page into Bitmap in Android Java application. android share improve this question I solved this issue. its as simple as letting the device have time to..
Android theme, fullscreen and the action bar you've read if you haven't used it yourself. EDIT I Solved this. The problem seems to be that you have to specify a Holo..
Google map android API V2 crashed This is the key i've got This is the libs included Solved in update and i don't have a real android device so i install..
Camera Force Closing issue in Samsung Galaxy S3 version 4.1.1 in real Device Only. Thanks in Advance EDITED i have Solved the above Issue By Modifying the Below Code and Put as an Answer...
Set permission for getting User's email ID from Facebook Login login facebook android sdk share improve this question Solved it Here is what I have done... @Override protected void onCreate..
Sending message through WhatsApp By intent
unable to get Response from HttpResponse when passing soap object (soap1.2) android? as its wsHttpBinding WCF service Android So I Have Solved this using Following String METHOD_NAME MyMethodName String..
java servlet project and android library project in eclipse - NoClassDefFoundError android library share improve this question Solved remove the dependency from DataServlet's java build path go..
How to implement a Button on an Android Widget Thanks android widget share improve this question Solved I can confirm that an Activity is NOT needed if you want create..
Multiple calls to AlarmManager.setRepeating deliver the same Intent/PendingIntent extra values, but I supplied different ones PendingIntent extra values but I supplied different ones Solved while writing this question but posting in case it helps anyone..
How to show a balloon above a marker in a MapActivity? Isn't there a widget? of the balloon close when an other bollon is tabbed Update Solved it See my answer below... android google maps android maps..
android spinner performClick onItemSelected you guys. android spinner share improve this question Solved the problem by adding a Spinner in my xml with height and width..
How to fall back to marketplace when Android custom URL scheme not handled? to know whether the scheme was handled... I've removed my Solved on my previous solution since it doesn't work any more. UPDATE..
Service does not restart after “Clear Memory” + appWidget crashes this question After a lot of research and some attempts Solved it Just added BroadcastReciever listening to package changes..
Is it possible for TextView Marquee in a Widget that extends AppWidgetProvider? marquee Has anyone got a marquee working on a widget Edit2 Solved. This is how it is done In the xml for the text view you need.. widget textview marquee share improve this question Solved. This is how it is done In the xml for the text view you need..
Android NDK revision 7 Host 'awk' tool is outdated error 7. android android ndk share improve this question Solved the problem. Solution Navigate to .. android ndk r7 prebuilt..
Bad class file magic when using dx.bat
Android LinkedIn Integration Error on Device And Emulator oauth oauth 2.0 linkedin share improve this question Solved for me..on Device and Emulator. Time Date and Timezone should..
Always show zoom controls on a MapView android android mapview share improve this question Solved this by putting my own ZoomControls in my layout xml ZoomControls..
Eclipse Errors after Android SDK change 7 failed java.lang.NullPointerException can someone help Solved I was also getting workspace open and saving errors. In the..
Android: Playing an Asset Sound Using WebView wrong with the way I called the file Thanks before. SOLVED Thx to squonk's suggestions I tried the following codes to make..
Twitter API returns invalid callback - Cannot authorize API returns invalid callback Cannot authorize SOLVED but I'm open to new suggestions... I'm integrating Twitter into..
Debugging Issues (Android Eclipse) probably excruciatingly obvious . Thanks for any help. SOLVED Apparently I had to update eclipse and the SDK i feel dumb ...
Clearing and setting the default home application (SOLVED) and setting the default home application SOLVED How in the world does Nova manage this Im literally trying..
SOLVED: Android Widget - Click for action, update under 30 minutes, separate instances Android Widget Click for action update under 30 minutes separate..
|FINALLY SOLVED| How to force stop Intent Service in progress FINALLY SOLVED How to force stop Intent Service in progress I have a intent..
Android: how to code depending on the version of the API? else activity.startActivity intentMedicamento HOW I SOLVED IT SOME NOTES TO THE RIGHT ANSWER @Commonsware show me the way..
Proguard and reflection in Android obfuscation proguard share improve this question SOLVED For others that are having this problem you need to add the..
Integration ZXing library directly into my Android application scanner zxing share improve this question UPDATE SOLVED GUIDE I've managed to figure it out And down below you can read..
Android post picture to Facebook wall several times underneath each other. What am I doing wrong SOLVED. This is what I did to make it work facebook.authorize this..
