android Programming Glossary: sockets
Send message from a basic server to a specific client I need at most 5 clients and no more. java android sockets serversocket share improve this question Yes it is possible...
Listen to a shoutcast with Android be possible. First I tried to connect to the shoutcast via sockets TCP and UDP failed. I couldn't even receive one byte from the.. short code snippet if available. Rgds Layne java android sockets stream radio share improve this question You can try these..
Best way to implement Client <-> Server <-> Database architecture in an Android application? database. Do I connect to a Java server program using sockets or some other method of communication Or could I implement a.. high latency. Do I connect to a Java server program using sockets or some other method of communication It doesn't have to be..
Raw Sockets on Android in the or the libraries. Are raw sockets possible on Android android sockets share improve this question.. libraries. Are raw sockets possible on Android android sockets share improve this question Correct raw sockets are not.. sockets share improve this question Correct raw sockets are not supported in any Java or Android libraries in part because..
How to create named pipe (mkfifo) in Android? to consider using Linux's abstract namespace UNIX domain sockets. They should be roughly equivalent to a named pipe. You can..
Save cache when rotate device bundle or from saved preferences. I believe even open sockets running threads and other objects can be preserved across configuration..
Tablet(iPad/Android)-Server Communication Protocol heterogeneous devices ipad android linux windows . Using sockets in java is easy I am making it very short here server side ServerSocket.. method you may want to implement In order to link the two sockets client has to know the server IP address if you are running..
Using client/server certificates for two way authentication SSL socket on Android found talks about using an http client rather than raw SSL sockets. I need SSL sockets for this application. Below is the code.. an http client rather than raw SSL sockets. I need SSL sockets for this application. Below is the code in my to hear from anyone with any experience doing SSL sockets on the Android platform. import import..
iptables in android NOT issue this command since it detaches other programs sockets from AF_INET too printf unbinding from AF_INET n nfq_unbind_pf..
How to send file using bluetooth on android programatically? used it before. So any help would be benficial. android sockets bluetooth obex share improve this question Try this. I can..
How to write an Android SocketServer to listen on wifi the wifi connection to pass to the SocketServer android sockets wifi share improve this question When you create a ServerSocket..
how to make Multiplayer Game in C C but you can translate it to Java. Learn about UDP sockets in Java for example http javase tutorial..
How Can I Access an SSL Connection Through Android? to make sure this connection can happen java android sockets ssl ssl certificate share improve this question 1 It depends...
Communication between two apps using emulator as server and client a client and I want to communicate between them android sockets android emulator share improve this question For 2 apps..
Android - how do I investigate an ANR? and long running operations. Examples may include using sockets locks thread sleeps and other blocking operations from within..
Android P2P (direct-connection) over the Internet (behind NAT) options. I thought of making direct connections using Sockets between the clients with the webserver just being used as an..
What's Android ADB shell 'dumpsys' tool and it's benefits? Local Binders 2 Proxy Binders 8 Death Recipients 0 OpenSSL Sockets 0 SQL heap 0 MEMORY_USED 0 PAGECACHE_OVERFLOW 0 MALLOC_SIZE..
Creating Web Service for Android Application actions possible with the Web Service or will you use Java Sockets In case you prefer the Web Service what would you use REST SOAP...
How to discover memory usage of my application in Android Binders 141 Proxy Binders 158 Death Recipients 49 OpenSSL Sockets 0 SQL heap 205 dbFiles 0 numPagers 0 inactivePageKB 0 activePageKB..
Raw Sockets on Android Sockets on Android I want to create an application that runs on Android.. to create an application that runs on Android and uses Raw Sockets. I see there isn't any raw socket support in the or..
Tablet(iPad/Android)-Server Communication Protocol service see the IETF website for a list of standard ones . Sockets on the other hand provide you merely a communication channel..
url connection returning negative value to use a try finally to ensure that URLConnections Sockets Streams and so on that tie down external resources are ALWAYS..
TCP-based RPC server (Erlang or something similar?) for iOS/Android app communication worked on a project in which we were using raw TCP Sockets with our Erlang Servers and Mobile Devices. However depending..
Android memory leak? Binders 55 Proxy Binders 13 Death Recipients 1 OpenSSL Sockets 0 SQL heap 129 MEMORY_USED 129 PAGECACHE_OVERFLOW 9 MALLOC_SIZE..
Send message from a basic server to a specific client I dont know how to limit the number of clients that can connect. I need at most 5 clients and no more. java android sockets serversocket share improve this question Yes it is possible. You need to maintain a separate connection to each client...
Listen to a shoutcast with Android I failed horrible. Since StreamFurious can do it it must be possible. First I tried to connect to the shoutcast via sockets TCP and UDP failed. I couldn't even receive one byte from the server. I'm at the verge of tears. I don't even have a clue.. someone can point me to the right direction and give me a short code snippet if available. Rgds Layne java android sockets stream radio share improve this question You can try these resources http questions 1932620 shoutcast..
Best way to implement Client <-> Server <-> Database architecture in an Android application? MySQL database and retrieves some data from a remote MySQL database. Do I connect to a Java server program using sockets or some other method of communication Or could I implement a direct connection to the MySQL database from the client application.. and are not designed for flaky intermittent connections or high latency. Do I connect to a Java server program using sockets or some other method of communication It doesn't have to be Java. It just has to be something designed for use over the..
