android Programming Glossary: solutions
Caching images and displaying 2. Universal Image Loader I have gone through both the solutions. I downloaded Lazy List codes in which the URL's are hardcoded..
Accepting a certificate for HTTPs on Android Not trusted server certificate . Now I've seen a bunch of solutions where you simply accept all certificates but what if I want..
How do I pass data between activities in Android? to all activities Alternatively are there any other solutions to this problem android share improve this question The..
How can I connect to Android with ADB over TCP? the host. I installed a couple of different USB over TCP solutions but the connection appears to have issues since the adb monitor..
“Conversion to Dalvik format failed with error 1” on external JAR time for the possible solution but none of the possible solutions work. I even tried to change to Android 1.6 instead of 1.5 the..
Is AsyncTask really conceptually flawed or am I just missing something? this problem for months now came up with different solutions to it which I am not happy with since they are all massive hacks...
How can I put a ListView into a ScrollView without it collapsing? ScrollView without it collapsing I've searched around for solutions to this problem and the only answer I can find seems to be don't..
How to encode a WAV to a mp3 on a Android device API for encoding audio If not what pure Java or NDK based solutions are there And can you recommend any of them Failing this I'll..
Any good graphing packages for Android? [closed] the Swing and AWT libraries from Java I was wondering what solutions have been developed to display simple bar histograms line graphs.. that allows for the easy creation of graphical data Some solutions bandied about on the web have been just pull down a Google chart.. method. Details can be found at the above link. The other solutions may present a more straightforward approach. share improve..
Android and XMPP: Currently available solutions and XMPP Currently available solutions I'd like to pose a question as to which XMPP library would..
Android Eclipse - Could not find *.apk [closed] has been asked before and I have seen a plethora of solutions out there yet none seem to work for me. I was able to build..
Auto Scale TextView Text to Fit within Bounds needed but they are either very special cases with hack solutions have no solution or involve re drawing the TextView recursively..
File Upload in WebView is no progress. I googled and implemented all suggested solutions but none works like solutions suggested here Android webview.. implemented all suggested solutions but none works like solutions suggested here Android webview file input field filechooser..
Replace Fragment inside a ViewPager be replaced even though the class is new. There are two solutions but the simplest is to use the remove function of FragmentTransaction..
How to support Arabic text in Android? س ا And for Android 3.x forget all of the above solutions . But you can change the font if you do not like the 3.x Arabic..
Android How to draw a smooth line following your finger last points with a straight line. The second of these two solutions seems like a good option except when moving your finger very.. a straight line then sharp curves. If there are any other solutions it would be great to hear them. Thanks for any help in advance...
When exactly is it leak safe to use (anonymous) inner classes? are likely to go unnoticed until many of them have leaked. Solutions Non static Inner Classes Gain temporary references from the.. have just leaked that Activity and its entire View tree. Solutions Activities and Views Avoid at all costs making a Static reference.. what just happened. Yes your example is quite dangerous. Solutions Runnables Try and extend Runnable if it doesn't break the logic..
Passing image from one activity another activity resources share improve this question There are 3 Solutions to solve this issue. 1 First Convert Image into Byte Array and..
Control screen brightness in android using “ Background Service” of screen using a background service in android. Existing Solutions There are similar question posted in the form in below link..
Android Bluetooth - Can't connect out and variations of that code to do all of my testing... Solutions or suggestions would be great...or even a better less complex..
Failed to find style 'mapViewStyle' in current theme the original layout created with higher target sdk . The Solutions for this problem are Open and View the layout file in the Graphical..
Android onActivityResult NEVER called see how I can do the logic in the onResume method either. Solutions welcome android android intent gallery android tabhost lifecycle..
pdf viewer library for android is no API in the Android SDK to natively display PDF. Solutions I can suggest Use an external application Intent intent new..
Android maps:Failed to find style 'mapViewStyle' in current theme the original layout created with higher target sdk . The Solutions for this problem are Open and View the layout file in the Graphical..
Caching images and displaying in SO. The top answers are to solve this by 1. Lazy List 2. Universal Image Loader I have gone through both the solutions. I downloaded Lazy List codes in which the URL's are hardcoded strings stored in an Array. What I would like to do is create..
Accepting a certificate for HTTPs on Android isn't signed I keep getting Not trusted server certificate . Now I've seen a bunch of solutions where you simply accept all certificates but what if I want to ask the user I want to get a dialog similar to that of the..
How do I pass data between activities in Android? signout. Can anyone guide me on how to keep session id available to all activities Alternatively are there any other solutions to this problem android share improve this question The easiest way to do this would be to pass the session id to the..
How can I connect to Android with ADB over TCP? and so I cannot connect directly via USB in the guest or from the host. I installed a couple of different USB over TCP solutions but the connection appears to have issues since the adb monitor reports devicemonitor failed to start monitoring repeatedly...
“Conversion to Dalvik format failed with error 1” on external JAR external JAR file to my project. I searched for a long time for the possible solution but none of the possible solutions work. I even tried to change to Android 1.6 instead of 1.5 the current version I use . android dalvik android sdk 1.6 ..