Accessing CallManager in Android e Log.i TAG e.getClass .getName e.toString SOLVED 2011 05 01 Thanks guys for reading my question. I've already..
Android — GLSurfaceView EGL_BAD_ALLOC control 200 for a nudge in the right direction. EDIT I SOLVED THE PROBLEM I FORGOT TO CALL ONPAUSE ONRESTART ON THE VIEWS..
Android Proguard Javascript Interface Fail problem . Any suggestion Thanks in advance. Denis. SOLVED. As Eric suggested I changed the Proguard configuration file..
getIntent() Extras always NULL! android intent share improve this question SOLVED This is the scenario The Method getIntent returns the FIRST..
clickable word inside TextView in android to some another if it's depend... Please help me Thank you SOLVED Thank you Jacob Phillips for idea May it will be interesting..
SimpleCursorTreeAdapter and CursorLoader for ExpandableListView do have contacts in them but it won't show any contacts. So it seems that the getChildrenCursor issues may now be resolved. But now it looks to be an issue of how the CursorLoaders are instantiated in the onCreateLoader method. Is the CursorLoader.. cursorloader share improve this question So i figured out that I needed to map loaderids to groupPositions and this solved my issue Here is my Fragment class which implements the CursorLoader public class GroupsListFragment extends ExpandableListFragment..
How ListView's recycling mechanism works 01 01 14 49 36.756 I System.out 13871 getview 3 null 01 01 14 49 36.776 I System.out 13871 getview 4 null But now its solved I know im not that good at explaning but as i put my whole day to understand so i thought other beginners like me can get..
ViewPager with Google Maps API v2: mysterious black view in a view pager. When scrolling from the map fragment a black view overlaps the adjacent fragments. Someone has solved Edit screenshot public static class PagerAdapter extends FragmentPagerAdapter public PagerAdapter FragmentManager fm super..
handle textview link click in my android app textview share improve this question Coming at this almost a year later there's a different manner in which I solved my particular problem. Since I wanted the link to be handled by my own app there is a solution that is a bit simpler. Besides..
ListView item background via custom selector for any help android listview selector share improve this question I've been frustrated by this myself and finally solved it. As Romain Guy hinted to there's another state android state_selected that you must use. Use a state drawable for the..
How to prevent Android bluetooth RFCOMM connection from dying immediately after .connect()? to prevent Android bluetooth RFCOMM connection from dying immediately after .connect This problem has been solved Thanks a lot to Brad Denis and junkie You're the heroes This is the working code. It connects to Zeemote and reads data..
How do I make links in a TextView clickable?
Change the background color of the options menu will exist on 3.X tablets since they use Action Bars instead of Options Menus. Finally some developers have solved this problem by totally suppressing the Android Options Menu and writing their own menu class see some of the links above..
Determining the size of an Android view at runtime is defined in XML. This seems like an easy task and there are lots of SO questions regarding this though none which solved my problem obviously. So perhaps I am missing something obvious. I get a handle to my view by ImageView myView ImageView..
Android: how to make a clickable map image with each country producing a different action? that I'm overlooking. Many thanks in advance Cheers r3mo android image share improve this question Here is how I solved a similar problem. First duplicate the image that you want to use as an image map and colour each section. Needless to say..
Any good graphing packages for Android? [closed] AndroidPlot AChartEngine And a commercial chart ShinobiControls ORIGINAL It looks like the creator of this question solved this problem and posted some interesting stuff about it to the Internet. I've linked to his solution along with several..
Android WebView “tel:” links show web page not found goodle and have failed to produce any answers. android android webview share improve this question OK so I solved the issue I think. I just needed to separate the URL overrides as follows public boolean shouldOverrideUrlLoading WebView..
Android Eclipse - Could not find *.apk [closed] path. I have no visible compiler issues and no problems exist in my workspace. I did experience this issue before and solved it once by removing the project form my workspace and re importing it and another time I solved it by removing Java Builder.. this issue before and solved it once by removing the project form my workspace and re importing it and another time I solved it by removing Java Builder from my java build path. None seem to work this time. I currently have most of the settings..
Android: CursorAdapter, ListView and CheckBox Adapter but there is no answer there. And one more question. I had the same problem with my CustorArrayAdapter. I solved that problem using SparseBooleanArray to keep checkboxes states. It works fine but every scroll calls onCheckedChanged...
Android: install .apk programmatically [duplicate] incorrect or is some better ways to do this btw sorry for my english android install share improve this question I solved the problem. I made mistake in setdata and settype. Intent intent new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW intent.setDataAndType Uri.fromFile..
