android Programming Glossary: soaprequest
Trying to build a correct SOAP Request The service endpoint which will be hit @param soapRequest The SOAP request @return The string representing the response.. public static String send String serviceEndpoint String soapRequest HttpPost httppost new HttpPost serviceEndpoint StringEntity.. StringEntity se null try se new StringEntity soapRequest HTTP.UTF_8 catch UnsupportedEncodingException e Log.e TAG send..
How to get the result of OnPostExecute() to main activity because AsyncTask is a separate class? Target Server. SOAP Request. String soapRequest sample XML request @Override protected String doInBackground.. charset utf 8 httpCon.addRequestProperty Content Length soapRequest.length httpCon.setRequestMethod HttpPost.METHOD_NAME sending.. writer new OutputStreamWriter outputStream writer.write soapRequest writer.flush writer.close getting the response from the server..
Android Ksoap2 Setting the namespace for nested (children) types AuthenticationService AuthenticationService.svc SoapObject soapRequest new SoapObject NAMESPACE METHOD_NAME SBPBegar begar new SBPBegar.. inloggbegar.getClass prop.setValue inloggbegar soapRequest.addProperty prop soapRequest.addProperty request inloggbegar.. prop.setValue inloggbegar soapRequest.addProperty prop soapRequest.addProperty request inloggbegar SoapSerializationEnvelope envelope..
Trying to build a correct SOAP Request a SOAP request to the specified service endpoint. @param serviceEndpoint The service endpoint which will be hit @param soapRequest The SOAP request @return The string representing the response for the specified SOAP request. public static String send.. representing the response for the specified SOAP request. public static String send String serviceEndpoint String soapRequest HttpPost httppost new HttpPost serviceEndpoint StringEntity se null try se new StringEntity soapRequest HTTP.UTF_8 catch.. String soapRequest HttpPost httppost new HttpPost serviceEndpoint StringEntity se null try se new StringEntity soapRequest HTTP.UTF_8 catch UnsupportedEncodingException e Log.e TAG send e return null se.setContentType text xml httppost.setHeader..
How to get the result of OnPostExecute() to main activity because AsyncTask is a separate class? SOAPAction header line. String targetServer https Target Server. SOAP Request. String soapRequest sample XML request @Override protected String doInBackground String... string String responseStorage null storage of the.. soapAction httpCon.addRequestProperty Content Type text xml charset utf 8 httpCon.addRequestProperty Content Length soapRequest.length httpCon.setRequestMethod HttpPost.METHOD_NAME sending request to the server. OutputStream outputStream httpCon.getOutputStream.. OutputStream outputStream httpCon.getOutputStream Writer writer new OutputStreamWriter outputStream writer.write soapRequest writer.flush writer.close getting the response from the server InputStream inputStream httpCon.getInputStream BufferedReader..
Android Ksoap2 Setting the namespace for nested (children) types String URL http exshaerpm.argentum.local EliasTest AuthenticationService AuthenticationService.svc SoapObject soapRequest new SoapObject NAMESPACE METHOD_NAME SBPBegar begar new SBPBegar begar.setKommun Skellefteå kommun SBPInloggning inloggning.. http sambruk nyttomeddelanden prop.setType inloggbegar.getClass prop.setValue inloggbegar soapRequest.addProperty prop soapRequest.addProperty request inloggbegar SoapSerializationEnvelope envelope new SoapSerializationEnvelope.. sambruk nyttomeddelanden prop.setType inloggbegar.getClass prop.setValue inloggbegar soapRequest.addProperty prop soapRequest.addProperty request inloggbegar SoapSerializationEnvelope envelope new SoapSerializationEnvelope SoapEnvelope.VER11 envelope.dotNet..