android Programming Glossary: sorting
Android : Search from Large Arraylist used in such cases where you want to restrict loops for sorting and filtering Collections. Here is a small example for using..
Large ListView containing images in Android be loaded in bulk when the application is started as some sorting and processing is necessary and the application cannot know..
Android ListView with fast scroll and alphabetical section index an example exactly like below image. Currently I did the sorting of data. When I click on right alphabet panel it shows the data..
onclick button is not working in listview patientList Log.i patientList patientListJson sorting the patientListArray data public void sortMyData sorting the.. sorting the patientListArray data public void sortMyData sorting the patientListArray data Collections.sort patientListArray.. public int getPositionForSection int section sorting the patientListArray data sortMyData If there is no item for..
Android how to sort JSONArray of JSONObjects anybody know how to sort the JSONArray java android json sorting share improve this question The issue is that JSONArray.. are strings. Deserializing the strings entirely into POJOs sorting those then back into JSON is fairly heavy. The second issue.. is Object objects and won't be able to do any meaningful sorting on them without revisiting the serialization issue. Assuming..
Android sqlite sort on calculated column (co-ordinates distance) each row and filling out an extra column on the row then sorting on that column android sqlite coordinates share improve this..
Android - SQlite Getting nearest locations (with latitude and longitude) of battery and performance. So if someone has any idea on sorting the cursor with a column that's not in the database I'd be grateful..
How can I show a MediaController while playing audio in Android? its show method but it is not showing. Can any help me in sorting out this issue android share improve this question Here..
how to change focus color of EditText in Android either with a different color . Can anyone help me in sorting out this issue Thanks in Advance android share improve this..
Displaying icon for menu items of Action Bar in Honeycomb android 3.0 which appears when I click the menu. can anyone help me in sorting out this issue. my xml file is as below xml version 1.0 encoding.. I given android icon statement. Can anyone help me in sorting out this issue Thanks in Advance android android actionbar..
Sort listview by date Android this dataFromDB Anyone who can help android listview sorting share improve this question Same as you are sorting on the.. sorting share improve this question Same as you are sorting on the basis of title can be done with dates also. Example sort..
sorting arraylist of string in android [duplicate] arraylist of string in android duplicate Possible Duplicate.. of string in android duplicate Possible Duplicate sorting string arraylist in android Sorting arraylist in Android in.. of ArrayList System.out.println ArrayList elements after sorting in ascending order for int i 0 i arrayList.size i System.out.println..
Best way to work with dates in Android SQLite you use datetime 'now' yyyy MM dd HH mm ss will then allow sorting by the date column. Retrieving dates as strings from SQL Lite..
Android : Search from Large Arraylist I would insist to use Lambdaj Library which is mostly used in such cases where you want to restrict loops for sorting and filtering Collections. Here is a small example for using lambdaj for filtering ArrayList . ArrayList String sortedArrayList..
Large ListView containing images in Android s i.e. such views with 100 300 entries. All entries must be loaded in bulk when the application is started as some sorting and processing is necessary and the application cannot know which items to display first otherwise. So far I've been loading..
Android ListView with fast scroll and alphabetical section index please help me Below is my code. In details I am looking for an example exactly like below image. Currently I did the sorting of data. When I click on right alphabet panel it shows the data properly. But the problem is when touching a letter the..
onclick button is not working in listview patientList gson.fromJson obj Patient.class patientListArray.add patientList Log.i patientList patientListJson sorting the patientListArray data public void sortMyData sorting the patientListArray data Collections.sort patientListArray new.. patientList Log.i patientList patientListJson sorting the patientListArray data public void sortMyData sorting the patientListArray data Collections.sort patientListArray new Comparator Object @Override public int compare Object o1.. @Override public void notifyDataSetChanged super.notifyDataSetChanged public int getPositionForSection int section sorting the patientListArray data sortMyData If there is no item for current section previous section will be selected for int i..
Android how to sort JSONArray of JSONObjects arguments JSONArray ThisActicity.KreeftenComparatorNL Does anybody know how to sort the JSONArray java android json sorting share improve this question The issue is that JSONArray more or less holds JSONOBjects and other JSONArrays which ultimately.. holds JSONOBjects and other JSONArrays which ultimately are strings. Deserializing the strings entirely into POJOs sorting those then back into JSON is fairly heavy. The second issue is that a JSONArray can contain Boolean JSONArray JSONObject.. is using the Object get method.. of course then all you have is Object objects and won't be able to do any meaningful sorting on them without revisiting the serialization issue. Assuming your JSONArray contains homogeneously structured values you..
Android sqlite sort on calculated column (co-ordinates distance) column iterate through the rows running the above function on each row and filling out an extra column on the row then sorting on that column android sqlite coordinates share improve this question This won't completely help but for situations..
Android - SQlite Getting nearest locations (with latitude and longitude) the DB everytime the location changes and that's a waste of battery and performance. So if someone has any idea on sorting the cursor with a column that's not in the database I'd be grateful too I know there are tons of Android apps out there..
How can I show a MediaController while playing audio in Android? I am creating an instance of MediaController and calling its show method but it is not showing. Can any help me in sorting out this issue android share improve this question Here is an example of an Activity that uses MediaPlayer and MediaController..
how to change focus color of EditText in Android the control has focus. how can I change the color of that focus either with a different color . Can anyone help me in sorting out this issue Thanks in Advance android share improve this question You'll have to create modify your own NinePatch..
Displaying icon for menu items of Action Bar in Honeycomb android 3.0 an icon to be displayed beside the title in drop down list which appears when I click the menu. can anyone help me in sorting out this issue. my xml file is as below xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 menu xmlns android http apk.. fileserver sharepoint as dropdown list with out icon though I given android icon statement. Can anyone help me in sorting out this issue Thanks in Advance android android actionbar android 3.0 share improve this question The behavior where..
Sort listview by date Android dataFromDB comperator lv1.setAdapter new CustomListViewAdapter this dataFromDB Anyone who can help android listview sorting share improve this question Same as you are sorting on the basis of title can be done with dates also. Example sort.. this dataFromDB Anyone who can help android listview sorting share improve this question Same as you are sorting on the basis of title can be done with dates also. Example sort by date public int compareTo NewsDetails another if another..
sorting arraylist of string in android [duplicate] arraylist of string in android duplicate Possible Duplicate sorting string arraylist in android Sorting arraylist in Android.. arraylist of string in android duplicate Possible Duplicate sorting string arraylist in android Sorting arraylist in Android in alphabetical order case insensitive i am having a string arraylist.. 2 arrayList.add 4 Collections.sort arrayList display elements of ArrayList System.out.println ArrayList elements after sorting in ascending order for int i 0 i arrayList.size i System.out.println arrayList.get i To sort an ArrayList object use Collection.sort..
Best way to work with dates in Android SQLite within SQL lite. Storing dates in UTC format the default if you use datetime 'now' yyyy MM dd HH mm ss will then allow sorting by the date column. Retrieving dates as strings from SQL Lite you can then format convert them as required into local regionalised..