An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine 563 android share improve this question These problem can be simply solved by closing Eclipse and restarting it again. Eclipse sometimes fails to establish a connection with the Emulator so this..
How can I use speech recognition without the annoying dialog in android phones SpeechRecognizer His needs is almost the same as mine. It is a good reference for me I've totally got this problem solved. I googled a usable sample code from this China website Here's my source code package voice.recognition.test import
getting exception “IllegalStateException: Can not perform this action after onSaveInstanceState” couldn't figure out what they changed inside the Activity lifecycle in the call to saveInstance but I here is how I solved this @Override protected void onSaveInstanceState Bundle outState No call for super . Bug on API Level 11. I just do not..
Need help to convert a Pdf page into Bitmap in Android Java to display pdf file in android using function inbuilt within application. android share improve this question I solved this issue. its as simple as letting the device have time to render each page. To fix this all you have to do is change..
Android theme, fullscreen and the action bar them work on any of my devices so please do not point to something you've read if you haven't used it yourself. EDIT I Solved this. The problem seems to be that you have to specify a Holo theme to get the action bar back. Otherwise it won't show...
Google map android API V2 crashed value AIzaSyDr9xN8L3sF6W2ZRWmTR7q0lhTeOWhXEfQ application manifest This is the key i've got This is the libs included Solved in update and i don't have a real android device so i install it on emulator in this tutorial This is the logcat 01 09 18..
Camera Force Closing issue in Samsung Galaxy S3 version 4.1.1 no worries in every scenarios. Do not know why this is happening in real Device Only. Thanks in Advance EDITED i have Solved the above Issue By Modifying the Below Code and Put as an Answer. you can have a look after reading Question. android camera..
Set permission for getting User's email ID from Facebook Login of help will be appreciated. android facebook facebook login facebook android sdk share improve this question Solved it Here is what I have done... @Override protected void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState..
Sending message through WhatsApp By intent
unable to get Response from HttpResponse when passing soap object (soap1.2) android? android soap httpresponse soap1.2 share improve this question as its wsHttpBinding WCF service Android So I Have Solved this using Following String METHOD_NAME MyMethodName String NAMESPACE http String URL MyUr String SOAP_ACTION..
java servlet project and android library project in eclipse - NoClassDefFoundError up EDIT MonitoringModel is here android eclipse noclassdeffounderror android library share improve this question Solved remove the dependency from DataServlet's java build path go to the MonitoringModel project and remove the library attribute..
How to implement a Button on an Android Widget widget TextView. Can anyone advise how to go about doing this Thanks android widget share improve this question Solved I can confirm that an Activity is NOT needed if you want create a Button to update an Android AppWidget. I have been able..
Multiple calls to AlarmManager.setRepeating deliver the same Intent/PendingIntent extra values, but I supplied different ones calls to AlarmManager.setRepeating deliver the same Intent PendingIntent extra values but I supplied different ones Solved while writing this question but posting in case it helps anyone I'm setting multiple alarms like this with different values..
How to show a balloon above a marker in a MapActivity? Isn't there a widget? only display one at a time the open close behaviour of the balloon close when an other bollon is tabbed Update Solved it See my answer below... android google maps android maps share improve this question Here is the the missing widget..
android spinner performClick onItemSelected
How to fall back to marketplace when Android custom URL scheme not handled? is installed or not . I'll update if I ever figure out how to know whether the scheme was handled... I've removed my Solved on my previous solution since it doesn't work any more. UPDATE 2 I have a good cross platform solution now that works on..
Service does not restart after “Clear Memory” + appWidget crashes java android service widget share improve this question After a lot of research and some attempts Solved it Just added BroadcastReciever listening to package changes and updates register receiver in the manifest file receiver..
Is it possible for TextView Marquee in a Widget that extends AppWidgetProvider? doesn't. Kind of leads me to that a widget cannot have a marquee Has anyone got a marquee working on a widget Edit2 Solved. This is how it is done In the xml for the text view you need to have a tag This basically I think is the same as getSeleted.. duplicateParentState true TextView android android widget widget textview marquee share improve this question Solved. This is how it is done In the xml for the text view you need to have a tag This basically I think is the same as getSeleted..
