android Programming Glossary: sock
Client-Server: File transfer from Android to PC connected via socket Server File transfer from Android to PC connected via socket I'm trying to send a picture I choose from the gallery on.. int bytesRead int current 0 create socket ServerSocket servsock new ServerSocket 1149 while true System.out.println.. int bytesRead int current 0 create socket ServerSocket servsock new ServerSocket 1149 while true System.out.println Waiting.....
Bluetooth RFCOMM / SDP connection to a RS232 adapter in android of using listenUsingRfcommWithServiceRecord to set up a socket and createRfcommSocketToServiceRecord to connect to that socket... and createRfcommSocketToServiceRecord to connect to that socket. I'm trying to connect to an embedded device with a BlueSMiRF.. library which I'd like to port to Android is as follows sock bluetooth.BluetoothSocket proto bluetooth.RFCOMM sock.connect..
How to prevent Android bluetooth RFCOMM connection from dying immediately after .connect()? private boolean connected false private BluetoothSocket sock private InputStream in public void test throws Exception if.. .getMethod createRfcommSocket new Class int.class sock BluetoothSocket m.invoke zee Integer.valueOf 1 Log.d ZeeTest.. m.invoke zee Integer.valueOf 1 Log.d ZeeTest Connecting sock.connect Log.d ZeeTest Connected in sock.getInputStream byte..
Android Bluetooth - Can't connect out .getMethod createRfcommSocket new Class int.class sock BluetoothSocket m.invoke device Integer.valueOf 1 method instead..
Apache HttpClient on Android producing CertPathValidatorException (IssuerName != SubjectName) public Socket connectSocket Socket sock String host int port InetAddress localAddress int localPort.. remoteAddress new InetSocketAddress host port SSLSocket sslsock SSLSocket sock null sock createSocket if localAddress null localPort.. InetSocketAddress host port SSLSocket sslsock SSLSocket sock null sock createSocket if localAddress null localPort 0 we..
Android Web Service Implememnation to the Server at Port 12345 SocketChannel sock new InetSocketAddress 12345 send.. user credentials to server String data username password sock.write ByteBuffer.wrap data.getBytes await response from server..
Checking Host Reachability/Availability in Android is how I did it boolean exists false try SocketAddress sockaddr new InetSocketAddress ip port Create an unbound socket Socket.. sockaddr new InetSocketAddress ip port Create an unbound socket Socket sock new Socket This method will block no more than.. InetSocketAddress ip port Create an unbound socket Socket sock new Socket This method will block no more than timeoutMs. If..
Client-Server: File transfer from Android to PC connected via socket Server File transfer from Android to PC connected via socket I'm trying to send a picture I choose from the gallery on my phone and send that picture from the phone to my PC when.. filesize 6022386 filesize temporary hardcoded long start System.currentTimeMillis int bytesRead int current 0 create socket ServerSocket servsock new ServerSocket 1149 while true System.out.println Waiting... Socket sock servsock.accept System.out.println.. temporary hardcoded long start System.currentTimeMillis int bytesRead int current 0 create socket ServerSocket servsock new ServerSocket 1149 while true System.out.println Waiting... Socket sock servsock.accept System.out.println Accepted connection..
Bluetooth RFCOMM / SDP connection to a RS232 adapter in android another phone in Android The Android API provides examples of using listenUsingRfcommWithServiceRecord to set up a socket and createRfcommSocketToServiceRecord to connect to that socket. I'm trying to connect to an embedded device with a BlueSMiRF.. using listenUsingRfcommWithServiceRecord to set up a socket and createRfcommSocketToServiceRecord to connect to that socket. I'm trying to connect to an embedded device with a BlueSMiRF Gold chip. My working Python code using the PyBluez library.. BlueSMiRF Gold chip. My working Python code using the PyBluez library which I'd like to port to Android is as follows sock bluetooth.BluetoothSocket proto bluetooth.RFCOMM sock.connect device_addr 1 return sock.makefile the service to connect..
How to prevent Android bluetooth RFCOMM connection from dying immediately after .connect()? for int i 0 i 3 i test catch Exception e e.printStackTrace private boolean connected false private BluetoothSocket sock private InputStream in public void test throws Exception if connected return BluetoothDevice zee BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter.. . getRemoteDevice 00 1C 4D 02 A6 55 Method m zee.getClass .getMethod createRfcommSocket new Class int.class sock BluetoothSocket m.invoke zee Integer.valueOf 1 Log.d ZeeTest Connecting sock.connect Log.d ZeeTest Connected in sock.getInputStream.. createRfcommSocket new Class int.class sock BluetoothSocket m.invoke zee Integer.valueOf 1 Log.d ZeeTest Connecting sock.connect Log.d ZeeTest Connected in sock.getInputStream byte buffer new byte 50 int read 0 Log.d ZeeTest Listening... try..
Android Bluetooth - Can't connect out and I have also tried using the Method m device.getClass .getMethod createRfcommSocket new Class int.class sock BluetoothSocket m.invoke device Integer.valueOf 1 method instead of device.createRfcommSocketToServiceRecord UUID as well..
Apache HttpClient on Android producing CertPathValidatorException (IssuerName != SubjectName) java.lang.String int int org.apache.http.params.HttpParams public Socket connectSocket Socket sock String host int port InetAddress localAddress int localPort HttpParams params throws IOException UnknownHostException.. HttpConnectionParams.getSoTimeout params InetSocketAddress remoteAddress new InetSocketAddress host port SSLSocket sslsock SSLSocket sock null sock createSocket if localAddress null localPort 0 we need to bind explicitly if localPort 0 localPort.. params InetSocketAddress remoteAddress new InetSocketAddress host port SSLSocket sslsock SSLSocket sock null sock createSocket if localAddress null localPort 0 we need to bind explicitly if localPort 0 localPort 0 indicates..
Android Web Service Implememnation String username foo String password bar Open Socket connection to the Server at Port 12345 SocketChannel sock new InetSocketAddress 12345 send user credentials to server String data username password.. new InetSocketAddress 12345 send user credentials to server String data username password sock.write ByteBuffer.wrap data.getBytes await response from server ByteBuffer result ByteBuffer.allocate 8 8 byte large container..
Checking Host Reachability/Availability in Android share improve this question It's not pretty but this is how I did it boolean exists false try SocketAddress sockaddr new InetSocketAddress ip port Create an unbound socket Socket sock new Socket This method will block no more than timeoutMs... this is how I did it boolean exists false try SocketAddress sockaddr new InetSocketAddress ip port Create an unbound socket Socket sock new Socket This method will block no more than timeoutMs. If the timeout occurs SocketTimeoutException is.. I did it boolean exists false try SocketAddress sockaddr new InetSocketAddress ip port Create an unbound socket Socket sock new Socket This method will block no more than timeoutMs. If the timeout occurs SocketTimeoutException is thrown. int timeoutMs..