Is AsyncTask really conceptually flawed or am I just missing something? flawed or am I just missing something I have investigated this problem for months now came up with different solutions to it which I am not happy with since they are all massive hacks. I still cannot believe that a class that flawed in design..
How can I put a ListView into a ScrollView without it collapsing? can I put a ListView into a ScrollView without it collapsing I've searched around for solutions to this problem and the only answer I can find seems to be don't put a ListView into a ScrollView . I have yet to see any..
How to encode a WAV to a mp3 on a Android device audio data. So my question is is there a standard Android API for encoding audio If not what pure Java or NDK based solutions are there And can you recommend any of them Failing this I'll just have to save my generated audio as a WAV file which I..
Any good graphing packages for Android? [closed] graphing packages for Android closed With Android removing the Swing and AWT libraries from Java I was wondering what solutions have been developed to display simple bar histograms line graphs and other simple data visualizations in Android There is.. specific 2D library. Are there any packages built atop it that allows for the easy creation of graphical data Some solutions bandied about on the web have been just pull down a Google chart with a HTTP get which seems like a fine workaround. However..
Android and XMPP: Currently available solutions and XMPP Currently available solutions I'd like to pose a question as to which XMPP library would be the best choice nowadays for Android development. I've been..
Android Eclipse - Could not find *.apk [closed] Eclipse Could not find .apk closed I know this question has been asked before and I have seen a plethora of solutions out there yet none seem to work for me. I was able to build my apk without issues until this error started cropping up...
Auto Scale TextView Text to Fit within Bounds I've seen a few cases on StackOverflow where auto resizing was needed but they are either very special cases with hack solutions have no solution or involve re drawing the TextView recursively until it is small enough which is memory intense and forces..
File Upload in WebView to upload files from WebView since last few days and there is no progress. I googled and implemented all suggested solutions but none works like solutions suggested here Android webview file input field filechooser doesn't show up. ... http since last few days and there is no progress. I googled and implemented all suggested solutions but none works like solutions suggested here Android webview file input field filechooser doesn't show up. ... http 2009 02 how to display..
Replace Fragment inside a ViewPager position so if there was a fragment at position 0 it will not be replaced even though the class is new. There are two solutions but the simplest is to use the remove function of FragmentTransaction which will remove its tag as well. That was a lot..
How to support Arabic text in Android? Android 2.2 you do not need setting font but must use Farsi.Convert س ا And for Android 3.x forget all of the above solutions . But you can change the font if you do not like the 3.x Arabic font. so do the following steps 1 At first add TAHOMA.TTF..
Android How to draw a smooth line following your finger I can speed up the drawing. Or I should connect the two last points with a straight line. The second of these two solutions seems like a good option except when moving your finger very fast you will have long sections of a straight line then sharp.. moving your finger very fast you will have long sections of a straight line then sharp curves. If there are any other solutions it would be great to hear them. Thanks for any help in advance. java android touch interpolation curve fitting share..
When exactly is it leak safe to use (anonymous) inner classes? these are some of the hardest leaks to find because they are likely to go unnoticed until many of them have leaked. Solutions Non static Inner Classes Gain temporary references from the containing object. Allow the containing object to be the only.. its Context or any of its Views when it is destroyed you have just leaked that Activity and its entire View tree. Solutions Activities and Views Avoid at all costs making a Static reference to a View or Activity. All references to Activity Contexts.. . Now just refer back to the previous sections to understand what just happened. Yes your example is quite dangerous. Solutions Runnables Try and extend Runnable if it doesn't break the logic of your code. Do your best to make extended Runnables static..
Passing image from one activity another activity . Any help appreciated. android android imageview android resources share improve this question There are 3 Solutions to solve this issue. 1 First Convert Image into Byte Array and then pass into Intent and in next activity get byte array..
Control screen brightness in android using “ Background Service” Service&rdquo Problem I want to control the brightness of screen using a background service in android. Existing Solutions There are similar question posted in the form in below link http questions 1791340 adding screen brightness..
Android Bluetooth - Can't connect out UUID as well with no luck. I am using the BluetoothChat example and variations of that code to do all of my testing... Solutions or suggestions would be great...or even a better less complex example of some testing code I can run on the phone or a python..
Failed to find style 'mapViewStyle' in current theme to copy themes.xml file b. You may have lower target sdk the original layout created with higher target sdk . The Solutions for this problem are Open and View the layout file in the Graphical Layout View and look at the top Right corner. There..
Android onActivityResult NEVER called data from the gallery selection it does not so I don't see how I can do the logic in the onResume method either. Solutions welcome android android intent gallery android tabhost lifecycle share improve this question Try to call the startActivityForResult..
pdf viewer library for android view the pdf android share improve this question No. There is no API in the Android SDK to natively display PDF. Solutions I can suggest Use an external application Intent intent new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW intent.setDataAndType path application..
Android maps:Failed to find style 'mapViewStyle' in current theme to copy themes.xml file b. You may have lower target sdk the original layout created with higher target sdk . The Solutions for this problem are Open and View the layout file in the Graphical Layout View and look at the top Right corner. There..