Android NDK revision 7 Host 'awk' tool is outdated error to point to Gawk or Nawk error on latest android ndk revision 7. android android ndk share improve this question Solved the problem. Solution Navigate to .. android ndk r7 prebuilt linux x86 bin Rename the file awk to awk_ Imoprtant thing to..
Bad class file magic when using dx.bat
Android LinkedIn Integration Error on Device And Emulator be redirected to the app. Please see below image. android oauth oauth 2.0 linkedin share improve this question Solved for me..on Device and Emulator. Time Date and Timezone should be correct if anything is wrong or even 1 min difference will..
Always show zoom controls on a MapView controls fade in and out. I want them to always be visible. android android mapview share improve this question Solved this by putting my own ZoomControls in my layout xml ZoomControls android id @ id zoomcontrols android layout_width wrap_content..
Eclipse Errors after Android SDK change to the workspace Parsing Data for Google Inc. Google APIs 7 failed java.lang.NullPointerException can someone help Solved I was also getting workspace open and saving errors. In the end i created a new workspace and imported the projects and..
Android: Playing an Asset Sound Using WebView at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main Native Method Is there something wrong with the way I called the file Thanks before. SOLVED Thx to squonk's suggestions I tried the following codes to make it work and it worked well thank you squonk package com.rangga.test.webview.sound..
Twitter API returns invalid callback - Cannot authorize API returns invalid callback Cannot authorize SOLVED but I'm open to new suggestions... I'm integrating Twitter into my Android app using twitter4j. When I try to authorize..
Debugging Issues (Android Eclipse) with a 4.1 build could be the problem . I am also a beginner probably excruciatingly obvious . Thanks for any help. SOLVED Apparently I had to update eclipse and the SDK i feel dumb . Thanks to everyone who spent time tying to help me out. It..
Clearing and setting the default home application (SOLVED) and setting the default home application SOLVED How in the world does Nova manage this Im literally trying to do exactly the same thing provide users with a button to..
SOLVED: Android Widget - Click for action, update under 30 minutes, separate instances Android Widget Click for action update under 30 minutes separate instances Solution is on my Answer I've tried to create..
|FINALLY SOLVED| How to force stop Intent Service in progress FINALLY SOLVED How to force stop Intent Service in progress I have a intent service which downloads several gigabytes of videos. I have..
Android: how to code depending on the version of the API? intentChooser catch Exception e activity.startActivity theIntent else activity.startActivity intentMedicamento HOW I SOLVED IT SOME NOTES TO THE RIGHT ANSWER @Commonsware show me the way to do it. We create a bridge class so that depending on the..
Proguard and reflection in Android public static w ... public static e ... java android reflection obfuscation proguard share improve this question SOLVED For others that are having this problem you need to add the following to proguard.cnf keep public class extends
Integration ZXing library directly into my Android application be most helpfull. In advance thank you android barcode barcode scanner zxing share improve this question UPDATE SOLVED GUIDE I've managed to figure it out And down below you can read step by step guide so it hopefully can help others with..
Android post picture to Facebook wall The default value null was returned. Shows several times underneath each other. What am I doing wrong SOLVED. This is what I did to make it work facebook.authorize this new String publish_stream new DialogListener @Override public..
Accessing CallManager in Android e Log.i TAG e.getClass .getName e.toString catch IllegalAccessException e Log.i TAG e.getClass .getName e.toString SOLVED 2011 05 01 Thanks guys for reading my question. I've already solved my problem. android call state phone telephony share..
Android — GLSurfaceView EGL_BAD_ALLOC research this is a recognized bug . So how do I do damage control 200 for a nudge in the right direction. EDIT I SOLVED THE PROBLEM I FORGOT TO CALL ONPAUSE ONRESTART ON THE VIEWS . FIRST PERSON TO PUT AN ANSWER ABOUT ANYTHING WHATSOEVER GETS..
Android Proguard Javascript Interface Fail according to this this answer Android proguard Javascript Interface problem . Any suggestion Thanks in advance. Denis. SOLVED. As Eric suggested I changed the Proguard configuration file like this keep public class com.mypackage.MyClass MyJavaScriptInterface..
getIntent() Extras always NULL! NULL. anyone can help me guys thx in advance android notifications android intent share improve this question SOLVED This is the scenario The Method getIntent returns the FIRST intent than launch activity. So when activity is CLOSED terminated..
clickable word inside TextView in android create link inside activity. In general I can change tag to some another if it's depend... Please help me Thank you SOLVED Thank you Jacob Phillips for idea May it will be interesting someone in future. This is a code This is my string String..