android Programming Glossary: sophisticated
Creating irregular shaped ImageButton with different click states iX int event.getX int iY int event.getY TODO Or use a more sophisticated pixel value based condition if iX 0 iY 0 iX TheBitmap.getWidth..
how to use free cloud database with android app? [closed] appengine You can create a free account and host a sophisticated web service. As long as your app doesn't generate really massive..
ViewPager with one page containing multiple Fragments “java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No view found for id” add the Fragment . Looks like you cannot do anything more sophisticated at that level or it will break. From my understanding if the..
Android - Tabs, MapView, activities within tabs seen HelloTabWidget I'm looking for something much more sophisticated than this. I'm worried that if we switch to the View based way..
Dynamically Generating Dalvik Bytecode into a running Dalvik/Android application to files and then run dx on those files. If you're quite sophisticated you could integrate all of this work into your build. Include..
Error starting an Android program files and messes up the system. There's probably a more sophisticated workaround but I am not an Eclipse user so I do not know what..
AsyncTask Android - Design Pattern and Return Values it really leads to trouble later when you want to do more sophisticated logic behind your http calls. Of course thats up to you. Hopefully..
How to design activity-service interaction for a simple mp3 player? stubbed out actual media usage. Here is a slightly more sophisticated example of this using a Notification and startForeground to..
How to Capture soft keyboard input in a View? view by default since no input connection capable of more sophisticated processing would have been defined. But unfortunately there..
how to make Multiplayer Game android handset acted as a Server I don't plan to make any sophisticated game yet. may be just multiplayer tic tac toe is alright for..
Altering the result of getRecentTasks one of them and they're lost since some of them aren't as sophisticated as your average smartphone owner. Programmatically you can retrieve..
REST and SOAP webservice in android policy reliable messaging etc. so services that have more sophisticated requirements are harder to develop roll your own Tied to the..
Performance and Usability comparison of Android JSON libraries [closed] Java data structure Jackson and Gson are by far the most sophisticated capable and feature rich options. Back in July 2011 I posted..
Best way to manage the ProgressDialog from AsyncTask return mProgressDialog default return null 2.The more sophisticated way override the onProgressUpdate ... method of AsyncTask inside..
When to clear the cache dir in Android? The routine for deleting files can also become more sophisticated such as deleting files by oldest access date. One thing to keep..
Creating irregular shaped ImageButton with different click states public boolean dispatchTouchEvent MotionEvent event int iX int event.getX int iY int event.getY TODO Or use a more sophisticated pixel value based condition if iX 0 iY 0 iX TheBitmap.getWidth iY TheBitmap.getHeight return false return super.dispatchTouchEvent..
how to use free cloud database with android app? [closed] Google App Engine has a DataStore https appengine You can create a free account and host a sophisticated web service. As long as your app doesn't generate really massive server transactions and data daily its free. SQL storage..
ViewPager with one page containing multiple Fragments “java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No view found for id” I should just use container.getId to find where to add the Fragment . Looks like you cannot do anything more sophisticated at that level or it will break. From my understanding if the fragments hold some information like I do that takes a long..
Android - Tabs, MapView, activities within tabs showing exactly how to do complex tasks with a TabHost I've seen HelloTabWidget I'm looking for something much more sophisticated than this. I'm worried that if we switch to the View based way of doing things we'll have to do a LOT of housekeeping to..
Dynamically Generating Dalvik Bytecode into a running Dalvik/Android application code generation there. Dump the .class files from memory to files and then run dx on those files. If you're quite sophisticated you could integrate all of this work into your build. Include the open source dx tool as a project library and execute it..
Error starting an Android program
AsyncTask Android - Design Pattern and Return Values
How to design activity-service interaction for a simple mp3 player? is a trivial little example of this for play and stop with stubbed out actual media usage. Here is a slightly more sophisticated example of this using a Notification and startForeground to ensure the player can keep playing. share improve this answer..
How to Capture soft keyboard input in a View? overrides entirely and raw events would then be sent to your view by default since no input connection capable of more sophisticated processing would have been defined. But unfortunately there does not seem to be a simple way to configure the EditorInfo..
how to make Multiplayer Game basic tutorial about how to make multiplayer game can an android handset acted as a Server I don't plan to make any sophisticated game yet. may be just multiplayer tic tac toe is alright for me. the most important is that I understand the basic of multiplayer..
Altering the result of getRecentTasks That brings up a list of recent tasks the user can tap any one of them and they're lost since some of them aren't as sophisticated as your average smartphone owner. Programmatically you can retrieve this list via getRecentTasks. My question is how I can..
REST and SOAP webservice in android more intermediaries Lack of standards support for security policy reliable messaging etc. so services that have more sophisticated requirements are harder to develop roll your own Tied to the HTTP transport model Example of REST Use apache http jar public..
Performance and Usability comparison of Android JSON libraries [closed] provide for easy basic binding between JSON and an arbitrary Java data structure Jackson and Gson are by far the most sophisticated capable and feature rich options. Back in July 2011 I posted a multi part series on my blog comparing using Gson versus..
Best way to manage the ProgressDialog from AsyncTask Loading... mProgressDialog.setCancelable false return mProgressDialog default return null 2.The more sophisticated way override the onProgressUpdate ... method of AsyncTask inside the Activity class public class FooTask2..
When to clear the cache dir in Android? cache directory so I don't check for potential sub directories. The routine for deleting files can also become more sophisticated such as deleting files by oldest access date. One thing to keep in mind when deciding to cache data is that you need to..