android Programming Glossary: sock.close
Client-Server: File transfer from Android to PC connected via socket 1 bos.write mybytearray 0 current bos.flush long end System.currentTimeMillis System.out.println end start bos.close sock.close Client side Android package com.arwa.file.send import import import os sock.getOutputStream System.out.println Sending... os.write mybytearray 0 mybytearray.length os.flush sock.close catch UnknownHostException e TODO Auto generated catch block e.printStackTrace catch IOException e TODO Auto generated..
How to prevent Android bluetooth RFCOMM connection from dying immediately after .connect()? catch IOException e Log.d ZeeTest Done test @Override public void onDestroy try if in null in.close if sock null sock.close catch IOException e e.printStackTrace super.onDestroy Original question I'm trying to connect to a Zeemote http ie Log.d ZeeTest Done test @Override public void onDestroy try if in null in.close if sock null sock.close catch IOException e e.printStackTrace super.onDestroy Log 04 19 22 27 01.147 DEBUG ZeeTest 8619 Connecting 04 19 22.. sock @Override public void onDestroy getApplicationContext .unregisterReceiver receiver if sock null try sock.close catch IOException e e.printStackTrace super.onDestroy Log 04 19 22 06 34.944 DEBUG ZeeTest 7986 Connecting 04 19 22..
How to connect a network printer over Android?