Raw Sockets on Android and uses Raw Sockets. I see there isn't any raw socket support in the or the libraries. Are raw sockets possible on Android android sockets share improve this question Correct raw sockets are not supported in any Java or.. any raw socket support in the or the libraries. Are raw sockets possible on Android android sockets share improve this question Correct raw sockets are not supported in any Java or Android libraries in part because I.. libraries. Are raw sockets possible on Android android sockets share improve this question Correct raw sockets are not supported in any Java or Android libraries in part because I quote from here it is believed that such a package..
How to create named pipe (mkfifo) in Android? FAT32 doesn't support that. As an alternative you may want to consider using Linux's abstract namespace UNIX domain sockets. They should be roughly equivalent to a named pipe. You can access them by name but they're not part of the filesystem so..
Save cache when rotate device
Tablet(iPad/Android)-Server Communication Protocol are language independent and you can send messages between heterogeneous devices ipad android linux windows . Using sockets in java is easy I am making it very short here server side ServerSocket ss new ServerSocket port Socket s ss.accept InputStream.. SMTP and encode decode binaries using base64 or some other method you may want to implement In order to link the two sockets client has to know the server IP address if you are running DHCP on your WIFi network then you also need to implement a..
Using client/server certificates for two way authentication SSL socket on Android found resembles what I'm trying to do at all. Everything I found talks about using an http client rather than raw SSL sockets. I need SSL sockets for this application. Below is the code in my file. It reads the keystore and truststore.. I'm trying to do at all. Everything I found talks about using an http client rather than raw SSL sockets. I need SSL sockets for this application. Below is the code in my file. It reads the keystore and truststore creates an SSL socket.. in by calling a method in a different class. I'm very interested to hear from anyone with any experience doing SSL sockets on the Android platform. import import import import
iptables in android qh #ifdef INSANE normally applications SHOULD NOT issue this command since it detaches other programs sockets from AF_INET too printf unbinding from AF_INET n nfq_unbind_pf h AF_INET #endif printf closing library handle n nfq_close..
How to send file using bluetooth on android programatically? be on the computer. Do I need to look at obex. I haven't used it before. So any help would be benficial. android sockets bluetooth obex share improve this question Try this. I can send a file using this code. ContentValues values new ContentValues..
How to write an Android SocketServer to listen on wifi get a connection over wifi How can I get the InetAddress of the wifi connection to pass to the SocketServer android sockets wifi share improve this question When you create a ServerSocket you listen to a port on the localhost Its up to you..
how to make Multiplayer Game networking for game programmers It's mostly in C C but you can translate it to Java. Learn about UDP sockets in Java for example http javase tutorial networking datagrams index.html This should be enough to get..
How Can I Access an SSL Connection Through Android? What settings or files do I need to modify on my Android device to make sure this connection can happen java android sockets ssl ssl certificate share improve this question 1 It depends. Do you have a self signed cert on the server side and..
Communication between two apps using emulator as server and client phone` 2 I want one work as server and the other to work as a client and I want to communicate between them android sockets android emulator share improve this question For 2 apps on the same virtual or real device to work together besides..
Android - how do I investigate an ANR? delay. First go over your code and look for vunerable spots and long running operations. Examples may include using sockets locks thread sleeps and other blocking operations from within the event thread. You should make sure these all happen in..
Android P2P (direct-connection) over the Internet (behind NAT) of failure extra load the webserver . So I'd like to try other options. I thought of making direct connections using Sockets between the clients with the webserver just being used as an initial meeting point however this would only work well if..
What's Android ADB shell 'dumpsys' tool and it's benefits? 0 AppContexts 0 Activities 0 Assets 3 AssetManagers 3 Local Binders 2 Proxy Binders 8 Death Recipients 0 OpenSSL Sockets 0 SQL heap 0 MEMORY_USED 0 PAGECACHE_OVERFLOW 0 MALLOC_SIZE 0 If you want see the info for all processes use ~ adb shell..
Creating Web Service for Android Application these files into Byte or just send the XML Are these actions possible with the Web Service or will you use Java Sockets In case you prefer the Web Service what would you use REST SOAP. I would appreciate some links to tutorials and piece of..
How to discover memory usage of my application in Android 4 AppContexts 13 Activities 0 Assets 4 AssetManagers 4 Local Binders 141 Proxy Binders 158 Death Recipients 49 OpenSSL Sockets 0 SQL heap 205 dbFiles 0 numPagers 0 inactivePageKB 0 activePageKB 0 The top section is the main one where size is the total..
Raw Sockets on Android Sockets on Android I want to create an application that runs on Android and uses Raw Sockets. I see there isn't any raw socket.. Sockets on Android I want to create an application that runs on Android and uses Raw Sockets. I see there isn't any raw socket support in the or the libraries. Are raw sockets possible on Android..
Tablet(iPad/Android)-Server Communication Protocol exchange i.e. a set of rules you use to request provide a service see the IETF website for a list of standard ones . Sockets on the other hand provide you merely a communication channel to bring bytes from one side to another and on top of which..
url connection returning negative value
TCP-based RPC server (Erlang or something similar?) for iOS/Android app communication library and XML will need a parser Erlsom . I have personally worked on a project in which we were using raw TCP Sockets with our Erlang Servers and Mobile Devices. However depending on the Port numbers you choose Routers along the way would..
Android memory leak? 0 AppContexts 0 Activities 0 Assets 2 AssetManagers 2 Local Binders 55 Proxy Binders 13 Death Recipients 1 OpenSSL Sockets 0 SQL heap 129 MEMORY_USED 129 PAGECACHE_OVERFLOW 9 MALLOC_SIZE 50 DATABASES pgsz dbsz Lookaside b Dbname 1 14 10 webview.db..